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  1. Thanks to everyone who made suggestions. Going to a doctor here in the US.
  2. My next step is to find out if FedEx will ship medications. I know the US post office doesn't allow it.
  3. In the US Walgreens is a major pharmacy. Walgreens quote $125. Eye clinic quote $175.
  4. Went to Walgreens showed empty bottle and they referred me to an eye doctor. $125 for exam.
  5. Anyone have experience retrieving a prescription through fax or email and having it filled in the US? I need my eye drops for glaucoma. I'm being told to see a doctor here. One price quote was $175 just for the exam. Don't know how much for the medication.
  6. Thanks. Exactly what I was trying to find out. Cheers
  7. I like to avoid going to the airport if I'm not taking a flight. Thanks for your help.
  8. Thanks. Is the counter at CNX open 24/7?
  9. The thread about this topic seems to be all from 2018. Does anyone know if the reentry permit counter is open 24/7?
  10. A close friend's mom passed away right after she got off a plan from the US. The people at the airport handled everything. Body to hospital, all the necessary paperwork, transfer the body to Chiang Mai. My wife and I found a temple for them and everything was accomplished for right around 65000 baht. There are companies that will handle all for you. The comment about not staying at the Wat overnight is a good one. Also, if you don't have a lot of friends coming don't get a waiting room. Just go from transport van to the crematorium.
  11. If someone vanishes and the only evidence is that person's motorcycle left near a pond.... do you really need a spirit to tell you to look in the pond??
  12. UPDATE: Apparently the overheat gauge was not working. I don't know how long the car was running hot. 4 days ago the car ran hot bursting a hose and requiring a new heat sensor and radiator. Drove it home today and no vibration coming from the car even with aircon running on full.
  13. Pardon; to be ignorant of some custom or law means to have no knowledge of said custom or law.
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