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Village Tales And News


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Well I know I got the Villages life Topic going strong, but now I want to narrow it down to your village :

For instance I live in Banthago sub district Huairat : If there is any stories or village news I will post it :

Recent happening "Bob' the local black biting dog as we call him got in a fight with a snake in the fields and I am told he lost an eye and nearly the other one, I guess the snake won.

Plenty of rain at the moment as well.

So if you have news and want to post your village news feel free and province you in as well

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On a sad note, 2 farmers spending a night on their farm near Khun Han were caught in flooding the night before last. Sadly they both drowned.

Really? That's where my GF lives. I just spoke to her and she said that it was dangerous with flooding and people's houses were moving. Sounds like the weather we've had in some parts of England!!

How bad is it? Was it flash floods? Has it resided?

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Maybe my information was a little bit wrong. The nation is saying 1 person drowned.

Floods hit nine Si Sa Ket villages

Floods have ravaged nine villages in the northeastern province of Si Sa Ket, killing a resident and left three others missing.

Thin Thongdee, 73, drowned after the violent torrents of runoff water swept his creek-side hut.

Currently, the Khun Han district of Si Sa Ket was declared a disaster-hit zone. The severe flooding has already marooned at least nine villages in the district.

Continued here http://nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/r...newsid=30044124

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Mass murder in the village, hundreds feared dead

A car parked overnight under a mango tree was discovered full of red ants early this morning.

A plate of crushed Oreo cookies placed in the car to entice the ants. A half hour later an enraged woman empties can of insect spray into the car.

Ant death toll unknown, believed to be in the hundreds.

Car unsuitable for human occupation for the next week at least. :o

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Mass murder in the village, hundreds feared dead

A car parked overnight under a mango tree was discovered full of red ants early this morning.

A plate of crushed Oreo cookies placed in the car to entice the ants. A half hour later an enraged woman empties can of insect spray into the car.

Ant death toll unknown, believed to be in the hundreds.

Car unsuitable for human occupation for the next week at least. :D

Somebody should allert the ants-wellfare, and report this chemical war-fare :o

the person should be put on trial for her acts and disrespect for ant's life :D


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Mass murder in the village, hundreds feared dead

A car parked overnight under a mango tree was discovered full of red ants early this morning.

A plate of crushed Oreo cookies placed in the car to entice the ants. A half hour later an enraged woman empties can of insect spray into the car.

Ant death toll unknown, believed to be in the hundreds.

Car unsuitable for human occupation for the next week at least. :D

Somebody should allert the ants-wellfare, and report this chemical war-fare :o

the person should be put on trial for her acts and disrespect for ant's life :D


Where they "Insurge-ANTS" that she killed.

Edit// Sorry, i'll get my coat

Edited by mrbojangles
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Good news, a clean up team successfully removed all evidence of contaminANTs from the car. Wife declares car safe to use again.

Hope to provide flood update Sisaket to Phusing once wife arrives home.

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Wife declares car safe to use again.

I wouldn't bet on it Farma, they will be back as they are very intelligANT and are known to be very defiANT. The only way to truly get rid of them is to kill the infANTS and wait for the mothers and fathers to die of old age.

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One of the local farang bars has been closed lately so I asked a Thai friend if the farang moved on or went back to his country. His answer was "Oh no, He still open, only he close when fight with wife" ,,,,, I though that was classic.

Another bar is always closed the next day if you see the owner out after dark. Hes more reliable than a Rolex on that. :o

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Good news, a clean up team successfully removed all evidence of contaminANTs from the car. Wife declares car safe to use again.

Hope to provide flood update Sisaket to Phusing once wife arrives home.

Dont forget to bring a boat with you :D just in-case



I'm still waiting for the da%$ sun to come out :o

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One of the local farang bars has been closed lately so I asked a Thai friend if the farang moved on or went back to his country. His answer was "Oh no, He still open, only he close when fight with wife" ,,,,, I though that was classic.

Another bar is always closed the next day if you see the owner out after dark. Hes more reliable than a Rolex on that. :D

I can relate to that :o


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In our village there are certain occasions in the year when the village boss announces for villagers to go through the village cleaning up. i.e. collecting rubbish and trimming the trees that are overhanging the road.

Well I was going to trim my front hedge which I do every three weeks or so, the wife announced that she would get the village team to do it :

Well we ended up with 8 hard working kids pulling up plants in our garden for replanting in the front flower beds and two ladies (Cousins) and two males (Cousins) all the front was planted and the hedge then they came into our main garden trimmed trees and generally tidied up. I was impressed :

What was the cost Bottle or moonshine and some beer : I was so impressed with how hard the kids worked I gave them all 30 bht :

Great morning :

Later as it was the Queens Birthday and also Mothers Day we took the Family to eat Noodles at a very popular eating place on the way to Prakhon Chai : Then on the way back we called in at a Bird park for the kids to have some fun

Good day was had by all

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The drought (?) washed out a number of the rice paddy dikes. The repairs were done by the locals by hand and plastic overflow pipes were installed in the washed out sections. Most of the brand new paddies need to be reworked to make them level. A tractor with a dozer blade relies on the operators eye to make the floor of the paddy level and this time the eye was not that good. Dry at one end and four inches of water at the other end doesn't work very well. It appears to be a trial and error process. Laser? Whats that?

I don't think I can handle much more excitement today, I think I'll take a nap. :o

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The drought (?) washed out a number of the rice paddy dikes. The repairs were done by the locals by hand and plastic overflow pipes were installed in the washed out sections. Most of the brand new paddies need to be reworked to make them level. A tractor with a dozer blade relies on the operators eye to make the floor of the paddy level and this time the eye was not that good. Dry at one end and four inches of water at the other end doesn't work very well. It appears to be a trial and error process. Laser? Whats that?

I don't think I can handle much more excitement today, I think I'll take a nap. :o

Seems my day was a bit more exciting than your's but that what retirement is about doing what you want when you want :D

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Well the village was awarded 45000 bht from the Government (For each household to grow vegetables)

The wife went to a meeting yesterday and it was decided rather than divide the money to each household (and see it spent on loa khoa) there would be large ornamental pots located through the village then household members must up keep them and there contents which will be vegetables :

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Rain rain and more rain ;

The sun is out this morning last night it rained again, but the good thing is the Sister in law is putting the 1st lot of Fertilizer on the rice :

People in the villages will be going to vote today , listening to the news and reading News threads it seem that a large Majority will be voting in favour of the New Constitution !!

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