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  1. Foreighners are excluded from Thai Social Security if not working for a large company. Thai government employees get a pension. Around 20K per month. All other Thais get an "old age pension" amounting to THB 600 per month on average. This is not a "typo". It's sixhundred BHT per month. Furthermore, Falangs can not join the 35 BHT health scheme.
  2. Long before, every village had a "village fool". Talking illogical trash: Limited to the village. These days, internet provides a platform for every "village fool". Possibly reaching millions. Looking at "Influencers", half of them belong in a mental institution, including their followers. Modern times.
  3. There is a chance that Russian troops will appear at the Ukrainian/Hungarian border within 3 to 5 years. It is THEN when Europeans will start to show true interest in something that happens less than 1000 km away.
  4. Hard for you to understand, but for the Ukraine, "the game is up". Predictably. The Ukraine will be "carved-up" by Donald and Vladimir. Followed by a fragile "pseudo-peace", as nobody wants to send any troops into a "cordon sanitaire", similar to North/South Korea. The great "deal-maker" has only 1 option left to avoid a miserable peace deal for the Ukraine. Supply more weapons to the Ukraine. Something he won't do, as he and his voters want to pull out of the Ukraine. Vladimir knows that. What will it take for you to understand that the Ukraine has lost the war?
  5. There is a war going on. The rich against the poor. We, the rich are winning. Warren Buffet.
  6. It takes time and money. Both of them we don't have.
  7. "Good Looking girls at BJ Bars". BJ Bars were the greatest invention since the invention of sliced bread. Just imagine: Sitting at the bar, sipping a beer, waching a soccer game on TV while enjoying a BJ. Ahhh, the good old days.
  8. A Farang, Tourist or long-termer has to pay his way in Thailand. No welfare programs for Farangs. Immigrants (refugees) entering Europe can hop on welfare programs from day 1. It's the money that makes them come to Europe, not the pleasant winters. Besides, most have no marketable skills and hardly ever learn the language. The European voter is getting tired of this kind of "welcome culture". That's the little difference that makes all the difference.
  9. My first "border-run" to Cambodia was April 1999. The few Cambodian border guys were thrilled as they could supply their families with food and shelter, as opposed to the rest of the Cambodians. Passport "irregularities" were ignored. At that time, I have seen Cambodian women crossing the border with their 3 children, without any Thai-Papers. They had to pay their way into Thailand by offering their charms to Thai Border Officials. That was in the early days, a long time ago, in 1999. After this ordeal, those women ending up in Pattaya, were better off in Pattaya than in their home country. As so many women originating from the "poorhouse of Thailand" , that we call "the Isan".
  10. That was before the "Khmer Rouge" were defeated, after that no problem. Cambobia was closest, simply no burocracy from the Thai/Cambodian side. Everybody got their little "cut". Everybody happy for a small price to pay.
  11. Just curious: When did you open this Bank Account? Recently or years ago? This is of importance, considering recent requirements for Farangs.
  12. Never liked to give my original passport to any stranger. Besides, I liked the monthly "change of pace". Of course, today I would have other options.
  13. Plus "extensions", I know. Still liked the monthly visa runs to Cambobia better. Immigraton guys at the border diden't speak any English, so they were not able to ask any questions. Days gone by. As I said, this was the equivalent of a "long term visa".
  14. Recent Visitors/long term Expats may not know this. There was a time in Thailand where a "long-term" visa consisted of a monthly "border-run" to Cambodia. To be repeated endlessly, having fun on the monthly run, a change of pace. That was the "long-term-visa" for everybody. The only persons that asked you "where you come from and how long you stay" where the bar-ladies. Immigration was not interested in such trivial things. One could have rented a car with a drivers licence of eastern Timbuktu. The word "feminism" was known, but interpreted as "a female must look as female as possible". Hotel clerks mostly unfamiliar with the western ABC. Everyone welcome with some kind of stamp on some strange paper. That was a long time ago. And today? A strict visa concept. Farangs having to pay taxes. Tel-Phone SIM Cards readable by "authorities". Hurdles to even open a bank account? While at the same time "property -rights" for Farangs have not been "liberalised". For example. Boy, those were the days, when the only worrie a Farang had, was to miss the monthly mini-bus to the Cambodian border. Days gone by.
  15. "Bob" is flaunting his Wealth in Thailand. Reducing his life expectancy greatly. Finally, he will make the headline of some Thai newspapers: "Farang robbed and killed on Beach Road last night. Witnesses claimed to have seen him before, wearing 7 heavy Gold chains around his neck". Thai police is investigating, having formed a Special Task Force. Thai Police claims the the true identity of this particular high-roller can not easily be found out, as there are only dubious posts on social media available. "Bob" and his future.

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