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What Thai Ladies Really Think: Part Two


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On 9/3/2017 at 6:54 PM, elgenon said:

Thai girls want a guy who keeps his thingy in his pants. Many think foreigners are more likely to do that.

Not so sure about that, but maybe more so than Thai men. From what I have seen, they figure most men are going to screw around.

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On 03/09/2017 at 3:32 PM, puipuitom said:

Ever tried to come in contact with an “office” girl ?

OR they are completely busy with their smartphone ( by far the majority) or are starring in the sky or have their eyes closed, or are listening to their iPhone or so, but NEVER interested in a conversation.

I once told a lady friend: what do YOU do when you see an attractive man looking around for .. information ..how to arrive at Wantachang Bridge ? You go to him and ask how you can help him “. Or course not, I am not a beer bar lady, was the answer.

I advised her to do the opposite, even… “oh, I have to go in the same direction”, and join him till the demanded place was arrived. Haver a chat and.. maybe make an appointment for one of the coming days.

Reality: now 53 and never “kissed before”, forget ever had a boy friend.


Quite some beer bar girls are as honest as gold. Want a one-way-ticket out of misery and some help for their parents, as no state or company pension in Thailand.

Yes, also some selfish money sharks, we read so much about.



On 03/09/2017 at 3:47 PM, korkenzieher said:

Simple fact is that in Thailand, it is only the bar girls who are likely to have the language skills to be able to keep a date going past the first couple of hours.


Trying to develop a relationship with any Thai woman, where the total language skill set consists of Thai plus zero English|German|Swedish|whatever, and English|etc. plus zero Thai; is futile. Add to that, the fact that a certain section of Thai society (and I don't include office workers, as there's plenty of them sai-lai'ing it up and down Sukhumvit), won't speak to foreigners in the first place *because they think it will make them look like bar-girls*, and you've pretty much limited the available pool to what it is already.


And yes, OP = Troll, IMO.

Both of your posts are interesting.

Have either of you worked in an office here?

There are a surprising number of office girls that speak English in my experience, but they do in general keep away from the Falang staff.

It is possible to court them, I know a few guys that have married women they met through the job they do, but it isn't so easy.

There are also the "disco girls" that can be students, married to philandering Thai men, deserted wives left with kids to feed, or just hookers out after the bar shuts. You used to get the same mix in the coffee shops.

As for the OP - some people can learn languages remarkably easily, but the content is all wrong for it to be genuine.





Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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I think most guys who are having sex with Bar girls know it's a business transaction. That's why Sexpats go there and bring a wad of cash to give them. You seriously ask why older guys want to have sex with young Bar girls? Really? Western men know these little games the girls play but don't care because they are getting the sex and fully expect to pay for it. Yeah there are the odd few that believe the BS but most do not and just play along. Don't fool yourself ladies. You're not fooling anyone. They know what they're getting into and the games are well known in the west. Guys looking for real relationships aren't looking in the bars unless they're simply pathetic.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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On 9/3/2017 at 10:48 PM, JohnLick said:

English is my second language.


I graduated University in Sydney, using English for over 6 years on daily basis. But I still couldn't write as well as the author!


I can see good English, I can see mistakes, but it is a hell more difficult to put it out.



Not surprised you think like this if you've spent your time around the low hanging fruit when it comes to Thai women.


Her written English is nowhere near good enough to warrant people calling here a troll.


I think a lot of farang men know full well they're not going to find true love (if that's what they're looking for) with a bargirl. Uncomplicated sex is what many are after.

In any case, most Thai women see a union with a farang as a compromise that's made much easier by the presence of money.

If they can't find a respectable, gainfully employed Thai man, they'll happily tolerate and cultural/language barrier and conduct a relationship with a farang in pidgin English.

There are a lot of farangs who foolishly think their Thai wife actually loves them when, in reality, all they have is her undying gratitude for "taking care".


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