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Grace Dental Clinic

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Im looking for a good dentist in CM.

I found an old post with one member recomending Grace clinic.

Has anyone else used them, if so how was it ?

I've been to 2 dentists so far & now need a 3rd to repair th damage done by the first 2.


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Personally, I wouldn't use them from past experience way too expensive, and they like to push treatment you don't need.

Go and talk to Chiang Mai Dental Hospital on the Superhighway, been once found them very good.

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I use Grace and they are very good but service comes at a price. 1,000baht just clean my teeth is expensive and I'm not certain I'll continue to use them once work stops picking up part of the tab but for the time being I'll stay with them. I have used them for best part of 3 years and (other than cost) I am very pleased with their services.

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Everyone raves about how great it is.

I use Chiang Mai Ram, but, apparently I'm throwing my money away like confetti.

And your teeth? I bet you are a real hoot at parties.. :o

Everyone I know uses them and wouldn't go anywhere else. I am on my fourth set of full dentures which were created on-site by Grace, and they are the best I have ever had by far. Most of their specialists are trained/experienced in western universities and the Director, who has become a friend, is still an associate professor at Boston University and is totally dedicated to ensuring that Grace offers the highest quality service possible.

My wife went there for oral surgery and they were phenominal, then she tried another highly recommended dentist here in CM for caps, both of which fell off in less than two months. Back to Grace she went.

Many friends from Stateside have also come over and used them and absolutely rave about the quality of their work.

Obviously I would highly recommend them...

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Just noticed the Grace add on the back page of this month's Citylife magazine that advises they now have nitrous oxide (laughing gas) available........maybe a free hit before receiving the bill is the plan?

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I'm now undergoing treatment there which will go on for a bit; so far so good. But yes it's not cheap.

Personally, I wouldn't use them from past experience way too expensive, and they like to push treatment you don't need.

Go and talk to Chiang Mai Dental Hospital on the Superhighway, been once found them very good.

I went there before Grace. It was a disaster, and actually not much cheaper. A lt of my Grace work will be correcting some done at this place. I now know CM Dental Hospital has several of the specialists who also work at Grace. But in my case no attempt was made to assign the right one to me; I was just taken by the availaoble man and he was no good. So if you do go there, do your research beforehand and insist on seeing the right man, or being persuaded rationally that you need a different one.

I didn't find them cheaper than Grace.

Just noticed the Grace add on the back page of this month's Citylife magazine that advises they now have nitrous oxide (laughing gas) available........maybe a free hit before receiving the bill is the plan?

I'm pathological about injections. Is this reserved for children? If also for adults, is it an effective prior psychological antidote to my problem? Are there any disadvantages to it?

I'm asking here instead of asking them simply because I'm not in Chiang Mai just now and came across this thread.

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I'm pathological about injections. Is this reserved for children? If also for adults, is it an effective prior psychological antidote to my problem? Are there any disadvantages to it?

I don't like injections either, especially in the mouth since one dentist gave me one right in a nerve. It literally felt like torture.

However, most places now use a topical ointment that kills all pain BEFORE doing the injection and you can't feel it at all.

Nitrous Oxide does have a few side effects when people abuse it at home for fun, but in a proffesional setting like a hospital, I don't think there would be any problems to worry about.

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I always had good results at Chiang Mai Dental Hospital, including fillings, extractions, and partial and full dentures. Okay, one new guy couldn't see an abcess that was killing me, so I came back in and the founder, who studied at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, found the abcess by xray and extracted it.

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I've used Grace since day 1 here. They ARE somewhat pricey, but all those slick full page ads in CityLife have to be paid for, somehow (just kidding, Pim :o ).

I've had several perio cleanings, an emergency root canal, and a few other minor procedures. They have always done an excellent job. Their hygiene is unbelievably good, the equipment state-of-the-art.

If I was going to have some major thing done (implants, etc.) I would probably shop around a bit just to see if the savings would justify the move.

I count myself a happy customer/patient at Grace.


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I go there Dr.Korakot is a cutie isn't She, speaks English & French perfecty and has a smile to die for :o

I happily pay a little more than I may do elsewhere for that reason alone...I am smitten :D

and She has to be LOADED :D

I always wear my best shoes when I go there but they make me take them off :D

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Five years and three root canals and crowns later I still enjoy going to Grace. I really mean it, my dental experience with them relaxes me and I actually dozed off during one of the root canals.

Decided I would not pay the 1200 baht for the teeth cleaning at Grace as it was too expensive. A Thai friend sent me to his clinic where the price sign at the receiption stated 300 baht for Thai and 400 for falang teeth cleaning, but falang are taken immediately. As most know, only a dentist can go into your mouth in Thailand, so no techs can do it cheaper as in the West.

The dentist who cleaned my teeth at this clinic inundated me with over spray water and when he was finished, it felt like he had used his foot to hold my mouth open. No thanks, for 600 baht, will stick to grace where the lady who does my teeth cleaning speaks superb English and does an equally superb job.

I rate Grace a better clinic than any I visited in the U.S. and Dr. Korakot told me on my first visit and examination there five years ago that I had superior dental work in my mouth.

Perhaps I am partial to lady dentists, as I haven't seen one male dentist at Grace so far, but there are a couple listed on their staff list.

Edited by ProThaiExpat
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Grace gets my vote after 6 yrs of regular visits and recomendations to many friends, i haven't heard any complaints except that they are a little more expensive than most Thai dentists.....but still 1/5th the price of a decent dentist in the states. great staff, hi tech equipment, excellent english skills.......

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Sounds like Grace is the place to go and I won't try to change any minds... but will throw in my own experience.

Went to CM Dental Hospital around eight years ago to get a wisdom tooth extracted. It was very, very inexpensive (can't remember now how much though) and the after care was great. It was immensely painful, but I think it was mostly because of a "hook" on the tooth rather than the dentist.

Went there again a few months ago to get a crown, and was seen by the same dentist--he actually remembered me. Haven't had any problems with it yet. Cost was 6,000 baht, which I can see from other places advertising around town that it is average.

I would go there again, though the place with the hot female dentists sounds appealing as well...

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mild7even: Was interested in your recent crown costing 6k. Mine at grace cost 10K. I asked Dr. Korakot how she could charge 10k for basically and hour and a half of work over two appointments when her root canal gal generated 6k for three hours over three apointments.

Dr. Korakot explained the cost of gold has doubled since I first came to her and that about 60% of the crown was gold. Molars cost more as the crown is larger. She said that if you factored out the cost of the crown and lab work to produce it, she would charge about that same as a root canal.

Quality costs and the care in matching the color of the crown to adjoining teeth is an issue, I can see how some dentists can charge less if the quality of their crowns cost them less.

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mild7even: Was interested in your recent crown costing 6k. Mine at grace cost 10K. I asked Dr. Korakot how she could charge 10k for basically and hour and a half of work over two appointments when her root canal gal generated 6k for three hours over three apointments.

ProThai, I'm sure you are right about the quality/materials of the crown. Since mine was a molar, I didn't bother going with gold, though I didn't ask how much it would have been. Might have been in line with the 10K you paid. Wasn't too worried about color match either.

If I had to do it all over again, I'd probably take better care of my teeth. Note to self: brush good tonight. I hope I won't have much to add to the thread about the cost of stents in the heart, either.

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I highly recommend Grace Dental which I have used extensively this year in the context of having to have most of my teeth extracted prior to radiation and chemotherapy for a cancer of the lower tongue.

Dr. Surayud, Professor of Oral Surgery at the Dental School associated with CMU, came in on Sunday to perform a mammoth set of extractions (including one long-forgotten wisdom tooth). The nitrous was not free, but I couldn't have gone through it without it. At one point Dr. Surayud needed cut and move a piece of mouth tissue to cover an exposed area of the sinus : that was so painful I joked (after asking the nitrous be turned up) that we were making a Mel Gibson snuff movie :)

In every encounter with Dr. Korakot I feel I have had excellent care provided by an extremely competent and empathic person. Prices have been fair, perhaps more expensive than Chiang Mai Dental Hospital on the Superhighway where I have had excellent care in the past from a wonderful dentist named Dr. Kraivit.

But all the many crowns done by Dr. Kraivit several years ago had come out ... probably the fault of a bite problem I have rather than any dental failure.

So, I highly recommend Grace to you. Dr. Marisa is now making a full upper plate and a partial upper plate for me now that my mouth has returned from hel_l.

best, billwo0 aka Orang37

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Decided I would not pay the 1200 baht for the teeth cleaning at Grace as it was too expensive. A Thai friend sent me to his clinic where the price sign at the receiption stated 300 baht for Thai and 400 for falang teeth cleaning, but falang are taken immediately.

Perhaps I am partial to lady dentists, as I haven't seen one male dentist at Grace so far, but there are a couple listed on their staff list.

Does Grace have differentials in their frang/thai prices? My girlfriend needs some work and I was wondering if she'll get better prices if I make a point of not being seen with her there.

And they do have - at least one - male; he extracted my tooth in a room on the lower level. He was fine - very young though....not a trainee I hope.

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Does she do any orthodontic work? If so, where you happy with the result and what was the total cost of the work? If not, can someone recommend me any dentist that does? Thanks!

Edited by MyPenRye
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lotus eater: Surprisingly, the subject of double pricing came up during my last visit with Dr. Korakot, her daughter's name is Grace, by the way. Dr. Korakot stated emphatically that she prices all of the work done in her clinic by, all the 28 or more dentists working out of there, the same. Thais pay the same price as falang and vice versa. She thinks double pricing is a short sighted practice and decries when it is done so publically at national parks.

MyPenRye: Most certainly they have Orthodontists. In fact, they have so many specialists that they are listed by specialty with their education and picture on one wall adjacent to the reception. The writing is so big that you can read it from waiting chairs. There are so many .....ontists" that I had never heard of before. Most teach at CMU Dental School so their appointments are evening or weekends. When you think about it, if it is a recognized specialty and taught at the undergraduate level or graduate level at CMU Dental School, that professor works out of Grace Clinic as it is easy for Dr. korakot to arrange and appointment, I suspect even on a one shot basis even.

When I booked my last root canal, Dr. Korakot asked me if I wanted the my first root canal lady, who is Dr. Korakots own dentist, or the last one I had. Didn't much care which, chose the one who worked days, Dr. Korakots dentist is currently a fellow professor at CMU and so is only available in the evenings. I actually dosed off during my last root canal.

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lotus eater: Surprisingly, the subject of double pricing came up during my last visit with Dr. Korakot, her daughter's name is Grace, by the way. Dr. Korakot stated emphatically that she prices all of the work done in her clinic by, all the 28 or more dentists working out of there, the same. Thais pay the same price as falang and vice versa. She thinks double pricing is a short sighted practice and decries when it is done so publically at national parks.

MyPenRye: Most certainly they have Orthodontists. In fact, they have so many specialists that they are listed by specialty with their education and picture on one wall adjacent to the reception. The writing is so big that you can read it from waiting chairs. There are so many .....ontists" that I had never heard of before. Most teach at CMU Dental School so their appointments are evening or weekends. When you think about it, if it is a recognized specialty and taught at the undergraduate level or graduate level at CMU Dental School, that professor works out of Grace Clinic as it is easy for Dr. korakot to arrange and appointment, I suspect even on a one shot basis even.

When I booked my last root canal, Dr. Korakot asked me if I wanted the my first root canal lady, who is Dr. Korakots own dentist, or the last one I had. Didn't much care which, chose the one who worked days, Dr. Korakots dentist is currently a fellow professor at CMU and so is only available in the evenings. I actually dosed off during my last root canal.

Tahnks for the info on the equal pricing of farang/thai.

Curious about these cmu teaching dentists. So far, I've never been asked if I'd accept an evening or weekend appointment for an appropriate dentist. Would however like to be reassured that, given their prices - which I don't mind paying if the work is as good as I can get in CM - they would never palm me off for anything to a junior or even newly qualified dentist just because I don't question their assignment of whichever dentist; so far I've been assigned to 3 (other than Korakot) for deep cleaning, root canal, extraction - each a different one.

But on the whole I have confidence in the place and korakot's decisions. (I didn't realize she was the owner - which I deduce from your info that the place is named for her daughter.)

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I go there Dr.Korakot is a cutie isn't She, speaks English & French perfecty and has a smile to die for :o

I happily pay a little more than I may do elsewhere for that reason alone...I am smitten :D

Hey, I saw her first you dirtbag Brit!

She is a cutie to be sure but when it comes to the essentials of life, like being able to eat, price or whether or not the dentist hanging over me is a fox or not takes a back seat. Gotta admit tho that I have had fantasies of sharing a back seat with her at a drive-in movie. :D

I have had full dentures since age 20 and of the many sets I have had over the years, the metal reinforced ones Dr. Korakot put together for me for some B20k are better than I could have imagined. Steaks, corn on the cob, chomping into the occasional hard apple (things most denture-wearers avoid like the plague) are no problem whatsoever and they are far, far less hassle than 'normal' teeth could ever be.

Grace is non-discriminatory, charges rates that are very reasonable indeed considering the high quality of their equipment, doctors, service and, yup, she is a fox and I am smitten as well.

Life is good... :D

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I asked at RAM how much my crown would be. She said 8,000 with nichol (which she recomended against), 10,000 with metal I don't know which starts with a "P" (which she did recomend) and 15,000 with gold.

Sounds VERY expensive compared to others on this page! :o

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