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Voodoos & Spells.


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heard that some females, will stand over a pot of steaming cooking rice.

has the steam gathers in her down south and drip the juice back onto the rice to feed their farang boyfriends to ensure their loyalty.

How much do you folks understand about such 'spells'.

What other 'spells' you heard of?

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heard that some females, will stand over a pot of steaming cooking rice.

has the steam gathers in her down south and drip the juice back onto the rice to feed their farang boyfriends to ensure their loyalty.

How much do you folks understand about such 'spells'.

What other 'spells' you heard of?

I have heard of love potions but not exactly like that.

When the cashier was ripping off the rather large bloke from a certain British Bar famous for its grub in Sukhumvit soi 4 it was said she was putting magic water in his food every day so he would not find out

It worked for over a year and she got a lot out of it ;-)))

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Met an amazing girl first time I came to Thailand when I was about 21. One afternoon when we were lazing about her apartment I noticed a strange vial of liquid lying on a shelf. It had a string on it so you could wear it around your neck. When I asked her what it was (as it obviously wasn't a fashion accessory) she turned all weird and serious. Told me it was from Cambodia (she was born there) and that it was an old time honoured method of casting a hex on somebody :o even said it had the power to kill !!

Now of course I didn't believe a word of this but she scolded me when I laughed. She really believed in this thing. She came from Cambodia from a really poor village where EVERY1 takes this stuff for real - hel_l her parents didn't even know how old she was !! but she reckoned about 19 or 20.

On a different note she turned out to be one of the nicest girls I had ever met and I had the time of my life with her. No idea where she is these days....... :D hope she is well.................

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I know many of them believe in spells and ghosts etc theres been a few posts in the Isaan room about it

Stories of when a new baby is born, everyone who comes to see it coments on how ugly it is so the ghosts dont come and steal it is one that spings to mind

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To spite the fact I am a professor of philosophy and religion here in Thailand I have never hear about these things until recently. I would caution you to stay away from the people that practice these types of things not because "the magic" is dangerous or real for that matter but the people may be dangerous.

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My wife told me about someone her family knew (he lived up in Chiang Rai, pretty rural area) and he had done black magic, tattoos and maybe even a sacrifice, well he couldn't be killed by knife or gun, in fact he was shot and stabbed on several occasions. She said when he was too old they put him in the grave and had to beat him on the head and then buried him.

Personally with black magic, my wife and I believe whether you are buddhist, Christian, believe in Karma or energies, when you start messing around with crap like using still born infants etc for spells, something nasty is going to come about.

Also I am sure most of our wives, girlfriends, friends have stories like the man from Chiang Rai as well...

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The whole world is full of stories like this......superstitious crap, emanating from people who lack the knowlege or ability to provide a rational explanation for things they do not understand.

It is much easier to "believe" than to think,

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There is some belief here, despite the kind Dr's belief that it didn't happen until recently.

I remember years ago a television interview (at 10) with a heavily tattooed monk who had been arrested for boiling the corpse of a baby. He was going to use the body fat for some ritual.

A couple of years ago there was front page news with Taksin taking part in a black magic ceremony that even the Sangha council had to distance itself from!

And don't get me started on those "protection" tattoos!

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A good mate fell for a girl in Pattaya just before the tsunami. We all thought it'd be a flash in the pan, being his fiorst trip here. He's a lovely bloke and well capable of getting a nice girl or a beautiful bar girl, but he went for this 'thing.' At the time my wife said it was her Cambodian magic that kept his love and loyalty. Obviously, we all laughed, more than two years down the line he has blown most of his money, lost loads of friends and taken her to the UK seveal times. She's short, old, as black as your hat, poor enough for him to support half her village and has two kids from a previous Thai bloke. She's horrible to him and all his mates. Yet, in his eyes, she can do no wrong and he's constantly showing his love for her in public.

Now I believe in it!

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The whole world is full of stories like this......superstitious crap, emanating from people who lack the knowledge or ability to provide a rational explanation for things they do not understand.

It is much easier to "believe" than to think,

I agree with ronw 100% but this is one of the largest problems in the world today people "believe" they don't think and non-thinking superstitious people are very dangerous (that was my point without saying it because I was trying to be PC).

It is said within the next 20 years we will loose half of the "intelligent" people of world and I'm sure I don't have to mention the growing religious trends in the world but belief and superstition are starting to replace intelligence and science.

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In Issan 'magic' is an important way of life. Just as we have 'old wives tales' in the west; Issan people have many DOs and DON'Ts.

My Thai BF and his family have some strong beliefs.

Without my knowledge, he made a 'love potion' using some of my fingernail and toe-nail clippings to 'make me love him.' It wasn't necessary - but I liked the gesture.


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A good mate fell for a girl in Pattaya just before the tsunami. We all thought it'd be a flash in the pan, being his fiorst trip here. He's a lovely bloke and well capable of getting a nice girl or a beautiful bar girl, but he went for this 'thing.' At the time my wife said it was her Cambodian magic that kept his love and loyalty. Obviously, we all laughed, more than two years down the line he has blown most of his money, lost loads of friends and taken her to the UK seveal times. She's short, old, as black as your hat, poor enough for him to support half her village and has two kids from a previous Thai bloke. She's horrible to him and all his mates. Yet, in his eyes, she can do no wrong and he's constantly showing his love for her in public.

Now I believe in it!

It must be "fur-lined" then? :o I think someone hit your friend with a stupid stick several times over the head. It has happened to friends of mine too, they meet some "Feral Cheryl" from the boondocks, and next thing you know, the whole village has descended on the poor sap. Don't know about spells or voodoo, but I think someone has to get lobotomised for this to happen.

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To spite the fact I am a professor of philosophy and religion here in Thailand I have never hear about these things until recently. I would caution you to stay away from the people that practice these types of things not because "the magic" is dangerous or real for that matter but the people may be dangerous.

I and my Thai wife complete agree with the above.....

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In the village where I live, there are turtles which belong to 'chao khun phu', the protector spirit of the village. To hurt the turtles would mean to challenge 'chao khun phu', to feed them is what 'chao khun phu' likes and rewards with good luck from lottery numbers up to a good rich husband.

When you look at the farang husbands (like me), that some of the woman from this village were able to find, you must come to the conclusion, that it works :D

So, if you need a lucky break in life, just come to Bankok on a Wednesday in the early morning, bring a plain boiled chicken (gai baan) and at least one bottle of lao-sii-sip whiskey (two or three are better) and the villagers will help you with the ceremony - and lao-sii-sip :o



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Is it possible that the less educated a person is the more likely they are to believe in this hocus pocus?

I dunno. I have an engineering degree, but I recently found myself rubbing gold leaf on a dried cat placenta whilst chanting mantras in a rather catatonic (no relation to the placenta) trance-like state. Surrounded by my rather incredulous local neighbors. Luckily, we all saw the funny side.

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I know many of them believe in spells and ghosts etc theres been a few posts in the Isaan room about it

Stories of when a new baby is born, everyone who comes to see it coments on how ugly it is so the ghosts dont come and steal it is one that spings to mind

actually i think that is because babies generally ARE ugly

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The whole world is full of stories like this......superstitious crap, emanating from people who lack the knowledge or ability to provide a rational explanation for things they do not understand.

It is much easier to "believe" than to think,

I agree with ronw 100% but this is one of the largest problems in the world today people "believe" they don't think and non-thinking superstitious people are very dangerous (that was my point without saying it because I was trying to be PC).

It is said within the next 20 years we will loose half of the "intelligent" people of world and I'm sure I don't have to mention the growing religious trends in the world but belief and superstition are starting to replace intelligence and science.

unfortunately we have already lost most of the ones that can can spell "lose".

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Yes, a common mistake for sure that deserved insult and pointing out however I don't make a living teaching English so no worries. First day of class for my students I tell them spelling and grammar do not count do your best your teachers are the ones who should be graded and held accountable not you.

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Perhaps we are still in our infancy as human beings that is pretty evident just read some of the posts, people are disagreeable in general about the most basic things and don't make any mistakes or abuse is sure to follow. However I fail to see how science could be mistaken for "mumbo-jumbo". When people can have a civilized conversation (or post something for that matter) without pointing out every flaw (unless it is constructive) we may have a better more evolved world to live in.

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Is it possible that the less educated a person is the more likely they are to believe in this hocus pocus?

You really must not confuse education with intelligence....

G W Bush went to a top college.....and we all know how stupid he is....

Tony B LIar is also well educated......and he believes in Adam and Eve....and Noahs Ark....as literal truth.

Several heads of government........guess where?.....consulted ASTROLOGERS....before making important decisions...

"We are begining to plumb the depths of Man's ignorance"

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I am sure a lot of people has not experienced spiritual happenings and thus can excuse it as mambo jumbo.

personally, i kinda move around a lot. seen certain happenings that tells me that strange things do happen. And its explanation is as simple as being 'possessed'.

and understanding those voodoos & spells do put you in a better position to 'fend' or 'dismentle' such happenings.

my best description so far:

A group of Singapore Police chanced upon a rough, violent Thai man. Now this thai man was obnobxious & violent. His most likely reason is that he has some of those 'protection' tattoos on him making him impervious to bullets or blows. Thus he bahaved that way trying to fight his way out the arrest.

An older, experienced officer, managed to pick up a stick off the bamboo shield and wield that as a weapon against that thai man.

That thai man, seeing that piece of bamboo, then quickly calm down and surrender peacefully.

Why? Because Bamboos are known to break 'protection' tattoo spells. He could be impaled by that bamboo strip. :D

Strange but true. :o

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I know lots of girls that get involved with this. wifey used to a lot..

She had a hoodoo person come to the house who then had a fit on the stairs and pronounced that if she didnt leave the house she would be dead in 6 months.. 5 months later she was..

Could have killed that prick.

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I know many of them believe in spells and ghosts etc theres been a few posts in the Isaan room about it

Stories of when a new baby is born, everyone who comes to see it coments on how ugly it is so the ghosts dont come and steal it is one that spings to mind

That would just be toooo fun. Could you immagine that back home, going to the hospital too see your friend's or relative's baby and saying something like "Ooooh daaammm look at that ugly azz lil baby, look like ya wife cheated on you with pug. lol!

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My wife told me about someone her family knew (he lived up in Chiang Rai, pretty rural area) and he had done black magic, tattoos and maybe even a sacrifice, well he couldn't be killed by knife or gun, in fact he was shot and stabbed on several occasions. She said when he was too old they put him in the grave and had to beat him on the head and then buried him.


On a serious note, I swear some hottie casts a spell on me once a trip in LOS....SERIOUSLY.

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I know many of them believe in spells and ghosts etc theres been a few posts in the Isaan room about it

Stories of when a new baby is born, everyone who comes to see it coments on how ugly it is so the ghosts dont come and steal it is one that spings to mind

actually i think that is because babies generally ARE ugly


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