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Old Croc

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  1. I came to the same conclusion. I was also wondering why he would spit on and try to slap, the wife, who was a passenger.
  2. Perhaps they couldn't make a reasonable study because of the great disparity in the death rates between the two. There are less of the latter still alive for comparison.
  3. My words "The unfortunate dog inside it probably contributed most of the weight." I never considered the snake weighed as much as the monks estimated. You decided I was backing up their version because I pointed out its obvious bulge was probably the reason they thought it to be massive. In a way I was agreeing with you and just providing an explanation for their error. Then you started ranting about weights of large dogs when it was obvious from the picture the meal was not as large as you decided I had implied. When I took exception to the lecture you went full Ajarn mode on me.
  4. When to retire can depend on many things - age, finances, family, health, work situation, attitude. I believe when you have sufficient funds and income to last until infirmity and beyond, it's time to start the "self" stage of life. Retirement for me was easy, when the opportunity arose, I was out in 3 days. I disliked what my job had become, and many of the people around me and my finances were sound. I retired at 53 and have not worked since. I have sufficient money to live very comfortably in Thailand without relying on my government's pension. Not everyone can, or wants, to make the same choices. Of course, you need to be certain on the financial aspect, you don't want to be the guy mentioned above who wished he had worked for 10 more years. There are also many people who can't imagine life without putting on the work boots, or shirt and tie, every day and some who simply dread the uncertainty of life without the safety net of a job. Some are so ingrained with the habit of slaving away at a desk they can't imagine what they'll do with themselves if they stop. Others think they have to work until they drop to build a legacy for their offspring to spend. I consider these concerns to be unwarranted, if you do your sums. If you love your job and want to keep at it forever, you're fortunate, but will miss out on most of life's exciting last chapter.
  5. Perhaps you could point out where I said it did weigh 50 kgs. It's a medium size Burmese, but not massive as described in the article. I also don't believe it to be 50 kg. It's the usual media exaggeration. My one liner just suggested the obvious meal inside it probably weighed more than the snake. When you decided to lecture and "educate" me on weights of dogs, you were the one sitting high on your horse I didn't consider that a necessary response.
  6. What an amusing little man. You're just trying to educate me about snakes and dogs! You're not even clever enough to pick up on sarcasm. Quoting nonsense from the internet to try and prove you are some sort of reptile expert is hilarious. I've owned and at times bred, dogs all my life. We currently have an aging Shepherd cross, a Samoyed and a Bang Kaew. I'm well aware of their approximate weights, not by using the internet, but by weighing them. Living on a large remote, farming property in the north (and as an Australian) my knowledge of reptiles is extensive and based on actual experience. We've had snakes (inc. a cobra) come inside the house and frequently find them close outside. Since the recent rains we are seeing them almost on a daily basis. I was just talking to the wife about a large, unidentified one she nearly ran over yesterday. We've had to remove 2 large pythons from the chicken run in the last couple of years and a King Cobra was recently sighted on the property next door. I'm not living in a city reading about the wildlife, I'm living among them.
  7. So, your taking issue with my use of the word, most in my throwaway post. Perhaps for the truculent on this forum I should have said, much. In the same petty way, perhaps you could explain how you decided the snake weighs about 20 kgs? I probably should have weighed the 12foot reticulated python we caught in our chicken pen a few months ago so I could also display my expert knowledge here. And thank you for the estimates of weight of several breeds of dogs. I will try to utilize your findings in my dealings with my 3 large canines.
  8. Would the production of a RD file number or tax assessment allow a foreigner entry to a national park at Thai prices?
  9. If he wins several Olympic medals he magically evolves from an illegal immigrant from Somalia into a Knight of the Realm!
  10. The unfortunate dog inside it probably contributed most of the weight.
  11. In an earlier post I explained my planned course of action, but possible whistleblowing actions by other agencies against Temporary Residents (Immigration category), was a worry. I'll do as the locals.
  12. Ok, again thanks. That helps explain why millions of Thais don't bother to lodge.
  13. I'll withdraw my thankyou until I can re-assess! 😛
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