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Fellow Republicans rebuke Trump over government shutdown threat


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Fellow Republicans rebuke Trump over government shutdown threat

By Chuck Mikolajczak and David Morgan



U.S. President Donald Trump arrives at a campaign rally in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S., August 22, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts


NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump's fellow Republicans rebuked the president on Wednesday after his threat to shut down the U.S. government over funding for a border wall rattled markets and cast a shadow over congressional efforts to raise the country's debt ceiling and pass spending bills.


Congress will have about 12 working days when it returns on Sept. 5 from its summer break to approve spending measures to keep the government from shutting down, and a deadline also is closing in for raising the cap on the amount the federal government may borrow.


With those deadlines looming in late September and early October, Trump raised the prospect in a speech on Tuesday evening of a shutdown if Congress does not agree to fund his long-promised wall along the border with Mexico.


U.S. stocks and the dollar weakened and investors pivoted to the safety of U.S. Treasury securities on Wednesday. The S&P 500 Index <.SPX> was about 0.3 percent lower in afternoon trading. The Dow Jones Industrial Average <.DJI> was down by 0.3 percent and the Nasdaq Composite Index <.IXIC> slid 0.2 percent. The dollar weakened against both the euro and yen.


Trump made building a border wall to deter illegal immigration a central part of his 2016 election campaign but the issue of funding it has not gained traction as lawmakers, including many Republicans, question whether it is necessary.


The top Republican in Congress, House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, said on Wednesday that a wall was necessary but the government did not have to choose between border security and a government shutdown.


"I don't think anyone's interested in having a shutdown," he told reporters in Hillsboro, Oregon, where visited an Intel factory. "I don't think it's in our interest to do so."


Representative Tom Cole of Oklahoma, a Republican who chairs a House Appropriations subcommittee, said shutting down the government was very "unwise" and such a move could backfire on the party that controls power in Washington.


“When you control the presidency, the Senate and the House, you’re shutting down the government that you’re running. I don’t think it’s smart politically and I don’t think it would succeed practically,” he told Reuters in an interview.


Republicans have been trying for months to make a deal on funding the government. Congress regularly faces this problem and usually ends up passing a temporary bill extending funding levels unchanged for a few weeks or months. Sometimes that sort of agreement cannot be reached, often because of an uncompromising stand taken on a narrow issue, and the federal government shuts down for a few days.


Ryan suggested there would be a need for a short-term measure, or continuing resolution, saying the Senate would probably move slower than the House on passing a spending bill.


This would push the budget battle to later in the year and could in turn delay congressional efforts to approve tax reform, another signature campaign issue of Trump's.


The friction over wall funding is just the latest brush between Trump and congressional Republicans. He has castigated some leading Republicans, notably Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and has been publicly infuriated by the fact no significant legislation has been passed since he took office in January.




The White House stressed on Wednesday that Trump planned to work with Congress to get funding for the wall. "The president ran on it, won on it and plans to build it," said White House spokeswoman Natalie Strom.


Trump's insistence did garner some support.


Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, a founding member of the conservative Freedom Caucus, told Reuters he strongly backed the president's call for wall funding and said any government shutdown would be due to Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer and other Democrats.


While campaigning, Trump said Mexico should pay for the wall, but Mexico has always resisted this and since taking office Trump has said that the United States will fund it initially and be repaid by Mexico.


Critics said Trump's shutdown threat undermined confidence in the United States.


"Trump saying he would be willing to shut down the government over the wall obviously doesn’t really inspire much confidence in anyone," said Michael O'Rourke, chief market strategist at JonesTrading in Greenwich, Connecticut.


He said even if this was just a negotiating tactic, most people in the United States and in financial markets did not think wall funding was an issue worth shutting the government down over.


Representative Adam Kinzinger, a Republican member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said the threat was "dangerous for the confidence of the markets and it's dangerous for our role in the world as we're talking to nations like Afghanistan to say, 'Here's how you govern yourself.'"


The House passed a spending bill late last month that included funding for the wall. The Republicans' slim majority means Democrats are needed to pass most legislation and they have opposed including border wall funding in any fiscal 2018 spending bill.




Related to the budget is the debt limit. Congress periodically raises it to allow more borrowing by the U.S. government but politicians sometimes take advantage of the need for this to insist on changes in federal spending or other priorities.


The Treasury Department, already using "extraordinary measures" to remain current on the federal government's obligations, has said the debt limit will need to be raised by Sept. 29.


The Trump administration has asked Congress to extend the debt limit with a "clean" bill that excludes any other provisions, something that Republicans who seek conditions to rein in spending may well balk at.


Credit ratings agency Fitch said on Wednesday that if the debt limit is not raised in a timely manner, it would review the U.S. sovereign debt rating, "with potentially negative implications." The rating is its measure of confidence in the soundness of the U.S. economy.


U.S. stocks, which were boosted by Trump's election in November and his promises of a business-friendly agenda that includes tax cuts, have stumbled in recent weeks as a result of turmoil in Washington, with the Trump administration repeatedly distracted by controversies and tensions with North Korea.


The most recent U.S. government shutdown was from Oct. 1-16, 2013, when hundreds of thousands of non-essential federal workers were furloughed in a dispute over funding for Obama's healthcare law.


(Reporting by Chuck Mikolajczak in New York and David Morgan in Washington; Additional reporting by Karen Brettell, Dion Rabouin, Sinead Carew, Sam Forgione and Richard Leong in New York, Doina Chiacu, Tim Ahmann, David Morgan, Susan Cornwell, Kevin Drawbaugh, Amanda Becker and Steve Holland in Washington; Writing by Dan Burns and Frances Kerry; Editing by Bill Trott)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-08-24
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39 minutes ago, webfact said:

Fellow Republicans rebuke Trump over government shutdown threat


A rebuke is not enough for that cloud of toxic waste masquerading as a person/president.


For the sake of the planet, he needs to be removed from office.


God help us all.

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We will build a big beautiful wall.


And Mexico will pay for it. Believe me. Believe me.


The wall just got 10 feet higher


err, well, the American taxpayers are gonna have to pay for my pipe dream, but Mexico will pay us back. Believe me.


uh, well, actually, the wall is "the least important thing".


Will ya settle for a bit of fence?


Jeez, none of that BS worked.


Plan D.


I'm just gonna throw the entire American populace into chaos and close down our government if I don't get my way.


What do ya think?


2 hours ago, webfact said:

U.S. stocks and the dollar weakened and investors pivoted to the safety of U.S. Treasury securities on Wednesday. The S&P 500 Index <.SPX> was about 0.3 percent lower in afternoon trading. The Dow Jones Industrial Average <.DJI> was down by 0.3 percent and the Nasdaq Composite Index <.IXIC> slid 0.2 percent. The dollar weakened against both the euro and yen.


An absolute raving LUNATIC.

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Quoting from the OP--


"U.S. stocks and the dollar weakened and investors pivoted to the safety of U.S. Treasury securities on Wednesday. The S&P 500 Index <.SPX> was about 0.3 percent lower in afternoon trading. The Dow Jones Industrial Average <.DJI> was down by 0.3 percent and the Nasdaq Composite Index <.IXIC> slid 0.2 percent. The dollar weakened against both the euro and yen."


And, how many people voted for him because he was perceived as a great "businessman"? 


Politics is about the great art of compromise.  It's not like running a casino/hotel.

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Just dump him and get Pence in there. So women will have to wear skirts below the knees and we will all have to bring a chaperon on dates for 3 years....we can live with that.


Trump makes the thought of a Dick Cheney candidacy attractive.

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I'm not a Trump fan, but I'm even less of a fan of raising the debt ceiling and borrowing more. Do you realize that each member of congress averages a staff of 125 people? Sorry, cut your staff to 10 and do your own work (work meaning positive things not just your reelection.)

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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28 minutes ago, inactiveposter said:

I'm not a Trump fan, but I'm even less of a fan of raising the debt ceiling and borrowing more. Do you realize that each member of congress averages a staff of 125 people? Sorry, cut your staff to 10 and do your own work (work meaning positive things not just your reelection.)

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Each member of congress averages a staff of 125 people? So there are approximately 70,000 congressional staff members?  Can you provide a source for that? Seems massively, massively fake to me.

And since Trump threatens to hold the deficit ceiling hostage unless money is allocated to building a wall, his ultimatum is about getting  is way to spend more, not less. Exactly the opposite of what you say you want.

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Each member of congress averages a staff of 125 people? So there are approximately 70,000 congressional staff members?  Can you provide a source for that? Seems massively, massively fake to me.
And since Trump threatens to hold the deficit ceiling hostage unless money is allocated to building a wall, his ultimatum is about getting  is way to spend more, not less. Exactly the opposite of what you say you want.

Google it - that's where I got it.

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3 hours ago, iReason said:


We will build a big beautiful wall.


And Mexico will pay for it. Believe me. Believe me.


The wall just got 10 feet higher


err, well, the American taxpayers are gonna have to pay for my pipe dream, but Mexico will pay us back. Believe me.


uh, well, actually, the wall is "the least important thing".


Will ya settle for a bit of fence?


Jeez, none of that BS worked.


Plan D.


I'm just gonna throw the entire American populace into chaos and close down our government if I don't get my way.


What do ya think?



An absolute raving LUNATIC.

Shutting down this useless government would be the best thing he could do. Might even save $$$. They sit on their fat posteriors and pretend to "work".

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53 minutes ago, howbri said:

Shutting down this useless government would be the best thing he could do. Might even save $$$. They sit on their fat posteriors and pretend to "work".

So the government Trump and his party are completely in charge of is useless?


Finally! Something we can all agree on!

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I think he should forget the wall. Be nice to the illegal immigrants.let them register and stay. If they have children let them stay too.

  BUT if they or their children have children the born in America children must go back to the home country.Make it that illegal refuges will be treated very good but well in America cannot have children.If they have children then they must decide go back home with the babies and I mean babies 1 month old or stay in America . Do not allow  children of illegals born in America have access to America in any way.If caught in America immediate deportation with in 24 hours no excuses or questions ask.The children born in America are barred for life.But the parents as illegals can stay.Then see how family orientated they are or if they are selfish and send their kids back home alone.

   The good part about this after one generation that family is basically out of America. 

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2 hours ago, inactiveposter said:

Google it - that's where I got it.

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2 hours ago, inactiveposter said:

Here's the page -disgusting! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_staff

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

Nothing on that page that supports your assertion of 125 staff members per congressperson. Not even close.

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1 minute ago, Srikcir said:

Let's compromise (make a deal) on the government shutdown.

The House and Senate continue working and Trump shuts down for a month. Win-Win

I think as far as actually doing any constructive work, I would say Trump has already shut down long since. So maybe it should be rephrased to Congress continues working and Trump shuts up.

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Shutting down the Government would cost billions of dollars in lost productivity as well as a shock to the stock market and dollar. As much as I find congress useless and the government agencies a drain on the public- a government shut down is not the answer.  the Congress must raise the debt limit and at least pass a continuing resolution to fund the government. The fight can later be over a complete new budget.


Donald Trump is an incompetent and a fool to even consider spending $30Billion on a border wall that will not stop illegals at all. This money could better be spent providing universal healthcare to the American people who often go bankrupt or die from a lack of healthcare. In addition, America needs a real Immigration policy that legitimizes Mexican and Immigrant labor which is badly needed to keep America agriculture moving; processing plans open and infrastructure construction being built. Americans will not do any of these jobs as they are low pay and hard work.


Te more Trump opens his mouth about the American economy or American culture the more he lets everyone know that he is completely ignorant and a very selfish man. He will never make America great again as he proposes because he hasn't the slightest idea what greatness is.  I am hopeful once the Russia investigation closes in on him- he will resign or he will either be removed by utilizing the 25th Amendment or Impeachment.

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Like Republicans who get gov't hand-outs, .....they talk about cutting funds for everyone else, ....but not their cherished projects.   When (not if) the Federal gov't shuts down, thousands of people will be laid off, but here are some people who will retain their jobs.....


>>>  white house staff, hedge trimmers, flower arrangers, ice cream makers (for Trump Sr's double scoops), door knob polishers (I'm sure Trump changed all the door/window hardware to gold-plated)

>>>   The hundreds of high-paid people who work to make cushy rides to/from WH to Trump's golf resorts

>>>   Secret service for Trump's 81 extended-family members, including always staying at 5-star hotels.


Trump and I both want to cut government spending.  The difference is:  I would cut it in sensible ways, including military waste.  Trump Sr would cut it in all the wrong ways, and increase military spending far beyond what the military brass want.

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3 hours ago, Thaidream said:

 I am hopeful once the Russia investigation closes in on him- he will resign or he will either be removed by utilizing the 25th Amendment or Impeachment.

I am also hopeful... if he resigns though would that mean Pence? If impeachment what happens? Seriously scary times

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Quoting from the OP--


"U.S. stocks and the dollar weakened and investors pivoted to the safety of U.S. Treasury securities on Wednesday. The S&P 500 Index <.spx> was about 0.3 percent lower in afternoon trading. The Dow Jones Industrial Average <.dji> was down by 0.3 percent and the Nasdaq Composite Index <.ixic> slid 0.2 percent. The dollar weakened against both the euro and yen."


And, how many people voted for him because he was perceived as a great "businessman"? 


Politics is about the great art of compromise.  It's not like running a casino/hotel.


Running a casino/hotel????


"Over the course of 18 years, Trump's companies went into reorganization six times — five times in New Jersey, where he had his casino holdings, and once in New York:


Trump Taj Mahal Associates, Atlantic City casino — 1991

Trump Castle Hotel & Casino, Atlantic City casino — 1992

Trump Plaza Associates, Atlantic City casino — 1992

Plaza Operating Partners, Manhattan hotel — 1992

Trump Casino Holdings, Atlantic City casinos — 2004

Trump Entertainment Resorts, Atlantic City casinos — 2009


"It would be six separate bankruptcies," said bankruptcy lawyer Ted Connolly, author of "The Road Out of Debt: Bankruptcy and Other Solution to Your Financial Problems."




This is why he borrows Russian laundered money. No one else would touch the orange ass-hatchling.




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2 hours ago, RobFord said:


Running a casino/hotel????


"Over the course of 18 years, Trump's companies went into reorganization six times — five times in New Jersey, where he had his casino holdings, and once in New York:


Trump Taj Mahal Associates, Atlantic City casino — 1991

Trump Castle Hotel & Casino, Atlantic City casino — 1992

Trump Plaza Associates, Atlantic City casino — 1992

Plaza Operating Partners, Manhattan hotel — 1992

Trump Casino Holdings, Atlantic City casinos — 2004

Trump Entertainment Resorts, Atlantic City casinos — 2009


"It would be six separate bankruptcies," said bankruptcy lawyer Ted Connolly, author of "The Road Out of Debt: Bankruptcy and Other Solution to Your Financial Problems."




This is why he borrows Russian laundered money. No one else would touch the orange ass-hatchling.




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I think a lot of it wasn't borrowed. He was just laundering it by having dubious Russians overpay for property.

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10 hours ago, tonray said:

Just dump him and get Pence in there. So women will have to wear skirts below the knees and we will all have to bring a chaperon on dates for 3 years....we can live with that.


Trump makes the thought of a Dick Cheney candidacy attractive.

Well if you choose your chaperone carefully you can end up with a threesome!

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13 minutes ago, oldgent said:

would H Clinton have made a good President. 

What about... would...


The tired, hackneyed, ancient last resort of the Trumpeteer acolytes:

But, but, but, Hillary...


Are you one of them?


Apply as "needed":

"Whataboutism is a propaganda technique formerly used by the Soviet Union in its dealings with the Western world,

and subsequently used as a form of propaganda in post-Soviet Russia."

"When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union,

the Soviet response would be "What about..." followed by an event in the Western world."



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