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My Tg Has Suddenly Turned Into A Minger!


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It all started about 3 months ago. I was 'dating' a rather nice TG that I had met through a work 'social evening' and one thing led to another *wink* *wink*. Before you could say 'pooying phom suay, mai geng taorai', I found that she had moved herself into my apartment. On reflection I now see that it was a gradual set of connected events, first she left some cosmetics & underwear, then it was more items of clothing, followed by a radio & to cap it all a luxury oscillating(sp) fan on a stand (which was rather odd now I come to think of it cos I have air con. throughout). For the first month or so we were gloriously happy (well I was anyway!) the she suddenly announces that her parents wanted to visit. I agreed somewhat reluctantly, it's only a 1 bedroom apt. afterall. They arrived, bag & baggage & have stayed ever since. My balcony, which was formerly a wonderful little spot housing a deckchair & great for sunbathing has been turned into a storage/ sleeping area full of all sorts of 'crap', their lifes-belongings I suspect. The parents show no sign of moving on & when I try to speak to the woman about the situation she just retorts, mai pen rai, prung nee. To add insult to injury she seems now to treat the place more like hers than mine, inviting her 'dopey' mates round for days/ nights consuming booze & nosh that yours truly has laid on. Now I'm not a mean man but by the same token I'm not rich.

The situation is really becoming quite intolerable, what should one do? I don't want to cause a scene but something has got to give.

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It all started about 3 months ago. I was 'dating' a rather nice TG that I had met through a work 'social evening' and one thing led to another *wink* *wink*. Before you could say 'pooying phom suay, mai geng taorai', I found that she had moved herself into my apartment. On reflection I now see that it was a gradual set of connected events, first she left some cosmetics & underwear, then it was more items of clothing, followed by a radio & to cap it all a luxury oscillating(sp) fan on a stand (which was rather odd now I come to think of it cos I have air con. throughout). For the first month or so we were gloriously happy (well I was anyway!) the she suddenly announces that her parents wanted to visit. I agreed somewhat reluctantly, it's only a 1 bedroom apt. afterall. They arrived, bag & baggage & have stayed ever since. My balcony, which was formerly a wonderful little spot housing a deckchair & great for sunbathing has been turned into a storage/ sleeping area full of all sorts of 'crap', their lifes-belongings I suspect. The parents show no sign of moving on & when I try to speak to the woman about the situation she just retorts, mai pen rai, prung nee. To add insult to injury she seems now to treat the place more like hers than mine, inviting her 'dopey' mates round for days/ nights consuming booze & nosh that yours truly has laid on. Now I'm not a mean man but by the same token I'm not rich.

The situation is really becoming quite intolerable, what should one do? I don't want to cause a scene but something has got to give.

Just send her shopping and move out!

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It all started about 3 months ago. I was 'dating' a rather nice TG that I had met through a work 'social evening' and one thing led to another *wink* *wink*. Before you could say 'pooying phom suay, mai geng taorai', I found that she had moved herself into my apartment. On reflection I now see that it was a gradual set of connected events, first she left some cosmetics & underwear, then it was more items of clothing, followed by a radio & to cap it all a luxury oscillating(sp) fan on a stand (which was rather odd now I come to think of it cos I have air con. throughout). For the first month or so we were gloriously happy (well I was anyway!) the she suddenly announces that her parents wanted to visit. I agreed somewhat reluctantly, it's only a 1 bedroom apt. afterall. They arrived, bag & baggage & have stayed ever since. My balcony, which was formerly a wonderful little spot housing a deckchair & great for sunbathing has been turned into a storage/ sleeping area full of all sorts of 'crap', their lifes-belongings I suspect. The parents show no sign of moving on & when I try to speak to the woman about the situation she just retorts, mai pen rai, prung nee. To add insult to injury she seems now to treat the place more like hers than mine, inviting her 'dopey' mates round for days/ nights consuming booze & nosh that yours truly has laid on. Now I'm not a mean man but by the same token I'm not rich.

The situation is really becoming quite intolerable, what should one do? I don't want to cause a scene but something has got to give.

Just send her shopping and move out!

Weazel is a troll. A B S O L U T E L Y

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It all started about 3 months ago. I was 'dating' a rather nice TG that I had met through a work 'social evening' and one thing led to another *wink* *wink*. Before you could say 'pooying phom suay, mai geng taorai', I found that she had moved herself into my apartment. On reflection I now see that it was a gradual set of connected events, first she left some cosmetics & underwear, then it was more items of clothing, followed by a radio & to cap it all a luxury oscillating(sp) fan on a stand (which was rather odd now I come to think of it cos I have air con. throughout). For the first month or so we were gloriously happy (well I was anyway!) the she suddenly announces that her parents wanted to visit. I agreed somewhat reluctantly, it's only a 1 bedroom apt. afterall. They arrived, bag & baggage & have stayed ever since. My balcony, which was formerly a wonderful little spot housing a deckchair & great for sunbathing has been turned into a storage/ sleeping area full of all sorts of 'crap', their lifes-belongings I suspect. The parents show no sign of moving on & when I try to speak to the woman about the situation she just retorts, mai pen rai, prung nee. To add insult to injury she seems now to treat the place more like hers than mine, inviting her 'dopey' mates round for days/ nights consuming booze & nosh that yours truly has laid on. Now I'm not a mean man but by the same token I'm not rich.

The situation is really becoming quite intolerable, what should one do? I don't want to cause a scene but something has got to give.

Just send her shopping and move out!

Weazel is a troll. A B S O L U T E L Y

Right on Doc. :D

Who in their right mind would 1. let themselves get into this situation in the first place, and 2. publish it and ask for advice on TV?



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It all started about 3 months ago. I was 'dating' a rather nice TG that I had met through a work 'social evening' and one thing led to another *wink* *wink*. Before you could say 'pooying phom suay, mai geng taorai', I found that she had moved herself into my apartment. On reflection I now see that it was a gradual set of connected events, first she left some cosmetics & underwear, then it was more items of clothing, followed by a radio & to cap it all a luxury oscillating(sp) fan on a stand (which was rather odd now I come to think of it cos I have air con. throughout). For the first month or so we were gloriously happy (well I was anyway!) the she suddenly announces that her parents wanted to visit. I agreed somewhat reluctantly, it's only a 1 bedroom apt. afterall. They arrived, bag & baggage & have stayed ever since. My balcony, which was formerly a wonderful little spot housing a deckchair & great for sunbathing has been turned into a storage/ sleeping area full of all sorts of 'crap', their lifes-belongings I suspect. The parents show no sign of moving on & when I try to speak to the woman about the situation she just retorts, mai pen rai, prung nee. To add insult to injury she seems now to treat the place more like hers than mine, inviting her 'dopey' mates round for days/ nights consuming booze & nosh that yours truly has laid on. Now I'm not a mean man but by the same token I'm not rich.

The situation is really becoming quite intolerable, what should one do? I don't want to cause a scene but something has got to give.

Just send her shopping and move out!

Weazel is a troll. A B S O L U T E L Y

Right on Doc. :D

Who in their right mind would 1. let themselves get into this situation in the first place, and 2. publish it and ask for advice on TV?



it'd help with credibility if he was in Thailand rather than Dodgerland :D I'll get me deerstalker and glass and look into Mr Weazel a bit :D

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Hey Doctor!

he might be a troll but the subject is real. I had the same problem back home in USSR - perfect girl, great everything, didn't talk much - 19yo

After her folks came from freekin' Siberya - life turned nightmare. In few months -divorse

so, weasel - my advice to you - don't leave your house like quiter - invite friends - I hope you have them and stay all evening watching wwf, soccer, what ever - avoid adult content + light booze like beer.

Also nice to smoke on the balcony where her folks sleep.

in the morning put sticker on the remote control LED - so it won't work. Thais cannot live without telly

In case of emergency - secret weapon - smelly friend. worked 90%.

Keep a week - and peace will be restored.

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Hey Doctor!

he might be a troll but the subject is real. I had the same problem back home in USSR - perfect girl, great everything, didn't talk much - 19yo

After her folks came from freekin' Siberya - life turned nightmare. In few months -divorse

so, weasel - my advice to you - don't leave your house like quiter - invite friends - I hope you have them and stay all evening watching wwf, soccer, what ever - avoid adult content + light booze like beer.

Also nice to smoke on the balcony where her folks sleep.

in the morning put sticker on the remote control LED - so it won't work. Thais cannot live without telly

In case of emergency - secret weapon - smelly friend. worked 90%.

Keep a week - and peace will be restored.

The poster purports to be in Thailand.

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Hey Doctor!

he might be a troll but the subject is real. I had the same problem back home in USSR - perfect girl, great everything, didn't talk much - 19yo

After her folks came from freekin' Siberya - life turned nightmare. In few months -divorse

so, weasel - my advice to you - don't leave your house like quiter - invite friends - I hope you have them and stay all evening watching wwf, soccer, what ever - avoid adult content + light booze like beer.

Also nice to smoke on the balcony where her folks sleep.

in the morning put sticker on the remote control LED - so it won't work. Thais cannot live without telly

In case of emergency - secret weapon - smelly friend. worked 90%.

Keep a week - and peace will be restored.

The poster purports to be in Thailand.

Doc, I also think the poster purports to be a self confessed player of the pink oboe :o

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Hey Doctor!

he might be a troll but the subject is real. I had the same problem back home in USSR - perfect girl, great everything, didn't talk much - 19yo

After her folks came from freekin' Siberya - life turned nightmare. In few months -divorse

so, weasel - my advice to you - don't leave your house like quiter - invite friends - I hope you have them and stay all evening watching wwf, soccer, what ever - avoid adult content + light booze like beer.

Also nice to smoke on the balcony where her folks sleep.

in the morning put sticker on the remote control LED - so it won't work. Thais cannot live without telly

In case of emergency - secret weapon - smelly friend. worked 90%.

Keep a week - and peace will be restored.

The poster purports to be in Thailand.

Doc, I also think the poster purports to be a self confessed player of the pink oboe :o

He should get a grip on himself :D

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NO GUTS, NO GLORY. :o I do not see a problem if you can do it.

One of my friends faced a similar situation. It is your house!!!! Do not be naive that you do not want to create a scene, there are always "scenes" when it comes to Thai women

P/S Change the locks once they are out!

Edited by JoJo
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firmly presented to the TG's folks one could say an effective reposte...

Dr PP...betchoo mines bigger than yours...

Where's me bloody tape ? :o

Is it in the drawer, right next to the magnifying glass? :D

And tweezers... :D

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When in Thailand, do as Thais would do. LIE!!! One poster has stated the best recourse for you already. Bring your friend over (do not ask for permission its your place) have him stay a week. No showers, half naked or all the way, very dirty without cleaning the place at all and of course the inviting of other girls to come over willl drive them away in a flash. Of course you will no longer be welcome in her circle of friends, but do you really care?

Other than that..... be a man and tell her this is not good and its time her relatives leave as you want your quite life back. Do not let her say its ok simply saying No its not ok tomorow they leave will solve it as well.

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