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    Where there is plenty of girls.

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    Phichit province

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  1. Thanks,but I would rather just buy the shredless marmalade what I have been doing for years.
  2. If you can't be helpful, just run along and stop using a stupid sad emotican.
  3. Anyone know where I can get shredless marmalade, may I emphasis shredless, used to buy it from Lazada but they seem to have stopped selling it. Siam expat food shop in Pattaya sells it, but looking at their website they do not have it for delivering.
  4. "if they can't get it back home and come here to get it instead." That would be mostly the ugly, fat bellied brigade.
  5. "Thai men resort to physical violence." In most cases only when they have a three or four man back up.
  6. If you walk about like that in public you should be jailed.
  7. It is understandable for AN to have adverts just like any other company, I don't mind bypassing adverts, but what I do mind is adverts jumping out at you when you are reading anything, or when they cover up part of what you are trying to read.
  8. I get the impression that in most cases where there is an underage fatality, it is mainly kept out of the news.
  9. The Highway Patrol drivers have only a small budget for using fuel, that is why they can't always do their jobs as they have to spend a lot of time in their offices. Take a look when you pass a Highway Patrol station. there is usually always at least one patrol car parked up.
  10. Have you ever watched the average Thai drivers behaviour at roundabouts?
  11. Is it possible to have the same bank app on both my smartphones?
  12. I would always want to put the money into my account in the old fashioned way, but you are right in saying you would not want to wait if there was a few folk in front of you. Neither would I.
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