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Sheryl last won the day on November 8 2019

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  1. An unhelpful/troll post hs been removed.
  2. Yes this is a problem. There is no place for it on the forms. I don't know where/how you should show it. Maybe someone else can advice. Otherwise, need to ask an accountant or Revenue Office.
  3. Ah, that makes sense then. Thanks! I had understood "Thai travellers" as meaning people travelling to Thailand.
  4. OP your understanding is correct. Makes no difference where the property is located, any income derived from the rental that is remitted into Thailand is assessable in Thailand (assuming you are resident here 180 days or more) However if you also paid tax in it in another country you can claim a tax credit for that (or vice versa) assuming the country in question has a Dual Taxation Agreement with Thailand.
  5. This is no longer recommended for urinary tract infections. It does still have some medical uses but quite specific ones for fairly rare situations. Would help if you indicated for what you are using/thinking of using this and in what form e.g. topical, oral etc
  6. Is there any official (Thai government) link to this? As I cannot find it on MFA site. If true it is a substantial reduction for some countries e.g. Cambodia has been 60 days since mid 2024.
  7. I have a friend who had to pay -- income from employment abroad that was not taxed in home country and was remitted to Thailand. Clear cut situation. Modt of the posts fom people who ended up owing no tax are from Pensioners aged over 65.
  8. In Bangkok outpatient clinics are located in hospitals. Stand alone clinics are few and mostly focused on check ups and preventive services (including WellMed). You should go to the orthopedic outpatient clinic at any hospital. If cost is a big concern then either one of the non-profits or a government hospital -- but the latter, while very cheap will involve long waits, a lot of red tape and initial language barriers so for something like this probably not worth it as a simple consultation and possibly Xray are not likely to cost more than a few thousand baht privately. Nonprofit hospitals include: * Mission Hospital near Demicracy Monument * Camellian Hospital on Thonburi * Bangkok Christian Hospital on Silom *St Louis Hospital on Sathorn Appointment can be made online, by phone or in your case can also just walk in. Tell them you need to sed Dr in orthopedics. If meds are prescribed do not get at hospital, buy from pharmacy.
  9. At Siriraj private wing it is between 150- 200k . Not sure if available via public channel. The doctor to ask for is Prof. Sunai Leewansangtong. https://www.siphhospital.com/en/medical-services/doctor-biography?id=247
  10. HA = hyaluronic acid PRP = platlet rich plasma
  11. Yes and yes. But available in only a few hospitals in Thailand. Would suggest Siriraj for this.
  12. As you were told in another thread you started, you need to see a doctor. Do not assume this is "trapped wind". Severe abdominal pain and (from yet another thread) blood in your urine. These could be signs of something serious.
  13. You might want to compare price to Caspril which is locally made generic.
  14. Consult a good specialist. May be time to consider more definitive ttestment e.g. laser or TURP.
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