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  2. You mean it can't be bought or sold without at least an existing land lease. Title is not necessary.
  3. Thais can become violent quite quickly in a confrontation. Most times they will avoid a confrontation with a foreigner (unless drugs or alcohol are thrown into the mix). Lived in Thailand 24 years. No issues. Also lived in Oz, HK and Singapore. Again no issues. The only country that I have been attacked in (random violence whilst walking on the street) was the UK. 3 times. Wifey - mugged twice in the UK. Nothing, anywhere else.
  4. Sort of but not really! The TRD has its own scale of taxation on different items which will be different from the way other countries tax them, one may tax a particular type of income at say 10% whilst another country may tax the same income at 20%. The DTA specifies who gets to tax the income first and whether or not the other country can tax it at all. The second country may may tax that income at a higher or lower rate, depending on what the DTA says. That may result in a small amount of Thai tax to pay, no Thai tax to pay or a Thai tax credit being issued against the tax already paid over seas.
  5. Nobody is saying they are going to tax you even after paying taxes in the US. Are you out of your mind? But you have to prove it by filing a tax return, that you are exempt and get a tax credit for the taxes you have already paid.
  6. Thank you. I'm still a bit confused though why it only says 30,000 Baht as the personal allowance on the RD website link I provided?
  7. You are thinking too much, to them, anyone that is anti-Israel is a reliable source. Just like to you, anyone that is anti-Trump is a reliable source.
  8. You know that's wrong don't you? - Do you seriously think that scientists have overlooked the cyclical nature of climate change - unlike you they have done the msth and understand the difference.
  9. AFAIK, IndiaMart is a wholesale site, meant for traders. They don't sell small quantities. You're better off asking an Indian friend to bring you medicines from there.
  10. Now, any card purchase whether it's local or overseas, has to be over 200 Baht.
  11. Not the first leak at an ice factory in Udon...... a few years ago there was a leak and explosion which killed some workers. A couple of years ago someone wanted to build one next to our fish ponds, wasn't happy about that. Fortunately hasn't happened ...... so far.
  12. Did they stake a claim? According to their results, Antarctica holds more fossil fuel than the entire Middle East. And with a fuel/soil percentage 4x higher than oil shale! They gon' be rich! Amazing Antarctica!
  13. Exactly. They're going to fail so hard they may give up. That's why many of us are waiting to see what happens. Remember Thailand is a country which builds new roads then digs them up the next day for utilities because they can't manage basic communication between departments.
  14. Wait a minute, you said the IDF is just as unreliable as the other source, how do you know what, do you even know the other source?
  15. I never graduated kindergarten, that's why I am asking for your help. You have a background in economics, so please help me and just explain a few things. 1. Please explain how bringing in ten million illegals that are often illiterate in their native language, much less English, benefits the economy? I know how it benefits the rich, please explain how it benefits the poor and middle class. 2. Please explain how millions of low and no skilled workers do not put downward pressure on wages. 3. Please explain how the need millions of new households do not put upward pressure on housing costs. 4. Please explain how millions of new people using the same public services such as health-care, education, food stamps, welfare and all other government assistance programs does not in increase the cost of those programs and or reduce the availability. 5. Please explain how adding two million new jobs is really great when you've imported ten million new workers. Please, you're an economist, why not explain what's really going on with illegal immigration? Again, you likely can't, but you will post a link to some idiocy you don't understand and pretend you've proven something.
  16. DEFAMATION LAWSUIT Daniels filed a 2018 defamation lawsuit against Trump in federal court over a Twitter post in which he accused her of a "con job" after she described being threatened over publicizing her account of the alleged sexual encounter. A Los Angeles-based federal judge decided in 2018 that Trump's remarks were not defamatory and were protected by the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment's guarantee of free speech. The judge's decision was upheld on appeal. The U.S. Supreme Court in 2021 declined to review the matter. Daniels has said an unknown man approached her and her infant daughter in 2011 in a Las Vegas parking lot and made threats after she agreed to talk in a media interview about her relationship with Trump. In 2018, Daniels released a sketch of the man. Trump responded on Twitter to the release of the sketch, writing: "A sketch years later about a nonexistent man. A total con job, playing the Fake News Media for Fools (but they know it)!" https://www.reuters.com/world/us/who-is-stormy-daniels-what-did-she-say-happened-with-trump-2024-02-15/
  17. but isn't the amount of tax paid in Thailand dependent on the amount paid in the US? Given that I don't see how one can apply towards the other.
  18. So anyone accused of something and denying the accusation is a reliable source.
  19. Didnt miss them but the time it took to arrest document etc the Kiwi they could have caught and documented 10 DUI at any intersection in Phuket, Pats etc
  20. I thought there were a load of well off Thai folk that don't have ex.SAS blokes taking care of them. Perhaps the lady isn't as stupid as some may think, after all, she has been with the deceased lady for 17 years, and probably knows a thing or two, especially about firearms, perhaps...........😉
  21. Welcome to the High Heel Club! There is a chapter of this club in Hong Kong, too....! Or, was.
  22. Never had any problems but then both wife and I prefer quiet places where large groups don't tend to go. Won't even consider going anywhere where ' live music ' is promoted as an attraction. Can't see the pleasure in having my ears assaulted by dreadful noise.
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