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  1. "Chaos!"? "Rampage!"? Who wrote this crap? Just 2 guys going fast on big bikes. Yawn!
  2. I used to order food from the Not Just Meat website but they haven't been in business for quite a while. Any recommendations for items like English sausages and Indian curries?
  3. Quite typical for loso western women to end up with a Thai guy. You see it on the islands all the time.
  4. In other words, 'pissed up pick up driver, playing on his phone, ploughs into the back of the cyclist.'
  5. That's hilarious. Korea is one of the most racist and misogynistic places on Earth. LOL!
  6. Bigotry? Not everyone likes this food or the backwaed Halal part. Not bigotry. Ridiculous comment.
  7. To people like you, anyone who is right of center is fascist.
  8. Kind of ironic that the divers who located the kids were westerners but now they're the ones paying higher prices. Not a very nice way of thanking us.
  9. Stable Lodge was opened by Danes just before their first hotel on the soi, Mermaids Rest closed. First place I stayed at in Bangkok. Nice bungalows around the pool. Soi 8 used to be great but now gentrified with expensive eateries and poncy western DJs though some of the smaller bars are ok.
  10. Which soi has a combination of street food/market and A/C restaurants plus affordable accommodation and some nice bars but retaining the 'old Bangkok' atmosphere with no anti-westerner feeling? I used to like Sukhumvit Soi 8 in the 90s before it was gentrified with high end condos and pretebtious wine bars with snobby DJs. Petchaburi Soi 5 came close in the early 2000s.
  11. Generally, yes it's safe. The western woman needs to act responsibly and not put herself in certain situations. I've often seen drunk low-so twatpacker types draped all over thuggish looking Thai guys on the islands and elsewhere.
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