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H1w4yR1da last won the day on January 8 2015

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  1. Thank God! Don't need horses of chain-smoking Chinese polluting the area.
  2. Amazing how they disguise and try to legitimize noncing by crying about LGBT persecution.
  3. Right. Because there are so many black Brits or Americans hanging around on lower Sukhumvit. LOL!
  4. Right. Because Africans on lower Sukhumvit have such a great reputation.
  5. Let's not overpay. It just drives up the prices for everyone and the drivers just think you're a mug.
  6. Protect and Serve? LOL! This isn't the USA.
  7. Paying 500 Bt for a tuk tuk ride that'd be less than 100 Bt by taxi and then expecting the tuk tuk driver to change a 1000 Bt note leads me to believe the tourist is not all there.
  8. Wouldn't believe a word of that. Check the CCTV.
  9. Apparently, I sent an email enquiry a while back and that was their follow-up email. But for me, offering 10% when most UK banks offer about 5% and Thai banks 2% sets alarm bells ringing. Just sounds too good to be true but if it's legit, I'd be shocked.
  10. Seems legit? Well, I purposely left out the contact info but I'll message it to you if you want. But I think 10% is so high, I'm not sure I trust it.
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