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Thai Farang Rorschach Test


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This is one of those word association rorschach tests. If you have ever been to a shrink or seen some movies, you know the drill. The doctor flashes an ink blot or mentions a word and asks the patient to say the FIRST WORD that comes to mind. Obviously, this is revealing.

For examples:

Doc says apple

Patient says Katoey

that sort of thing.

Now on to the FARANG Rorschach test (Enjoy!)

Guideline: If you are farang, respond to 1. and 3. If you are Thai, respond to 2. only.

(1) Farangs: what is the FIRST WORD (one word only) that FIRST comes to mind when you hear the word FARANG?

FILL IN THE BLANK __________________________________________________________________________

(2) Thais: what is the FIRST WORD (one word only) that FIRST comes to mind when you hear the word FARANG?

FILL IN THE BLANK __________________________________________________________________________

(3) Farangs: what is the FIRST WORD THAT YOU THINK THAT THAIS WOULD SAY (one word only) that FIRST comes to mind when a Thai persons first hears the word FARANG?

FILL IN THE BLANK __________________________________________________________________________

Edited by Jingthing
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I'll stop with 1.

1. Someone who doesn't understand the profound and distinct differences between a Rorschach examination and a word association test at all and mislabels internet forum's topic titles.

You are right, they are different, it was a very lazy error because I do know the difference perfectly well. I apologize and I was wrong, please whip me with a stiff noodle now.

But really as far as communicating the basic idea of the topic, you and anyone else would understand 100 percent what the topic was, so you are being a PRIG.

I would rather be wrong and lazy sometimes than a PRIG.

Edited by Jingthing
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You are right, they are different, it was a very lazy error because I do know the difference perfectly well. I apologize and I was wrong, please whip me with a stiff noodle now.

Are you kidding? This is a terrible insult to the religion of psychiatry! You should at least get 20 days in jail on a rotten mattress! But 20 lashes with a spiked whip is more appropriate!

We should march in the streets to demand that this infidel be punished under psyria law!

Edited by Upcountry
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You are right, they are different, it was a very lazy error because I do know the difference perfectly well. I apologize and I was wrong, please whip me with a stiff noodle now.

Are you kidding? This is a terrible insult to the religion of psychiatry! At best you should get 20 days in jail on a rotten mattress! But 20 lashes with a spiked whip is more appropriate!

We should march in the streets to demand that this infidel be punished under psyria law!

But I might really LIKE it.

Time to lay off the Grape Nuts !


I may have to! That damnable Pattaya Villa market hasn't had any on their shelves for weeks.

Edited by Jingthing
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ok I'll play

1. foreigner

3 foreigner

ps jingthing--get over your obsession! Give it a rest

I'll play too:

1. foreigner

3. foreigner

I think jingthing is trying to turn his obsession into a joke. Let's all play along and pretend it's funny. yesac7.gif

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