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Seems to have been an increase of mosquitos this month, according to the yield of my "BlackHole" trap.

Any theories?


More discussion of this topic at:


Not an expert on this but I believe that it may be related to the end of the rainy season in November/December.

Mosquito larvae require still water to hatch, so when it rains the rain disturbs standing water and consequently fewer larvae hatch out. I think it is a popular misconception that there are more mosquitoes around during wet seasons.

It's the same every January. Any chance the the mosquitoes have to get inside, they seem to take.

It's best not to leave any doors or windows open particularly in the evening.

You beat me to it. I mentioned at dinner yesterday evening that there were WAY too many mozzies joining us for eats. The senior daughter immediately left the table and shut the front door at the other end of the house. She'd forgotten to shut it when she garaged her Honda in the lounge, and I hadn't done my usual security check beofre eating. So agreed, ALWAYS shut all doors/windows at sunset at ANY time of year. It saves having to poison your family with Baygon before turning in

It's the same every January. Any chance the the mosquitoes have to get inside, they seem to take.

It's best not to leave any doors or windows open particularly in the evening.

I'd like to second that! My missus left the bathroom mozzie grille open recently and the house is bloody plagued with them. As commented in the other thread, they always go for me and leave her alone.


I bought this nifty litlle device called : Raid

You plug it in to AC and then it will spread some kind of smell mozzies do not like.

For humans the smell is not noticable but mozz stay away 100%

I leave my balcony and all other doors wide open and do not have mozz anymore since

I plugged that device in.

You can buy at Tesco Lotus for I think 200 Bath.

I bought this nifty litlle device called : Raid

You plug it in to AC and then it will spread some kind of smell mozzies do not like.

For humans the smell is not noticable but mozz stay away 100%

I leave my balcony and all other doors wide open and do not have mozz anymore since

I plugged that device in.

You can buy at Tesco Lotus for I think 200 Bath.

Is it safe? If its safe and it works ok, I'll get one thanks. :D The new digs of mine is swarming with mozzies.

I used to have one of those tennis racket things that zaps mozzies and other flying pests. The crackling sound it makes as it fries their little bodies though was too much for a sensitive soul like mine... :o


The CNS and Surayud govt has just released data that shows that mosquitos were never a problem in Thailand until the rampant corruption of the Thaksin regime. They are requesting 6 billion baht for mosquito control in this years budget and all will be well next year. They warn that the mosquitos may be flying in from Singapore or perhaps coming from the cracks in the runway!

The CNS and Surayud govt has just released data that shows that mosquitos were never a problem in Thailand until the rampant corruption of the Thaksin regime. They are requesting 6 billion baht for mosquito control in this years budget and all will be well next year. They warn that the mosquitos may be flying in from Singapore or perhaps coming from the cracks in the runway!

In addition to combat mosquito problems the new interim government will tighten visa regulations for foreigners and institute a 9pm alcohol selling limit.

I used to have one of those tennis racket things that zaps mozzies and other flying pests. The crackling sound it makes as it fries their little bodies though was too much for a sensitive soul like mine... :o

Those tennis racket things make mosquito season fun. I have one in most rooms and have been popping them like crazy the last few days. One friend uses his racket to eliminate all the mosquitoes in his house and then opens up the door in the evening to let more in so he can continue his extermination game with the racket.

Great investment!!!

I used to have one of those tennis racket things that zaps mozzies and other flying pests. The crackling sound it makes as it fries their little bodies though was too much for a sensitive soul like mine... :o

Those tennis racket things make mosquito season fun. I have one in most rooms and have been popping them like crazy the last few days. One friend uses his racket to eliminate all the mosquitoes in his house and then opens up the door in the evening to let more in so he can continue his extermination game with the racket.

Great investment!!!

I want one of those. Where can I buy one?

I used to have one of those tennis racket things that zaps mozzies and other flying pests. The crackling sound it makes as it fries their little bodies though was too much for a sensitive soul like mine... :o

Those tennis racket things make mosquito season fun. I have one in most rooms and have been popping them like crazy the last few days. One friend uses his racket to eliminate all the mosquitoes in his house and then opens up the door in the evening to let more in so he can continue his extermination game with the racket.

Great investment!!!

Here in the USA, I bought a ranch some years ago. When my home was finished I went to set out on this great balcony overlooking my valley, only to be chased back inside in a short time by the attack of the mosquitos.

I bought this very large "zapper" and plugged it in with it's blue light glowing. For the 1st 5 minutes heard almost nothing and thought I had wasted my money. Then it started and about 15 minutes later is sounded like a sound track from Star Wars...I was adverised to draw mosquitos from within 2 acres, and that it did... Great extermination tool.....

Did not bother my spirit at all, because the blood that flowed in my veins stayed there, not it the bloted belly of some mosquito.


That BlackHole trap, is it good???

It certainly catches a lot. I've committed myself to getting along without screens or aircon, and in respect to the former, I'm finding the combination of mosquito net, repellent, and the Black Hole have cut my nightly bite rate from a very unpleasant 2 or 3 a night (on my feet, where it really causes suffering) to maybe one every 2 or 3 nights.

You have to know how to use a mosquito net, though, more on this at:


(about halfway down the page, how to set up a net properly)


Dah’s better way

I used to have one of those tennis racket things that zaps mozzies and other flying pests. The crackling sound it makes as it fries their little bodies though was too much for a sensitive soul like mine... :o

Those tennis racket things make mosquito season fun. ...game with the racket.

Great investment!!!

I want one of those. Where can I buy one?

I have seen the "Killer Rackets" at street stalls along Sukhumvit and also on Silom near Convent. Also saw them at Big C, Tesco, and most hardware stores (ie Soi 15 and Suk). I think they cost about 80-100 baht each. The street sellers usually markets them by touching a piece of wire to the racket creating a zapping noise.

I used to have one of those tennis racket things that zaps mozzies and other flying pests. The crackling sound it makes as it fries their little bodies though was too much for a sensitive soul like mine... :o

Those tennis racket things make mosquito season fun. I have one in most rooms and have been popping them like crazy the last few days. One friend uses his racket to eliminate all the mosquitoes in his house and then opens up the door in the evening to let more in so he can continue his extermination game with the racket.

Great investment!!!

Here in the USA, I bought a ranch some years ago. When my home was finished I went to set out on this great balcony overlooking my valley, only to be chased back inside in a short time by the attack of the mosquitos.

I bought this very large "zapper" and plugged it in with it's blue light glowing. For the 1st 5 minutes heard almost nothing and thought I had wasted my money. Then it started and about 15 minutes later is sounded like a sound track from Star Wars...I was adverised to draw mosquitos from within 2 acres, and that it did... Great extermination tool.....

Did not bother my spirit at all, because the blood that flowed in my veins stayed there, not it the bloted belly of some mosquito.

What is this contraption called and would you happen to know who manufactures it? I know Home Pro here in Bangkok sells something that is supposed to cover a wide area, but it is very expensive and we have no clue whether it would really work.

I bought this nifty litlle device called : Raid

You plug it in to AC and then it will spread some kind of smell mozzies do not like.

For humans the smell is not noticable but mozz stay away 100%

I leave my balcony and all other doors wide open and do not have mozz anymore since

I plugged that device in.

You can buy at Tesco Lotus for I think 200 Bath.

Yes I have one of those on at night PLUS a MOSQ ERASER which is a blue light

and fan apparently they're attracted to the blue light and then they get

sucked down by the fan into a bag where they all collect and die !

anyway these two devices seem to work very well and allow me to keep my

balcony windows wide open and I don't get disturbance from them


I had a similar experience to the guy with the US ranch but at the other end of the scale when I lived in London.

I was living in this rented 50 sq mtr. fleapit and often got troubled with all sorts of unwelcome nasties either trying to get in my doors or windows or just living and probably breeding near the rubbish cans outside.

So I plugged a cable into the mains supply and taped it to the door and window handles. Guess what ? I was then advised I could not do that as it was illegal.

The reason is that all those nasties and bugs the British governement gives them a name :- they call them immigrants and actively encourage them to roam around the UK consuming any benefits they possibly can and as a consequence you can not swot them anymore as it is in conflict with some law or other these days. There also appears to be no differancetiation between legal and illegal as they all can wonder around unchecked in the UK protected by a never ending blanket of do-gooders. Apparently they have skills that the British no longer have. Well I can understand that because Margarat Thatcher's policies ensured we do not make anything anymore so thus don't need to teach skills anymore so obviously the immigrants have these skills. Just hope that before they come they bring their own knives and forks because none are made in Sheffield in more.

I digress, so I moved and the British Government won so I guess the bugs and nasties won the battle with me also and are themselves now living in that fleepit, applying for asylum, naturalisation or whatever so that the kind British Governement can thus make them British so that they can then, during the annual migration season, invite all their bug relatives to join them.

Apologies for leaving the thread a bit but don't those coil things work better ?

racist and nationalistic t*at

Has it taken all your previous hundreds of postings to respond with an insult or does it come naturally ? or perhaps it is just a way of advertising your rentals in the wrong thread ?

Alternatively is it the name of one of those coil things I was asking about ?

  • 3 months later...
Here in the USA, I bought a ranch some years ago. When my home was finished I went to set out on this great balcony overlooking my valley, only to be chased back inside in a short time by the attack of the mosquitos.

I bought this very large "zapper" and plugged it in with it's blue light glowing. For the 1st 5 minutes heard almost nothing and thought I had wasted my money. Then it started and about 15 minutes later is sounded like a sound track from Star Wars...I was adverised to draw mosquitos from within 2 acres, and that it did... Great extermination tool.....

Did not bother my spirit at all, because the blood that flowed in my veins stayed there, not it the bloted belly of some mosquito.

is this available in thailand? if it is, whoever is selling it has to be a rich man... please post the name of it and where to buy it! (sorry for bumping an old thread)

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