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  1. No. Not unless the condo owner puts it there. You only own the interior airspace within the walls of your condo.
  2. The problem is leaking roofs only leak when it's raining. Then it's too wet to get up there and fix it. When it's dry, it's as good as any other roof. And besides,who wants to get up and work on the roof in that hot sun.
  3. Question indicates possible Alcohol-Related Brain Damage. Long-term alcohol use is much more damaging to the brain than weed.
  4. I want to go to Hempholme, Yorkshire; Hempton, Hempstead and Hempnall, Norfolk; Hempton Wainhill, Oxfordshire; Hempstead, Essex and Hempstead, Gloucestershire (two separate villages with the same name) and ask the local villagers if they have any bloody idea what their wonderful hamlets are named after...? 😀
  5. Guy needs to shave his head and get more tattoos. Tattoo soup always could use a few more. It's like meth, apparently. 💥
  6. Weed isn't even close to DUI. You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Even ChatGPT got more sense than you. Cannabis is considered safer per mile driven than alcohol based on several factors related to how the two substances impair cognitive and motor functions differently. 1. Impairment levels: Alcohol significantly affects reaction times, decision-making, coordination, and judgment, which are all crucial for driving. It tends to make people more reckless and overconfident. In contrast, cannabis can impair reaction time and short-term memory, but users are generally more aware of their impairment and tend to compensate by driving more cautiously, such as driving slower or maintaining more distance from other vehicles. 2. Crash risk: Studies show that alcohol dramatically increases the risk of a car accident, especially as blood alcohol content (BAC) rises. With cannabis, while there is some increase in crash risk, the rise is not as steep as with alcohol. Moderate cannabis use, particularly at lower doses, is associated with a smaller increase in crash risk compared to the same level of impairment from alcohol. 3. Behavioral differences: Cannabis users tend to exhibit different driving behaviors compared to alcohol users. People under the influence of cannabis are more likely to avoid risky behaviors like speeding, whereas alcohol intoxication often leads to aggressive or dangerous driving. 4. Dose and impairment correlation: The correlation between dose and impairment is more linear with alcohol, meaning as blood alcohol concentration increases, impairment increases proportionally. For cannabis, impairment levels do not rise as predictably with dose, and some users develop a higher tolerance, mitigating the level of impairment. However, both substances impair driving ability, and the safest course is to avoid driving under the influence of either. These points highlight why cannabis may be seen as less risky per mile driven, but it doesn't negate the dangers associated with cannabis-imp aired driving.
  7. Or maybe he got booted for the terrible idea of recrim of The World's Safest Drug® Duh. Maybe someone high so very high up in the Thai power hierarchy actually likes weed. 🌿
  8. If you don't know you're being conned by a conman, congratulations you're what they call a "mark". Someone who's got more money than good sense or the ability to think critically when presented with a pile of steaming 💩
  9. The people who like "Family Friendly Pattaya" probably are punters who hate Ko Phagnan & Ko Chang because there's no "family fun", 555 So it works for me. 👍
  10. The people who like "Family Friendly Pattaya" probably are punters who hate Ko Phagnan & Ko Chang because there's no "family fun", 555 So it works for me. 👍
  11. The people who like "Family Friendly Pattaya" probably are punters who hate Ko Phagnan & Ko Chang because there's no "family fun", 555 So it works for me. 👍
  12. Weird he's in Thailand. Was there a game? Or does he play in the park on Sundays? I don't think that's his real occupation. That's like a waiter in LA telling you they're an actor. 😜
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