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Border Means Test Confirmed By Imm

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The Immigration dept has confirmed the news already reported in this forum.


I wonder why it has not been reported in the press?

I have just written to the Bangkok Post to ask them.

What not add your voice.

E-mail is [email protected]

22nd September 2004

Bangkok Post

136 Na Ranong Road

Klong Toey

Bangkok 10110

Dear Sir

There is a major announcement from the Immigration Dept about the rules that will be imposed, from the 1st October, on tourists entering Thailand though the land borders.

See http://www.imm3.police.go.th/webboard/view.php?No=1600 for details.

There is considerable concern amongst the ex pat community about the requirement to carry anything from 10,000 baht to 40,000 baht (for a family) in cash. There is a feeling that this will result in sharp rise in robberies on both sides of the borders.

When are you going to be reporting on this matter??

Yours faithfully

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I have already reported it to the press and I know one paper is working on it..

So far Don Muang and Ranong have gone 'huh' I expect they will get better answers from Mai Sai and San Plau..

I have been pointing out how arse backward ThaiImmigration.com is (on thier own forum.. Notice the silence) compared to real world and rasing these issues at a (newly discovered by me) board hosted on gov servers http://www.imm3.police.go.th/forum/index.php?showforum=1

If we could actually get any info printed up on that gov board it may be a really useful resource.

One poor guy was refused entry at Nong Khai border after the Nong Khai immigration people (via Thaiimmigration) are telling him its OK !!! Thai Immigrations answer "No Comment :o " Helpful huh !!!!

So 60 day visa's are not being issued multiple times now and 30 day walkers have to carry wads of cash.. Smart way to make people want to live here.

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@ Carlton

The answer must be yes and no!

The announcement in Mae Sai talks about "...Alien can avoid visa"

which I assume means TOURIST VISA EXEMPTION

The ruling is: (also by now 40 or 41 countries)

- According to the Interior Ministerial Announcements dated 6 February B.E.2538 (1995), 8 December B.E. 2541 (1998) 1 October B.E. 2545 (2002) and 20 December B.E. 2545 (2002) , passport holders from 39 countries do not require a visa when entering Thailand for tourism purposes if their stay in the Kingdom does not exceed 30 days.

- The applicant must possess instrument of means of living expenses 10,000 Baht per person and 20,000 Baht per family accordingly.

Personally, I doubt a check will be done at Bangkok-airport on steady basis. BKK which is anyway under different management from the land borders. The rule might be applied if the officer in charge feels it is necessary.

But let's face it, Bangkok airport has not so many returning travellers on repeated and uninterrupted 30 days-stamps, who just left the country for an hour or two as it seems to be the case on the land-border-stations.

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I am on Non Immigrant O (single). I don't have to leave the country every 90 days but if I wish so then I have to have a re-entry form filled on my departure at airport. My question is If I ever leave the country and arrive back to Don Muaen Airport do I need to show this cash or is it just for those who go to border?

Help will be highly appreciated.


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No, it won't effect you mate, as you'll be on a re-entry permit with an extended Visa! Same as it won't effect people with WPs and extended Visas (if they're on a re-entry permit!).

Thanks Ken ! You've been helpful to me in everyway. I appreciate that and hope not to have discussion on non natives again as it was creating a lot of misunderstanding, I felt like that.

Again thanks for your help and information.

Cheers mate ! :o

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No, it won't effect you mate, as you'll be on a re-entry permit with an extended Visa! Same as it won't effect people with WPs and extended Visas (if they're on a re-entry permit!).

How can you be so sure about that?

I know it is the logical approach,

but LOGIC is not a strong contender in Thailand.

Just look at the mess caused by this Immigration Ruling.............

One office has dug up a document 4 years old and not previously enforced.

The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

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Perhaps it shouldnt be taken too seriously it is after all a part of the game.

If we must show cash then let us find interesting ways to show cash.

Perhaps stapling the bills together at one end to form a packet which can be counted but not easily separated. Perhaps carrying a backpack full of 20 bhat notes which will take forever to count. Oh.. there are so many ways to be creative and yet comply!

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Perhaps it shouldnt be taken too seriously it is after all a part of the game.

If we must show cash then let us find interesting ways to show cash.

Perhaps stapling the bills together at one end to form a packet which can be counted but not easily separated. Perhaps carrying a backpack full of 20 bhat notes which will take forever to count. Oh.. there are so many ways to be creative and yet comply!

Verrrry bad idea. :o

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No, it won't effect you mate, as you'll be on a re-entry permit with an extended Visa! Same as it won't effect people with WPs and extended Visas (if they're on a re-entry permit!).

How can you be so sure about that?

I know it is the logical approach,

but LOGIC is not a strong contender in Thailand....

I agree, the logical approach is not so popular around here.

But somebody working in LoS with a WP and a re-entry should not even bring money into Thailand as all the income is made and taxes paid for inside the country.

Tourist are supposed to show that they have sufficient funds to support their stay, people working here have to proof their income locally.

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Perhaps it shouldnt be taken too seriously it is after all a part of the game.

If we must show cash then let us find interesting ways to show cash.

Perhaps stapling the bills together at one end to form a packet which can be counted but not easily separated. Perhaps carrying a backpack full of 20 bhat notes which will take forever to count. Oh.. there are so many ways to be creative and yet comply!

Verrrry bad idea. :o

agreed. Immigration officials aren't known for their jovial, happy-go-lucky sense of humor. They also don't have such a full appreciation of irony or sarcasim.

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I wonder why it has not been reported in the press? I have just written to the Bangkok Post to ask them.

Last year when there were all those proposed changes to income levels there was a thread here with many thousands of views (20,000?) and a couple of hundred posts. The coverage in The Bangkok Post? I can only remember a 2 line reference from Trink, absolutely nothing else. I sent an email to one of the western senior editors and of course no reply. I think the only people at BKP who reply to email are the Database team which makes sense as it's the best and most professional part of the paper anyway. Now l only get the Post on Wednesdays and rely on The Nation the rest of the week.

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I wonder why it has not been reported in the press? I have just written to the Bangkok Post to ask them...

It is my belief that the "Bangkok Post" doesn't care much about expats anyway.

This is one of the reasons that I switched after years of reading the paper to "The Nation", which has a very good expat section. :o

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No, it won't effect you mate, as you'll be on a re-entry permit with an extended Visa! Same as it won't effect people with WPs and extended Visas (if they're on a re-entry permit!).

How can you be so sure about that?

I know it is the logical approach,

but LOGIC is not a strong contender in Thailand.

Just look at the mess caused by this Immigration Ruling.............

One office has dug up a document 4 years old and not previously enforced.

The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

Well we can't really be sure of anything here can we (death and taxes and I've heard the latter are avoidable here if you know the right people :o )? But to me it makes sense as your Visa is on hold and they're not really issuing you any kind of new Visa at all, rather letting you come back in on what you left on.

Basically you have to look at what you're 80%+ sure is going to happen (and makes sense) otherwise no one would be able to answer any questions EVER about anything EVER.

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What if you show an ATM receipt (from a Thai account) which discloses your bank balance?

Well, I wouldn't mind taking my savings account passbook with me to the border, but they say 'cash only'... So what are the odds that they accept a paper slip spat out by a bank's machine (ATM)? :o

By the way, how about people who are (lawfully) employed in this country?

As they say, it's illegal to export/take out your work permit, so no proof of funds...

Bank account transfers? Well, my employer, like most government schools in Thailand, pays me cash at the end of the month, (after deducting the taxes), so no option either...

So, despite being lawfully employed, my options when going for a holiday to a neighbouring country are:

1. breaking the law, by carrying my work permit with me, eventually getting fined for this felony, or

2. carrying wads of cash with me, just to get back to my home/workplace, getting mugged in a shady border town... :D

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1. A permit holder must keep the permit with him or at the place of work during working hours in order that it may be readily shown to the competent official or the Registrar. Any violation thereof shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand Bath.

^ From the back page of a WP, so I think you can take your WP out with you if you want to.

Like I said Buck, I'm pretty sure if you exit on a re-entry permit (which you'd generally have to do if you have a WP and extended Visa) you won't need to show the money at all! But as Astral says who can be sure in these crazy times!

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By the way, how about people who are (lawfully) employed in this country?

As they say, it's illegal to export/take out your work permit, so no proof of funds...

You say it is illegal to take out your WP? So, how can you then show it to Thai Embassy abroad in order to get a B Visa?

Ok, I admit, this won't be the first highly illogical rule I came across here in Thailand, so I bet it even has a high degree of being real .....


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the sleeping dogs are woken up now

i had been yesterday to mae sot:

no statement right now waiting for answer from bkk

money and time

taxi to moh shit 80b

22:30 vip bus bkk mae sot 5:30 480b

5:45 taxi to the market 5:50 15b

breakfast at the market 100b

6:30 taxi to the bridge 20b

7:00 leaving thailand

7:15 leaving myanmar 500b

7:30 taxi to hill bus stop 7:50 50b

8:00 bus to bkk 16:00 320b

taxi back home 100b

20 hour 1665 b

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I had a long talk with the man in charge of immigration at Mai Sai border last week. He gave me several reasons not to be concerned with the new rules srating next month.

1) They are going to profile people. If you are poorly dressed and carry a large back pack yo will probably be asked to show the money. If you don't fit the profile you will not be asked.

2) If you have a home here they are not concerned with you as you have a place to sleep and don't require a hotel. He told me there are people crossing into Thailand with bt 400 in their pocket.

3) If you have a work permit you don't need to show any money.

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I might be wrong but I do not trust this “immigration division 3” website.

First: If you look carefully, the documents which are showed are not signed and not even stamped.

Second: it’s not even a scanning of an official document but just the transfer from a digital camera and you can even see the pin on the first document (bottom left).

So why official immigration officers would have to take damaged and torn outdoor pictures to put in their website instead a clean one coming straight from their drawers?

Do not say to me that because they do not have any scanner or can’t even typewrite the documents and clear the printed mistakes!

Third: in this document, it is said that that the foreigner(s) must have cash or document exchange but still someone has said that their just accept the cash. That means the officers say the exact opposite of what it is written. :D (I know that's possible).

I do think that’s all RUBBISH!!! I mean absolutely NON OFFICIAL!

Unfortunately, it might be the product of an officer or a group of officers who have themselves decided to target the border runners as it is clearly announced:

BANGKOK: From October 1, 2004, Thai Immigration will enforce an old regulation from October 2000, which requires border runners to show evidence of cash upon re-entry to Thailand. The "new" regulations are:

- 30 days "on arrival" entry 'walkers': 10,000 Baht (family 20,000 Baht)

Sound strange" for me...

1) They are going to profile people. If you are poorly dressed and carry a large back pack yo will probably be asked to show the money. If you don't fit the profile you will not be asked.

About the border runners especially at Maesai and Maesot, they NEVER carry a large bag pack when they cross the border as we all know they come back the same day! :o

As I said...I might be wrong.....

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