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  1. There is a very good dental hospital in Buriram. It is on Jira road opposite the central police station. No appointment needed but best get there earlyish.
  2. Apint is a liquid measure which is 0.00057M³ or 2.4x10-6 of the volume of a london bus.
  3. Excerpt from the full Phuket Express report linked. "The car driver is facing charges of threatening another person, carrying a weapon in public without a proper reason, frightening the public, and stopping his vehicle on a road thereby blocking traffic flow."
  4. And a college course in domestic electricity installation. I think what Crossy is saying is you really shouldn't be trying to interpret that which you don't understand.
  5. If the massage is done by a reasonably gorgeous woman then a towel is a polite start. If, on the other hand, it's a wistful male, then for me, it has to be a large size chastity belt.
  6. Will the carbon tax have a refund option to allow tree growers, like myself, to reclaim against all the tonnes of carbon they are removing from the air? Or is it just a one way street?
  7. Yep. Your link pretty well confirms the species Hrastova sjajnica. Brilliant and thanks.
  8. I found this growing in my mini forest the other day. I asked my Thai wife what it might be and her reply was "Dangerous". Can anyone recognise it and put a name to it?
  9. I don't think it is entirely the mayors fault. The Comptroller General’s Department is part of central government.
  10. This sounds like a typical British way of doing things. However it does ensure that the person who applies is verified to be the passport holder. How the agents get over that must be that they are the nominated representative of the applicant.
  11. Do I understand this right? There is a white wire run from the meter on bamboo poles. I assume the white wire is domestic house wire. This is unsatisfactory if exposed to the elements for an extended period (a few years). What is the cable protection at the meter? Assuming the white wire is two core 2.5mm², there should be a fuse at the meter end not exceeding 20 Amps. The fuse will ensure the wire won't get too hot in the event of a short at one of the connections etc. Mind you, if there is a catastrophic fuseless shorting event the PEA supply will be sufficient to vaporise the cable.
  12. Any 0one notice any unusual activity at the police hospital lately?
  13. Nor are there any signs of those terrible elderly bridge players.........
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