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  1. Personal interest: How do you live/navigate in a country that officially is in the middle of a civil war?
  2. Not sure if this justifies a new thread. But still: Hard times for people looking to "buy low, sell high". Just about everything is rather "high". Found something that is "low": SOYBEANS. Other tradable things that are low? Someone coming accross things that are "low" and worthwile? Tell me!
  3. Trump and his followers. Mostly, US presidents originated from elite universities and/or from financial/political elitarian circles so far. = Known as the "Finpol-Elite".Now, "the masses" had the chance to vote for a guy that TALKES LIKE THEM, BEHAVES LIKE THEM, THINKS LIKE THEM. Mirroring the "heartland" of America. Finally, for the first time in their living memory. No wonder, that the "neglected-masses" are convinced that their "messiah" has finally arrived.
  4. Reach down. No surprises. 20 year old Thai Boys/Ladyboys give better service than 40 year old Thai ladies. Same procedures available at lower cost. Less "afterward" problems usually.
  5. For the last 40 years, I have tried to seperate "technical corrections" versus a "veritable trend change". I used all technical/fundamental indicators including the wisdom of a Romanian Cairvoiant Gipsy Lady. Age 102. Useless. I still can't seperate a "technical correction" from a "change of trend". Not after 40 years. 😂
  6. Simon has been a "world traveller", always with his HAM operational gear. His former posts suggest that he loved S/E Asia very much. But as time changes so fast, he may have found out that Myanmar has changed very little compared to other countries that he called "home" before. An endless civil war does not allow for fast changes. Myanmar may well be the last refuge for Farangs that do not feel at home in their former "home" in S/E Asia. Maybe not a bad choice as a Farang getting old. As "old age" is respected much in Myanmar still. Very much opposed to other S/E Asian countries, where hospitals ask about their "Farang Health Insurance" coverage first.
  7. Not to forget: Mainland China is making major efforts to catch-up with the Taiwanese chip industry and with "Silicone Valley" for that matter. Give it 5 years and Mainland China will not need the Taiwanese chip industry nor Nvidia. Then turning their attention to the Taiwan problem. By then they will also have reached a military equiliblium compared to the US. A peaceful overtaking of Taiwan will be extremely beneficial for your Chinese shares. Considering all this, your chances of quadrupling your money is quite good. UNLESS SOMETHING GOES WRONG, beyond the plans of mice and men.
  8. Also P/E Rato for Chines shares are low. I would just love to invest in Chinese shares. Why I am not doing it? In case of a military confrontation with regard to Taiwan, there is no telling what would happen to Chinese shares.
  9. No matter where US citizens live, they remaim married: To the IRS. Thai Banks fearing that the new administration will impose an "automatic reporting system" to the IRS for every US citizen living outside the US. Fearing that they would not be able to comply 100%. Thus fearing "repercussions" from the US, hampering their international banking activities.
  10. I like to take a look at worldwide P/E Ratios from time to time. The differences are massive. For example: S&P 500 = 27 Germany = 15 Brezil = 9 One would think that the US is the only game in town concering future growth. The rest is eighter "yawn" or "garbage" (Brezil). After a 2 year bull market in the US (P/E 27) a lot of future growth is priced in. Some global "re-adjustments" may take place soon. source: worldperatio.com
  11. Here we go again (once more). Not long ago, most financial analyst found that Gold can only go one way = up! Only disagreeing how much "up" it would be. Only confirming an old rule: If everybody including his Uncle have joined the bandwagon, it's time to leave the party. Lo and behold, Gold has "corrected" significantly since. It remains to be seen if Gold has only "corrected" or turned into "sleep-mode" that can last for years. It has happened before. NOTE: Currently most analysts have concludet, that the US markets have only one way to go: UP ! I am getting increasingly nervous, especially as my Uncle bought some US tech-shares lately.
  12. Great guitar players come a dime a dozend. As such they admired each other, knowing well that their talent to write good songs were basically non existant. Without the talent to write songs one can only remain as a" good craftsman". Hendrickes "Hey Joe" is the only thing that will remain of his efforts. Becks efforts have been long forgotten as they were without significance. Just a good guitar "craftsman".
  13. Indeed, Conrad was not his real name. A "pen name". Other pen names: Gutenberg. His real name "Gansfleisch" = Goose meat. Elon Musk? His real name is: Octavius Mercantilius Muskrat. 😊
  14. Thank God, the Ukraine has an endless supply of young and willing soldiers. Dwarfing Russian human resources. 😂

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