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5000 Bath Reward


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What's the problem in the Comp?

My brother is a computer maniac- he'll do it. Knows a lot of Linux stuff too. :-)

I have already told Alex about his bathtime habits. One time he tried to bathe 150000 times in a day, :D perhaps he took the computer with him... :o

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is it a PEBKAC issue ?

the UBCD ( ultimate boot CD ) is my preferred method now of cleaning mates machines - too many bits of <deleted> are a pain to remove if you have been running your machine with admin rights , so it is better to boot an OS into RAM and do the cleaning.

after your machine has been cleansed , learn to use firefox and have a software firewall .

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Hi all,

I think I fixed it.

Problem was that sometimes it did start up and run very stable

sometimes after just starting up any program it freezed then lately it did not start up at all.

Had anti virus and anty spy and malware scanned the whole system.

Installed fresh OS.

Even bought a new HD and installed all SW again.

Nothing helped......untill

In a latest desperate attempt I tried a new IDE cable and wow!!!!

I runs OK now.

But anyway thanks for the offers to help I was close to become insane.....

Cheers all

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