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Very Urgently Required!


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Volunteers with admin and IT skills, who can spare a couple of days / week.

The Mercy Centre is urgently short of people with some admin/organisational skills, to help put an end to its current dilemma of “Crisis Management”.

There are currently a number of willing helpers who can spare varying amounts of time to raise money, and assist with the running of the children’s home and other projects initiated by Mercy.

But there is an increasingly desperate need for some organisation and co-ordination of these efforts, so that the whole responsibility doesn’t continually rest with Fred & Dianne, Mercy’s Directors, whose valuable time is pulled in every which way.

If there is anyone out there who could spare maybe 2 days a week, and share this role with like minded volunteers, we would love to hear from you.

Age, race or religion is no impediment – all that is required is some admin background skills, and a willingness to work regularly in the Mercy offices on some kind of rota basis. We can be very flexible, and understand that you won’t always be available.

We also desperately need an IT expert, to come in and sort out the myriad IT problems with both hardware and software, and get things running in a professional and efficient manner. This person (or persons) can be Pattaya residents, who could commit to a regular schedule of helping out, or it could be someone who could come in and devote a few weeks to getting everything sorted. Ideally, both types would be welcome.

If you feel that you many in any way qualify for any of the above, please PM me, without any commitment, and we can take it from there and see if anything can be worked out.

The Mercy centre has a desperate need to raise money, both to help with running expenses of around 100,000 Baht per month, and to buy their current premises, which will cost in the region of 15 million Baht. There are many plans and ideas in the pipeline to achieve a this, but little can be done with out adequate human resources – and the starting point is some admin coordination.

For those who are not aware, here is brief summary of The Mercy Centre’s current projects:

- MERCY CHILDREN’S HOME – provides emergency shelter for children at risk and destitute mothers with children. Currently, 19 children are under care.

- MERCY CHUCHON (SLUM) PROJECT – Helps deprived and destitute children

and their families by providing basic food items, clothing and other goods.

- MERCY PRISON PROJECT - Provides food, clothing, and practical assistance and counselling to prisoners, often single mothers with young babies.

- MERCY SCHOLARSHIP PROJECT – helps needy children by providing school

school uniforms, books, tuition, plus personal and family support.

- MERCY STOREHOUSE – Provides collection and redistribution of goods and resources for the poor.

- ‘KOHPAI’ DAY CARE PROJECT – Provides early learning centres in the slums for pre- school children, in conjunction with local social welfare organisations.







Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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there is simon43 from phuket who has the skills and time - he might not be reading this forum so try to contact him directly


Thanks for that, and I'll certainly follow it up, to see if there's anything he can do for us.

However the current urgent need is for admin and IT people who can physically work at the Centre in Pattaya. I think Phuket would be a long commute for Simon. :o

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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We now have 4 members (including a mod) meeting at the Mercy Centre on Monday (tomorrow) morning, at 11 a.m., to see how they can help out.

3 of the 4 are IT orientated, and I'm not sure about the 4th, but I'm hoping he has some admin skills.

So at least it looks like we might be getting closer to sorting the Centre's IT problems, but we still need some more volunteers who can do admin work.

If there's anyone else out there who would like to come and join us tomorrow, and just have a chat and see if you can help in any way?

Please do come. No need to tell me in advance, but feel free to PM me or post if you want so that we know how many to expect.

Here's the location:


Thanks guys and girls.


Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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3 of the 4 are IT orientated, and I'm not sure about the 4th, but I'm hoping he has some admin skills.

Thanks guys and girls.


Hi Mobi.

Would be happy to help you out with the IT oriented stuff.

Thanks RBO,

If you can make it, please see us down there around 11 a.m. tomorrow.

The location map is on this thread.

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I would like to report that Monty, PATTAYAPUNTER, and Ace made down to the Mercy centre this morning and we had a very fruitful meeting.

The upshot is that PP, assisted by Ace for a few days, will undertake a major overhaul of the Centre's IT equipment, and get things sorted so that the staff can operate in a more professional and efficient manner. This is a big project and we are very pleased to have PP on board to steer it.

Monty is going to sort out the Centre's internet connectivity (which is doleful dial up at present), and also liase with Chang_Paarp in Australia to get the web site content sorted and brought up to date.

PP is also going to take on an urgently needed admin project which involves putting together a data base of potential donor companies, and follow up by making contact with them.

I am so overwhelmed and delighted that we have these gallant and generous folk prepared to give of their time freely for the benefit of the kids.

Thank you so much, gentlemen.

There is good in this world - you just have to find it. :D

:o:D :D

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I would like to report that Monty, PATTAYAPUNTER, and Ace made down to the Mercy centre this morning and we had a very fruitful meeting.

The upshot is that PP, assisted by Ace for a few days, will undertake a major overhaul of the Centre's IT equipment, and get things sorted so that the staff can operate in a more professional and efficient manner. This is a big project and we are very pleased to have PP on board to steer it.

I assured everyone that while I'm no expert on computers, I have successfully taught my mom the A to Z of computers & email and she's almost as old as Mobi! :o

Mobi, no need to heap praise on us. We all feel privileged to be a part of such a committed organization benefiting such a worthwhile cause that we all feel very driven to do our part. We thank you for bringing Mercy center to our attention.

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I would like to report that Monty, PATTAYAPUNTER, and Ace made down to the Mercy centre this morning and we had a very fruitful meeting.

The upshot is that PP, assisted by Ace for a few days, will undertake a major overhaul of the Centre's IT equipment, and get things sorted so that the staff can operate in a more professional and efficient manner. This is a big project and we are very pleased to have PP on board to steer it.

I assured everyone that while I'm no expert on computers, I have successfully taught my mom the A to Z of computers & email and she's almost as old as Mobi! :D

Mobi, no need to heap praise on us. We all feel privileged to be a part of such a committed organization benefiting such a worthwhile cause that we all feel very driven to do our part. We thank you for bringing Mercy center to our attention.

I for one think you guys are doing a great job for a very worth while organisation and would like to say a BIG thank you and although not needed praise is nice to receive -- so well done and I will be delighted to buy you a drink when I finally manage to get back to Pattaya .. maybe even at a recon meeting. I hope to put the faces to the names..

BT :o:D

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I would like to report that Monty, PATTAYAPUNTER, and Ace made down to the Mercy centre this morning and we had a very fruitful meeting.

The upshot is that PP, assisted by Ace for a few days, will undertake a major overhaul of the Centre's IT equipment, and get things sorted so that the staff can operate in a more professional and efficient manner. This is a big project and we are very pleased to have PP on board to steer it.

Monty is going to sort out the Centre's internet connectivity (which is doleful dial up at present), and also liase with Chang_Paarp in Australia to get the web site content sorted and brought up to date.

PP is also going to take on an urgently needed admin project which involves putting together a data base of potential donor companies, and follow up by making contact with them.

I am so overwhelmed and delighted that we have these gallant and generous folk prepared to give of their time freely for the benefit of the kids.

Thank you so much, gentlemen.

There is good in this world - you just have to find it. :D

:D :D :D

Good to see that you have recruited a few of Santa's little helpers Mobi, that does of course make you Santa. :o

In all seriousness, Great stuff.

Good Luck


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