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Yingluck ‘may seek UK asylum


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4 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

halloween, let's have some proof that she bribed her way out then  ? Or is in typical Junta fashion only the other side required to provide evidence ?


Logic tells us, someone (or actually quite a few people) had to turn a blind eye. Either way, if we believe Prawit, it will make the Junta look utterly incompetent. If he lies, it will make the Junta look bad for lying. Either way, the saving face seems to be applicable to Yingluck not the Junta. 

ESL right? Get someone who speaks the language to explain to you what " I tend to the supposition " means.


While you're at it they could explain your error with " Theoretical situation in my book means endorsement for the alternative.. "

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7 minutes ago, halloween said:

You deny any incompetence or negligence in a case involving B500 billion with ample evidence of both, and now claim the same in an unknown scenario? Do you realise your own hypocrisy?

I have just left the forum Halloween, it is not worth the discussion.    If these few want to tackle the military--let them

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1 hour ago, halloween said:

Well, as long as they didn't mind potshots and grenades being lobbed there way by loyal red shirts. Or don't you recall last weeks jailing of the killers of the 2 children?

How about addressing the point I made instead of your usual boring deflections?

I know - too much to ask for.

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2 minutes ago, halloween said:

ESL right? Get someone who speaks the language to explain to you what " I tend to the supposition " means.


While you're at it they could explain your error with " Theoretical situation in my book means endorsement for the alternative.. "

Well unless I speak Spanish, I think what I meant is perfectly clear. A theoretical situation to me indicates you seem to believe it not be practical. Now what is it, did she bribe her way out, or did the people in charge turn a blind eye, what do you think happened ?

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1 minute ago, sjaak327 said:

Well unless I speak Spanish, I think what I meant is perfectly clear. A theoretical situation to me indicates you seem to believe it not be practical. Now what is it, did she bribe her way out, or did the people in charge turn a blind eye, what do you think happened ?

Yawn sums up what is happening here.   Anyone wanting a fight with the military on TVF   then your on your own.  

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3 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Please read, I have already said ANYONE---for gods sake,  I'm out of here --no point in feeding words to be ignored or twisted.

No twisting of words at all. Perfectly plain, simple questions.

So you do agree that the junta police overseer should be arrested for criminal negligence. Then call for it as loudly as you would call for opponents of the junta to face arrest.

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50 minutes ago, halloween said:

Many years ago everybody believed the earth was flat. Most of the people alive today believe in god(s). That doesn't make either supposition true.

And years ago many people believed that the present junta might be different. Most people alive today now know this is utter BS (except for a few "confused" individuals).

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2 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Yawn sums up what is happening here.   Anyone wanting a fight with the military on TVF   then your on your own.  

No-one want a figth with the military of course, they have humvees and big guns. We are merely discussing how they lost Yingluck...

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4 minutes ago, baboon said:

No twisting of words at all. Perfectly plain, simple questions.

So you do agree that the junta police overseer should be arrested for criminal negligence. Then call for it as loudly as you would call for opponents of the junta to face arrest.

No-one will go to jail over this. Unless the big dogs are shamefull enough to sacrifice a minion. 

Edited by sjaak327
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2 minutes ago, baboon said:

No twisting of words at all. Perfectly plain, simple questions.

So you do agree that the junta police overseer should be arrested for criminal negligence. Then call for it as loudly as you would call for opponents of the junta to face arrest.

post 339,  what the dickens is wrong with you, I answered 2 times,  again anyone in any walk of life    ---get them in the courts.       BYE      YAWN


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46 minutes ago, icare999 said:

well if si\o well done the army hopefully she and her clan will soon be totally forgotten and maybe poor can get a decent person to lead them not afamily only interested in getting more for themselves


One can only hope, but if (against all odds) a decent person steps up and gains support from large parts of the population he or she will face the same opposition as Thaksin - an entrenched old elite hellbent on keeping their place at the trough.

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2 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Yawn sums up what is happening here.   Anyone wanting a fight with the military on TVF   then your on your own.  

If they are in the right they should have nothing to fear and welcome dissenting voices. You aren't keen on the cut of my jib but I wouldn't silence you even if I had the power to.

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2 minutes ago, ginjag said:

post 339,  what the dickens is wrong with you, I answered 2 times,  again anyone in any walk of life    ---get them in the courts.       BYE      YAWN


But the people you support cannot be dragged to the courts. Why oh why were some of you so bloody daft to not heed the warnings given to you ? Be careful what you wish for was the obvious phrase. Those standing side by side with Suthep have been duped beyond belief. 

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33 minutes ago, halloween said:

At the risk of causing mass discontent in the sycophant ranks, and of being misrepresented again, I tend to the supposition that those with almost unlimited cash can prey on human weakness to get what they want. Or as originally stated, filthy rich criminal bribes her way out.


This of course leads to the erroneous self serving claim that individual weakness is actually incompetence of the organisation as a whole. This is still a free country in which to travel, once past any security at her gate she would have little trouble getting out.

Hey I'm no sycophant. Particularly when it comes to the lesser of 2 evils. I just can't see how Prayut can come out of this looking good. 


So she paid her way out, through an underling who no one could blame for taking a bribe? He can't keep his ranks in order or maybe cannot afford to? Face lost. But he isn't going to prosecute the one suspected of helping her flee? Stinks 


Or she was aided by the regime, from the top, as they knew jailing her would mean a resurgence of the Shin support, which they can ill afford. Masked as a getaway without their knowledge, well they still look a bit shit. Face lost.


Or she got away pure and simple, they are incompetent. Face decimated.


Any which way the junta look like clowns. Where she is and how she got there is irrelevant.


As an add on, as some other wise soul said... it matters not what we think. Junta and shins alike don't care about our thoughts or opinions. They will continue to do as they please. Unfortunately at the expense of the Thai people they assume to serve.



Edited by calexapic
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4 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

No-one want a figth with the military of course, they have humvees and big guns. We are merely discussing how they lost Yingluck...

NO.  we were discussing she left and will probably try the UK    did you forget the topic again.        They   ????      who  ??   sums you up,  no one knows who was supposed to shadow her, she went so the topic is   where  ??     

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2 minutes ago, ginjag said:

NO.  we were discussing she left and will probably try the UK    did you forget the topic again.        They   ????      who  ??   sums you up,  no one knows who was supposed to shadow her, she went so the topic is   where  ??     

How do you know she left. As far as I know, she could still be somewhere in Thailand ! There is no evidence she actually left the country. What seems to be sure is that the Junta lost her. But again, this is Thailand, maybe she's with the monk that ran the big flying saucer over in Phatum Thani, another high profile person they have trouble keeping track off.

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3 minutes ago, baboon said:

If they are in the right they should have nothing to fear and welcome dissenting voices. You aren't keen on the cut of my jib but I wouldn't silence you even if I had the power to.

One more time for the record you people I am against military rule in general, dissent is one thing --permanent slagging is another.. your stance fine.  but remember the topic headline.

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17 minutes ago, ginjag said:

I have just left the forum Halloween, it is not worth the discussion.    If these few want to tackle the military--let them

Then you should probably arrange a meeting with halloween because judged by the way you "like" each other's posts you seriously need to get a room.

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7 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

No-one will go to jail over this. Unless the big dogs are shamefull enough to sacrifice a minion. 

A minion wouldn't be enough. This is high level, embarrassing stuff and the sacrifice of some hapless local Plod just won't cut it. They have screwed up big time in this instance. 


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7 minutes ago, ginjag said:

One more time for the record you people I am against military rule in general, dissent is one thing --permanent slagging is another.. your stance fine.  but remember the topic headline.

I did. That is why I did not engage your good self when you started on about the unrest that led us to this point in the first place.

Nice to see you back, by the way. You had been missing from these forums for ages and I was wondering what had become of you.

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37 minutes ago, halloween said:

ESL right? Get someone who speaks the language to explain to you what " I tend to the supposition " means.


While you're at it they could explain your error with " Theoretical situation in my book means endorsement for the alternative.. "

That's just out and out bloody rude. Rude and a very cheap shot at a Dutch poster.

I don't get along with robblok a good deal of the time, but I hope I would not stoop that low.

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9 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

As if 10 years in a Thai prison is a walk in the park. With the Junta's record of people being incarcerated (think mysterious deaths, bodies already cremated) I don't think anyone would take the chance ...


Your monologue is inapplicable to my post.


I replied to a poster who made an erroneous statement.

I corrected him.

That's all folks...

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14 minutes ago, baboon said:

That's just out and out bloody rude. Rude and a very cheap shot at a Dutch poster.

I don't get along with robblok a good deal of the time, but I hope I would not stoop that low.

I understood him perfectly well. It speaks volumes he tries to deny he claimed Yingluck must have bribed her way out of trouble. Either way, both alternatives make his beloved Junta look bad. But despite his impacable English, that notion has probably not sinked in yet..


Wonder if he even speaks a second language, probably not understands a word of Thai...

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18 hours ago, meechai said:

Do they know how ignorant this makes them look?


If any of it is true & I doubt it all....Then the clowns in charge should not be buying Submarines but instead invest in Radar



They must think everyone is stupid to believe some of the crap they are feeding public.

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20 hours ago, DonThaiToMe said:

“Thaksin has long prepared an escape plan for his sister. He would not allow his sister to spend even a single day in prison,” said the source, who requested anonymity.


What a joke.


The Junta more or less admits to knowing about YS ´escape plan´ (of course they knew, they probably escorted her to the border themselves) and at the same time tells the press they couldn´t understand how she "slipped away".


There were never a chance in hell she would be allowed to spend a day in thai prison.


And they want people to believe the whole debacle isn´t politically motivated/orchestrated? Yeah right... :coffee1:



There was never a chance in hell she or her party that have won EVERY election for 25 years would receive justice.

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22 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Political scientist Thawee Surarittikul said there was suspicion that the security authorities and people in power were instrumental in helping Yingluck leave the country, despite a court ban on her travelling overseas.

"Helping"? Perhaps the better word would be, "suggested", [that leaving might serve Thai interests, which are, as we all know, conflict avoidance. As far as leaving, the Thai authorities would be unlikely to materially intercede in the logistics of her departure. Why should they? Or better yet, how would they? When you have as much coin as Yingluck, chartered flights, private aircraft, helicopters or boats anywhere in the Country could easily make their way over the border and off to anywhere. Even a standing Army would have a time of it to prevent such ease of latitude.

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Many misinterpret the consequence of this departure


The way is clear for the current government to move on and make Thailand successful, the current government is at the helm 3 years already, the pressure is on now, more than ever, to deliver


I wish them well for the sake of Thailand



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2 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Many misinterpret the consequence of this departure


The way is clear for the current government to move on and make Thailand successful, the current government is at the helm 3 years already, the pressure is on now, more than ever, to deliver


I wish them well for the sake of Thailand



They have a lot of local competition. Vietnam, Cambodia, even Laos, and eventually Burma.

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