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Can I Do Volunteer Work On A Non Immgration O Visa?

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Technically you need a WP but here in Pattaya that is not enforced (at the moment) my Rotary Club made a point of asking our new Chief of Police about this point and his view was it is not an issue and we didnt need to get a wp even though we are planning to set up a community market in one of the shopping centres. I also work with the Mercy Center the subject of many posts on this forum and again there are volunteers working there with no wp and in daily contact with social services, the police and immigration. So my advice is look for a charity that is doing something you are interested in and aproach them, they will be able to brief you on local conditions and if in their case a wp is needed they should obtain one for you.

PS If you are in Pattaya why not help at the Mercy Center? pm me or Mobi for details.

John C

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I heard of a friend of mine who did a Talk for the Thai government on voluntourism.

Officially you need a visa but one has to wonder how much trouble your going to get in for helping. However, they might well clamp down on it because of the problems with ex criminals, (pedo's a rapists).

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The problem is what is technically ignored now can be enforced at any time.. And your the one who gets arrested, held in detention center and deported if it all goes wrong..

Remember the tsunami volunteers ?? They pulled the same stunt on the soi dog foundation when they were vocal criticisng the state of the government dog pound.

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Hi All,

IM currently on a 12 month type O Non Imigration Visa and would love to do some volunteer work. However, Ive heard mixed things about whether this is legal on the type of visa Im on.

Does anyone know if this is legal?


Work permit is required but not an issue for a foundation or association to get one for you.


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To volunteer officially you need a work permit. A work permit can be obtained with a non-immigrant type O visa. A work permit must be arranged through a local Foundation or other registered body.

As many have said you can simply volunteer as is without the permit and it is highly unlikely that any problems will arise. You will be, however, illegal. From what I understand this puts little or no risk on you but it does put the organizations where you volunteer at risk.

I came on a non-immigrant type 'O' visa, received a work permit for my volunteer work and have since extended my visa. (unfortunately no longer a multiple entry, but re-entry passes can be purchased)

Hi All,

IM currently on a 12 month type O Non Imigration Visa and would love to do some volunteer work. However, Ive heard mixed things about whether this is legal on the type of visa Im on.

Does anyone know if this is legal?


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Be aware that attempting to slip around the various labor and immigration laws, even when others have in the past and even when enforcement has traditionally been seen as lax, inconsistent, or even non-existent CAN and DOES have repercussions in today's climate:

It's being reported by Bangkok Phil of ajarn.com that the two teachers were handed 3 month jail sentences.

As stated by a few others, a work permit is REQUIRED for volunteer work.

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Be aware that attempting to slip around the various labor and immigration laws, even when others have in the past and even when enforcement has traditionally been seen as lax, inconsistent, or even non-existent CAN and DOES have repercussions in today's climate:
It's being reported by Bangkok Phil of ajarn.com that the two teachers were handed 3 month jail sentences.

As stated by a few others, a work permit is REQUIRED for volunteer work.

[h1]Very true[/h1], [h2]also need tax report, education degree[/h2]&[h4]health cert[/h4]

other wise, cannot touch a thing, even you see drowning fella - you cannot pass him a hand with wooden stick - it might me considered as work and you can end up in jail.

giving money to charity - [h1]NONONO[/h1]

passing blind over the cross road -Nicht schisen

giving away your food for starving ppl - no, cannot

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