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Thammasat Actress Set For A 'hot' Dressing Down

Jai Dee

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Thammasat actress set for a 'hot' dressing down

Emerging actress and student Chotiros Suriyawong is to get a dressing down from Thammasat University - for dressing up at Friday's Subhanahongsa Awards.

Chotiros, also known as Amy, will be rebuked for wearing a revealing, "sexy" outfit to the awards, Thailand's version of the Oscars.

The event was held at Nakhon Ratchasima and attire worn by Chotiros has caused a stir and thrust her into the limelight. She has attracted criticism because she is a liberal arts student at the leading university.

Rumours that Thammasat bosses would ban her from July's graduation ceremonies were denied by her faculty dean Sithichoke Waranusantikule, who said the school had no power to punish Chotiros.

"However, I can say I am uneasy with it," he said.

The incident was raised at yesterday's universities' executives meeting and it agreed the student should be admonished for "inappropriate behaviour".

Thammasat rector Suraphol Nitikraipot said its students should be responsible not only to themselves but to the school and society, too.

"Society feels this is a disgrace and her actions have affected the reputation of this university.

"So, we will ask Chotiros her reasons. Any punishment will depend on her explanation," Suraphol said.

Sithichoke said Chotiros studied well during some terms but poorly in others. She never dressed inappropriately when attending university.

"I am concerned the university has been involved. I have many students who become stars but never face these problems. But, the university will give her a chance," he said.

Chotiros attended a class yesterday and said she had not been reprimanded and had been told she could be absent if she felt uneasy.

"It's impossible the university would take this matter so seriously," she said, adding she had yet to receive an official approach from the school. "I have no idea what people feel about my dress. I didn't wear what I wore to make me famous. I'm like any other actress who uses sex appeal as a selling point.

"It's the trend - sexy fever," she said.

Source: The Nation - 13 February 2007

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Sexy dress exposed ugly truths about society's hypocrisy

First of all, I thought it was a ridiculous dress.

What emerging actress and student Chotiros Suriyawong wore to Friday's Subhanahongsa Awards, triggering a storm of social controversy, made my jaw drop for the wrong reason. I am clueless when it comes to female fashion - here's a straight guy talking - however, when the likes of me have the audacity to criticise a woman's evening wear like this, it's time to listen, girls.

Why I'm bothered, though, is not due to the fact that Chotiros in "that thing" reminded me of a lobster. The outcry she stirred up is more amazing than the dress itself, and when people suggested she be denied a university degree, and an entertainment bigwig exploited the uproar by acting like a cardinal, social hypocrisy or narrow-mindedness has paled her weird fashion sense completely.

Don't get me wrong. If I had a teenaged daughter and she prepared to leave home like that, I would have stopped her for a serious discussion. But that's the whole point. It's an issue for the family. If Amy's folks didn't mind it, why should we? Granted, she was probably a few "inches" away from breaking the legal barrier but police didn't arrest her, did they?

You can decry her taste, but demanding social punishment violates her basic human rights. The way we dress is the way we choose to express ourselves, and this is even more fundamental than the right to express our opinions. If we can't recognise that Chotiros was simply expressing herself in the most elementary way, we shouldn't give a ###### on what our new constitution will look like because we don't really care.

The attempt to drag Thammasat University into it beggars belief. She was representing "herself", not the institution, on that night. News reports said she might be reprimanded, which is very interesting.

What would administrators of a university that has been a guardian of rights and liberty as well as one that has cherished and encouraged a tradition of ideological provocation tell Chotiros?

What will they tell a student who wore a revealing dress to a gala dinner party?

Thammasat and its people are supposed to protect Chotiros, who is said to be a good student. They are supposed to stand by her rights and inform an overreacting society that she didn't harm anyone, and there are more "real" moral issues that require attention. And they are supposed to go after the likes of Somsak Techaratanaprasert, the big boss of Sahamongkol Film, who has ordered all footage of her deleted from one of his movies.

Whether it's a knee-jerk reaction or opportunism, what Somsak has done may be nastier than Chotiros' dress. "We are not a porn company," said the man, who isn't even her direct employer. Being a big man in an industry that relies heavily on artistic provocation, creativity and open-mindedness, he has either succumbed meekly to a dubious social outburst or, worse, stepped on a defenceless girl in order to be seen as having taken the moral high ground.

Chotiros may have unveiled too much of her skin, but we may be seeing a man's real colours.

Not many women have come out to defend Amy, and this may be sadder than Somsak's questionable response to the controversy. Again, we are hearing arguments focused on "decency". Again, "culture" and "Thai-ness" are coming into play. Debate can go on forever, but the uproar and media frenzy indicate that Chotiros has committed a bigger crime than wife beating or sexual harassment in the workplace. Apparently, what she has done is not regarded to be part of female liberation, but something self-serving or an attempt to seek publicity. Which might be true. But the problem with our society is that self-serving or attention-seeking men are perfectly fine, including those acting on primitive impulses. Singer Tata Young once had to apologise to the Thai public for having announced that she had fallen in love with tennis star Paradorn Srichaphan. Actress Kataleeya McIntosh had to do the same after her personal romantic secrets broke out into the open. Chotiros is joining the Female Victims of Social Hypocrisy Club.

We have near heard of universities firing male students for visiting prostitutes, or companies demoting male executives for fathering illegitimate children.

If there has been any social condemnation of those men at all, it's surely not been half as strong as what Chotiros is facing, for wearing that lobster dress. She has exposed more than her cleavage and her thighs.

Through the controversy of what she wore, we are seeing an odd "culture", one where exercising her fundamental rights can cost a woman her job and where "decency" goes hand in hand with hypocrisy and opportunism.

Editorial Opinion by Tulsathit Taptim - The Nation - 14 February 2007

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I dont know if she has a fashion stylist but she should hire one. That dress looks absoloutly ridiculous on her. Maybe someone else could pull that look off but certainly not her.

BTW rector Suraphol Nitikraipot said "Society feels this is a disgrace". Realy? I wonder where he got this information, the only thing thats a disgrace is the fact that such a young prety girl could have such an awful idea of what constitutes, to use her own words, 'sexy fever'.

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PR stunt to fit in very nicely with the current moral climate. Would anyone know who Liz Hurley is without the safety pinned Versace dress? How about the J Lo green dress (also Versace??) Big storm about the dress & suddenly everyone knows who she is.... It's worked for others. :o

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Some of the other stars on display (from The Manager)...


"ตั๊ก บงกช"


สาว "นิว" โชว์หวิวตอนออกงาน "ตุ๊กตาทอง"

If anyone can translate the Thai titles, please feel free to name the lovely ladies.


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While I agree it's a rediculous dress what do they think she should have worn?

A <deleted> boiler suit? A full on burqa?

She's a young woman and she's entitled, within boundaries, to wear whatever she wants and she's more than welcome to wear that dress when we go out to dinner tonight. :D:D:o

If electrons produce electricity, do morons produce morality?

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Some of the other stars on display (from The Manager)...


"ตั๊ก บงกช"


สาว "นิว" โชว์หวิวตอนออกงาน "ตุ๊กตาทอง"

If anyone can translate the Thai titles, please feel free to name the lovely ladies.


I will take a stab at that...

1. Duck Bonggot

2. 'Niu' showing view at Golden Doll (Tukata Tong) Ceremony. Think that means 'she' is a 'he'. Sure looks that way!

Edited by qualtrough
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Some of the other stars on display (from The Manager)...


"ตั๊ก บงกช"

If anyone can translate the Thai titles, please feel free to name the lovely ladies.


I will take a stab at that...

1. Duck Bonggot

What an unglamorous sounding name for such a beautiful woman.

Edited by Grover
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The dress is hideous...really....just look at it....I'm not into fashion (I'm a rice farmer) but even I can see that the dress has no artistic merit at all....or maybe the pictures just don't show it off well....to me it looks like it was designed solely to elicite the comments that it so successfully has.

Anyone into fashion here who can give their opinoins of the dress's merits or lack thereof?


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The dress is hideous...really....just look at it....I'm not into fashion (I'm a rice farmer) but even I can see that the dress has no artistic merit at all....or maybe the pictures just don't show it off well....to me it looks like it was designed solely to elicite the comments that it so successfully has.

Anyone into fashion here who can give their opinoins of the dress's merits or lack thereof?


Looks like a hunk of satin lining ripped from her kindergarten coat. Not enough fabric so the seamstress ran out for shoe laces to hold it all together. Add the requisite glitter and Poof! a negligee fit for Elvira when she retires to her casket for the night.

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Anyone into fashion here who can give their opinoins of the dress's merits or lack thereof?

Yes chownah, I am an expert on this matter. :o

This dress is classy and sexy and not tacky. The cut down the side is pure genius, opening up a whole new realm of possibilities. She definitely gets away with it.

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