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  1. Highly unlikely - and if queried just claim it is from savings pre 1/01/2024........... Going strictly by the book even if declared it would depend on your allowances but it could be almost non assessable anyway - less than 500k baht.
  2. Based on what you said I would go with @Mutt Daeng suggestion above. I still use a Redmi Note 8 rooted as my daily driver but eventually had to buy another phone to use the scb banking app as became too difficult to game it - has no Google apps on it at all. I ended up with a Motorola, but same principles, and used ADB to get rid of or hide what I could that could not be done in Settings. So no Chrome, Gmail etc. The only specific Google apps I kept are Play Store and Play Services. I also installed Rethink DNS (https://rethinkdns.com/ but I think also available from the Play store ) and this can help stop data from being sent out from other apps that have no need to do so. As it takes over the vpn channel I need to suspend it when using the scb app. If you do get stuck into removing/hiding some of the default and or system apps make sure you have installed an alternative first. Eg. I deleted Chrome but had downloaded the Brave browser instead. Contacts was replaced with Open Contacts, SMS with Quik, photos/Gallery with QuickPic Gallery and I even managed to change G Board (the keyboard app) for OpenBoard Valencia. Just depends how far you want to go. Huge no. of generally unknown open source apps on here - https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/ Best of luck.
  3. Maybe try downloading a different browser - Brave or Firefox and see if that works. I had a Tesco account until recently and had no issues last time I used it with Brave Also perhaps try with a vpn set to the UK - if you don't have one download Windscribe or Tunnel Bear free to try. Finally flush your DNS cache (probably will make no difference but you never know) - open a command prompt (cmd) and type ipconfig /flushdns then close it.
  4. Sorry I have to ask but why were you still in school in your late 20s.......or were you teaching?
  5. Technically you are supposed to file between 1st January and 31st March 2025 for calendar year 2024 if you have assessable income above the relevant limit - however if no tax due due to allowances/DTAs some would say why file....... Currently it is only remittance based so no. If it is part of your remittance then that is one of the less clear areas as to how you may or may not claim a tax credit..........So total amounts are irrelevant currently until or if they move to taxing world wide income. There is another issue about filing rental income twice per year which is why @Mike Lister in a post suggested trying to hold off remitting rental income until July. (from memory.....) If you haven't already I would suggest reading this -
  6. Are you talking the potential change to ww taxation as per the thread title or the change which has happened - because that is what everybody else seems to be now discussing for the last knows how many pages...... If you are referring to the suggested change to ww taxation then give the man a cigar for being the only poster to stay on song......... 64 pages of mainly recycled verbiage from the other tax threads for a thread that's supposed to be about a potential change which has only been "suggested" and on which no-one has any new information because there isn't any..........
  7. Who's "usual definition" is that - or just a nice round number you came up with.........?
  8. I doubt the small print, IE detailed processes, with regards to the recent change to the interpretation of one part of the tax code will make it into the "Gazette" - just as the recent change itself didn't...... However I don't necessarily disagree with this - especially if you had said "some of the rubbish"
  9. Read instructions This is a Thai woman we are talking about with a fetish for absolute cleanliness......... And this was used twice a week.......
  10. As Mike said in one of his replies if the assessable income is under the threshold then no. Since interest rates are so low here you would need to have a lot on deposit and generally interest is only paid out on bank deposits twice a year or once if a fixed account. Traditionally withholding taxes at 15% are applied on any interest payments unless you give the Thai bank a TIN.
  11. Still wrong. I don't have a Thai ID or a Tabien Baan but I do have a Thai TIN. I guess this may be true for others as well. The RD want anyone staying over 179 days residence with assessable income to file so the requirements you state would make that impossible for many. Where is your "knowledge" on this coming from?
  12. Agree with arick. I had to ban my gf using Vixol to clean the shower floor tiles after having to regrout 3/4 times in the space of a few years.
  13. I will start by saying that I have sympathy with you that the bike made it difficult to get out of the spot you parked in however from what you say it doesn't sound like he broke any laws and presumably was therefore parked legally? If it happened then your subsequent action on leaving therefore seems more selfish to me......(if not actually dangerous.....)
  14. Not true Mike. Up to this year I was sending paper returns. This year finally capitulated and bought software online but only because the cost was not much more than the postage.
  15. Absolute rubbish.......... End of September - please show a link........(there isn't one) Thai ID for a Thai Tin - no you don't need.
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