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Cable width for zipline (basket) across valley

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I have to build some sort of transport system to get stuff  from the road to an adjacent hillside, without going down in the valley. I figured I can rig something with a cable. 

Firstly I forgot what this sort of thing is called, so I say zipline, but it is not for people, it will be a basket that will carry 25 to 50kg. Just stuff needed for farming, maybe bananas too.

Anyhow, I need to know how to figure out the width of cable needed. I imagine I will be using the multi strand galvanized stuff.

Also if anyone knows of some plans for this type of project please let me know.

The distance across is probably just shy of 100 meters. with an elevation change of about 20, but we can lower the higher access point.


I would call it "flying fox" as for design criteria - an internet search should turn up something for you. 


I've seen smaller ones made with bicycle parts (forks and wheels) but this wouldn't be solid/strong enough for 200m of cable and a bucket to carry 50 kg.

Motorcycle parts on the other hand....................................Possibility's are endless.


Actually where I live the old timers used big ones to get huge timber logs down to the mill.


Here is a simple one.


Loads more on Youtube.


5 X 50 = 250 kg  & a sag of 10mtr over that distance

I would allow 10 mm cable = 800 kg / simply because of the sheave size you will need & it should hold the cable fully within it

anchor points if around an object can be made up of the same cable, but your biggest concern will be using the Bull Dog clips. They need to be at spacings of 8 X Diameter of the cabe & I would put 4 for every loop you make it will reduce your load but still way within your specs

Silver solder the cable to stop strands slipping, & the turn buckles should be a closed type but maybe wont find them here & lock them with wire or ect to prevent unwinding, at least 12 mm thread


That's just of the top of my head at the moment




18 hours ago, BEVUP said:

5 X 50 = 250 kg  & a sag of 10mtr over that distance

I would allow 10 mm cable = 800 kg / simply because of the sheave size you will need & it should hold the cable fully within it

anchor points if around an object can be made up of the same cable, but your biggest concern will be using the Bull Dog clips. They need to be at spacings of 8 X Diameter of the cabe & I would put 4 for every loop you make it will reduce your load but still way within your specs

Silver solder the cable to stop strands slipping, & the turn buckles should be a closed type but maybe wont find them here & lock them with wire or ect to prevent unwinding, at least 12 mm thread


That's just of the top of my head at the moment




I vaguely remember nylon rope for a dead lift is diameter in mm squared equals kilos, multiply by eight for steel sling. So 10mm for 800 Kgs ads up.

The rest makes sense.

I would also go for 10mm.


Sorry to infest your thread with my poor attempt at humor.

(don't like to lie I am not really  very sorry) (also don't mind lying, as indicated by my "don't like to lie" statement. )

But instead of a zipline have you considered a catapult ala  Monty python?

 pitch llamas LOL

Image result for monty python cow catapult

I think the chickens will find entertaining , and if they don't I am sure you will.

Please take plenty of pictures. 


Thanks for the wealth of information. This project is going to be delayed until January unfortunately, There was a second part to this which has gone a different direction, also the hillside involved just had a small land slide close to where we planned to work. I would rather do the job in the dry anyways. I will follow this thread however. and update once we have something underway.

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