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  1. You were speaking about English strikers and then compared to Drogba. You should have compared like for like.
  2. Your questions are inane I'm simply pointing out the vote for Scottish independence was a NO vote. What I think of politics in UK has no bearing on that result.
  3. It was a vote for an independent Scotland. The result was NO. Just as well. SNP can't even handle their own finances. They'd never be able to handle the whole country's.
  4. I believe it was a vote for Scottish people. The result was NO. That's it.
  5. How many votes on independence have there been? Any since 2014?
  6. No need. Chomper has already mentioned, on numerous occasions, that no one has been sent to Rwanda. However, it's also been posted on here, many times, that illegal immigrants have been returned to their home countries. Your comment agreed with that, up to present time.
  7. So, you can't show proof. Thanks for agreeing with my point.
  8. To be honest, I would not have known where his shirt came from had the press not jumped on this. Another example to the media making something out of nothing. To the general audience is looks like a t shirt. An ordinary, everyday item of clothing. I wonder where the swivel chairs they use come from?
  9. All worked for a living, then. Good on them. Don't mention Saville. Shh. Shh. https://moneyweek.com/economy/uk-economy/605472/is-rishi-richer-than-the-king-how-much-is-rishi-sunak-worth#:~:text=So%2C while Rishi Sunak and,with that kind of wealth.
  10. I agree with you. Facts are facts. The point is, much of what you wrote is not fact.
  11. Exactly my point. The plan is not in full swing. Planes have been blocked from taking off. You can't prove that the plan has had zero impact as it's not completed yet, due to opposition from various sources. That's for agreeing.
  12. No, but plans have been blocked. There's been opposition in the Lords. There is no proof, you haven't provided any, that the plan has had no impact or that it would have no impact if allowed to proceed. If you can prove otherwise, please do.
  13. No. Voted on measures that are, due to opposition, as yet untested. If you can prove they would have zero impact, if allowed to proceed, please do.
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