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Spicys Magic Step? Embarrasing Tumbles


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Now I am not a regular but end up in spicys nightclub, restuarant, coffee shop or watever the eck it is now and again. I am amazed at how few , if any people fall up or down the step up and down that leads you to the toilet. I have sat and watched a few times( as you do) yet have never seen anyone take a tumble. How is this. Its not really visable and most people are pished. This question often keeps me awake at night, so if you have taken a tumble on this step? Could you let me know about it and tell me how it felt.

I was leaving Koi Chaing Mai (a restuarant on the moat) a couple of years ago. I was wearing Frip Frops and it was wet. "Oh" I hear you say, "Recipe for disaster" As I climbed the wet slimey wooden stairs my frip frop got caught under the last step and i fell forward. Funny thing is my arms forgot what arms a suppose to do when you fall over.I just fell forward and landed flat on my stomach blowing every last bit of air out of my booze filled stomach. As I stood up my girlfriend( thai) did a Judas and tryed to pretend she didnt know me. (bitch) The other customers were pissing thenselves whilst I was covered in Green slimey <deleted> trying to get some air back in my lungs.

Went to bed that night.(girlfriend on the sofa. That will learn her) woke up after 3 hours in what I can only describe as the worst pain I have evr felt. I was on my side and couldnt move. When i did manage to get on my back it was impossible to get upright. Well sofa girl helped me up and I was a bit worried. Any how turns out I cracked a rib or two. Bloody hel_l does that affect your daily routines. 2 months I think it was before I was any better.

I dont wear frip frops anymore. They are the Devils choice of footwear.

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HaHa!!!...Yep. Know the step that you mean and I myself have never fallen or seen anyone trip over that step. My only explanation would be the place is usually crowded and people stand on that higher level and their obvious yet unexplainable height advantage if not for the step probably causes people to look below before walking forward.

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I dont wear frip frops anymore. They are the Devils choice of footwear.

Get the expensive ones with an arch for your foot and really good treads on the bottom. Safe as can be! :o

Indeed they were expensive well made flip flops.They could of had the grip of Geckos feet, but the front of the flip flop got caught under the slat of the top wooden step.

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Any expat that goes out in frip frops deserves all he gets. <deleted> tourist.

At the time I was not an X-pat. Not sure if I am now as I work half the year back home? Think we have all worn flip flops at some time or other tho?

Are you the guy that wears 3 quarter lengh shorts with black shoes and wooly socks?

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HaHa!!!...Yep. Know the step that you mean and I myself have never fallen or seen anyone trip over that step. My only explanation would be the place is usually crowded and people stand on that higher level and their obvious yet unexplainable height advantage if not for the step probably causes people to look below before walking forward.

Yes this answer makes sense. Would this be why some of my taller friends often get picked on for fights? The drunken fighter starters think they are standing on a step? What would happen if my taller friends actually were standing on the steps? Oh god the mind boggles. Must take medicine now. Ta ta

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HaHa!!!...Yep. Know the step that you mean and I myself have never fallen or seen anyone trip over that step. My only explanation would be the place is usually crowded and people stand on that higher level and their obvious yet unexplainable height advantage if not for the step probably causes people to look below before walking forward.

Yes this answer makes sense. Would this be why some of my taller friends often get picked on for fights? The drunken fighter starters think they are standing on a step? What would happen if my taller friends actually were standing on the steps? Oh god the mind boggles. Must take medicine now. Ta ta

Seems to me you are trying for the Dumbest Posts Of The Month award. You are doing well, in my opinion you might even get the award for the Dumbest Posts Of The Year Award but there is still a long time to go.

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Seems to me you are trying for the Dumbest Posts Of The Month award. You are doing well, in my opinion you might even get the award for the Dumbest Posts Of The Year Award but there is still a long time to go.

What with a Magic Step and low flying planes, he's well on the way. Mind you he does say... Must take medicine now. Ta ta That might give you some indication :o

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HaHa!!!...Yep. Know the step that you mean and I myself have never fallen or seen anyone trip over that step. My only explanation would be the place is usually crowded and people stand on that higher level and their obvious yet unexplainable height advantage if not for the step probably causes people to look below before walking forward.

Yes this answer makes sense. Would this be why some of my taller friends often get picked on for fights? The drunken fighter starters think they are standing on a step? What would happen if my taller friends actually were standing on the steps? Oh god the mind boggles. Must take medicine now. Ta ta

Seems to me you are trying for the Dumbest Posts Of The Month award. You are doing well, in my opinion you might even get the award for the Dumbest Posts Of The Year Award but there is still a long time to go.

Was actualy warned about certain people on here who take themselves far too seriously. This was a light hearted observation. Why would you reply to such a subject? No need to answer that one. I know.

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Because my aeroplane is u/s and on the ground here in Khartoum for 10 days. I am bored with nothing else to do. So I take the piss at any opportunity but I have to be careful that I'm not forced to take a permanent holiday from TV. That's a challenge.

One thing I can assure you of is that I don't take myself seriously at all. Ask anyone that knows me, many do.

Edited by Blinky Bill
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Any expat that goes out in frip frops deserves all he gets. <deleted> tourist.

At the time I was not an X-pat. Not sure if I am now as I work half the year back home? Think we have all worn flip flops at some time or other tho?

Are you the guy that wears 3 quarter lengh shorts with black shoes and wooly socks?

No that's Ulysses G. I understand the confusion, we're approximately the same shape.

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I am embarrassed to confess that I have never been to Spicys, although pretty much everywhere else. As such a well renowned venue with a definitive reputation the allure has somehow evaded me. Desperate freelancers and after work bar girls looking for a final fling at a cheap rate never appealed even when I did get out a bit. Should I ever make it I will certainly look out for that step even though I don't wear flip flops out at night. :o

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I would be interested to find out if Spicy's has indeed become smokeless under the new national anti-smoking law (for many, if not most, entertainment venues). Not that I would know about this issue... :o

I have been caught out on that step, (harrrruuuuumph...) a few times.

But it was the SMOKE, dude.....reduced visibility; that's my excuse, and I'm stickin' to it, bra :D

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I would be interested to find out if Spicy's has indeed become smokeless under the new national anti-smoking law (for many, if not most, entertainment venues). Not that I would know about this issue... :o

I have been caught out on that step, (harrrruuuuumph...) a few times.

But it was the SMOKE, dude.....reduced visibility; that's my excuse, and I'm stickin' to it, bra :D

I happened to be in the spicys on the Tuesday and indeed it was pretty much smoke free. They have moved the food stall at the entrance and replaced it with some more seating. It smelt a bit like most English bars do now, a bit pissy. Many of the other bars, lucky, sharkys, Dark etc have done there bit to make the new ish law work. I smoke but think its a good thing. I will smoke less and spend more time drinking and falling up and down stairs :D

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Being a frequent Spicy customer and my exact hang out spot is right by the step I have had the pleasure of seeing many many people fall up and down that step another example of thailands excellent health and safety laws.

Spicy is great when most other bars are closed and you aint pulled yet its the final last stand before heading to lucky bar till dawn :o

I like the new smoke free atmosphere and bside if you can smell something in there you aint pissed enough

P.S NEVER GO SPICY unless your wasted it much better that way

Edited by FarangCravings
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  • 3 weeks later...
I know people who have a habit of falling off the footbridge and into the moat across from Spicy. :D That's one sure way to wake up from a drunken haze. (Or never wake up again, for that matter. :D )

Now that must take some doing. Are there not railings alongside the bridge? I will be sure to check this out next time I go. I will post my findings at a latter date. Failing that I will send you an invite to my funeral. :o .

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