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  1. Millions of dead people are collecting Social Security. Repeating the Big Lie again, with zero proof. There's no National Death Registry. Even if there were one, it wouldn't register as dead someone who was kidnapped by a Right Wing Musk Blackwater Paramilitary Death Squad and "disappeared" to a Blackwater Concentration camp never to be heard from again. For example. 😮 I think they're saying the quiet part of The Plan® out loud... There's going to be a lot of missing people in the future who knows they might be dead. If they crossed Donnie or Elon. 💀
  2. “I got you elected and you haven’t said thank you once,” Putin shouted. “When you were running for president, you didn’t have any cards. With me, you had cards.”. Fascists are hierarchical. They're okay with Donnie's boss dressing him down. They believe in a pecking order. Caste system, so to speak. Even though everyone rich and powerful is above them. They don't care. As long as they have someone to look down on. As Jesus Christ did. NOT. 😭.
  3. Does Elon Musk Actually Know What a ‘Ponzi Scheme’ Is? Yes, he knows when he's not hallucinating in a K-Hole. But he doesn't care. He's lying about EVERYTHING. DOGE Tries to Do Math Again and Makes $86B Mistake The Musk Rats can't even do basic algebra without screwing it up. Department of Government Errors 😭
  4. How does ignoring Musk got caught lying about everything so far, your hero was born on third base and Vladimir Putin is waving him in to steal home? 🤭
  5. It's a long term goal. They might wait until political capital no longer has any value. The end game of the Musketeers now seems to make government irrelevant so it doesn't matter who is elected President. The real power is who manages the Algorithms AI will use to run the government and payments. My understanding is he who controls the money flow controls everything, essentially. What if all payments in the future are routed through X's payment system for "modernization" of outdated Treasury computer systems for uhhhh "for your protection" because we found a lot of waste, fraud and corruption (no proof given). Whatever SCOTUS rules is Constitutional. Corporations are people and money is speech. What a crock if you think the 5 Republicans clowns on the court won't go along if they get paid off. 💰 Who's going to stop them? 😲
  6. Autocorrect error. The 🇷🇺President🇷🇺 Has been clear Russia wants 'piece' A piece of your country a piece of your country and a piece of your country. Donnie will declare himself Dealmaker and Peacemaker of the Century. And Vlad's legacy will be MUSSRGA Make USSR Great Again! DJIA -1.27% yesterday. Musk~rat Love, y'all. So much peace, Comrades. 😂
  7. Mexico will pay for the wall. We will bring down the price of groceries and inflation on Day One. We won't touch Social Security or Medicare/Medicaid. Yeah right 😅 But you blindly trust the current Musk Mook in that job with no evidence whatsoever that SS will be functional in a few months? Yikes. Don't buy any bridges between Manhattan and Brooklyn. It's probably a scam, pal.
  8. Yeah, well. That depends. Will Nike rebuke Trump's attempts at extortion protection money? If so, banned by E.O. If no judge is brave enough to rule against him (remember, they will have concentration camps and paramilitary door buster-kidnappers by then) SCOTUS refuses to take up the case, it's de facto American "law". I'm not a lawyer, but I am available to play one on TV. When people see how old I am they will think I've been practicing medicine uhh I mean law for decades, not days. 😄
  9. Social Security Checks Could Stop Going Out by April, Ex-Head Warns The former head of the Social Security Administration warns that proposed cuts to the agency could lead the entire system to “collapse,” disrupting benefits payments to millions of Americans. “Ultimately, you’re going to see the system collapse, and there will be an interruption of benefits,” Martin O’Malley, former Social Security commissioner under the Biden administration, told CNBC. “I think that will happen within the next 30 to 90 days.” “People should start saving now,” he urged. Fe fi fo fum! I smell the blood of an African... Immigrant. Destroying America. For fun and profit. 😀
  10. They're all fighting for America. 😀 As in fighting for control of America. Vladimir Putin, Peter Thiel, Elon Musk. It's like a pack of wild dogs nipping at a wounded prey on the ground before it's dead. 😳 After Trump became president-elect, laughing Russian media figures showed viewers nude pictures of Trump’s third wife, Melania, taken during her modeling career. I would imagine Vlad likes to poke Donnie by sending him a picture of Vlad holding up an old VHS tape with a KGB emblem on it with a label that says: xx/yy/2013 Donald J. Trump American Agent Kompromat Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Moscow "#2 Special , 5 girls" 😭
  11. You're lucky! Apparently, no charges can be filed against you for your post. 😀 Stealing oxygen isn't typically a crime in the same way as stealing physical objects
  12. Sorry, but I am not familiar with your MAGA drug lingo. Layoff the Snowhite, pal. 🤭
  13. You can tell when Trump first went on the KGB payroll. In 1987 he started the same Big Lie that he continues to this day... The NATO countries aren't paying their "fair share" and the U.S. is getting "ripped off". Now ask yourself, why does a sleazy NYC real estate Conman care about NATO? THERE'S NO LEGITIMATE BUSINESS REASON WHATSOEVER That's when he went on Putin's payroll. Any details, feel free to ask. I'm sure you really care about whether Trump is operating for Russia's best interests, not America's, right? 😄 *No, Barack Obama did not "give" Crimea to Russia. In 2014, Russia invaded and illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine. *No, Joe Biden did not broadly cancel the sanctions that Donald Trump placed on Russia. In fact, the Biden administration has imposed additional sanctions on Russia, particularly after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. *No, Biden did not cancel Trump's arms shipments to Ukraine. In fact, the Biden administration has provided significantly more military aid to Ukraine than the Trump administration did. Why is everything you say a lie? 😭
  14. Trump appears to wink at MTG partner just seconds before Zelensky meeting erupts EVERYONE knows this wink Trump gave to the reporter who just happens to be MTG's boyfriend wasn't SEXUAL in nature. It was strictly business. OK, whatever your name is... Ask him about his Star Trek costume, yuk yuk. 😄 Everyone knows it wasn't a sexual flirtatious wink... The dude looks nothing like his daughter. 🥁
  15. There's a new Sherrif in town and he's corrupt and he is letting that Doge gang run wild. If he cuts us off there's going to be a lot of "Rooftop Voters" looking to change leadership. Common sense tells you that. Especially if they're dying from terminal cancer, what do they have to lose? He better hide in his bunker. See you at the OK corral. 😲 DOGE Claims Credit for Killing Contracts That Were Already Dead Elon Musk’s group claimed credit for canceling procurement agreements that had been completed years earlier, the latest in a string of public errors on its site. Years earlier? The Big Lie, again. Classic KGB style propaganda. Common sense tells you that people who lie aren't trustworthy and probably corrupt... C'mon MAGA. Use a little common sense. Wait. Oh. If you had any you wouldn't be so gullible. Nevermind. 😃
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