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WOW - I think everyone visiting Thailand should read this!...

My best friend moved out to Thailand last year with about £30K, now he's living with his Thai Wife (ex bar girl) and he hasn't got a penny less.  He bought a business, lost it, in fact he lost everything through her, poor bloke.

I must admit the first time I went over to see him, i fell under the illusion - it's very easy...!  Bar Girls are such perfect actors...

I have just come back about 2 weeks ago from spending 2 weeks there and this time I went there the wiser from the mistakes my friend made and the mistakes I made from the first time.

It's a crazy place, I still want to go and live there, not for the women, but just for an easy, relaxing life.

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Well, I am not sure wether it is the gf's fault.

Maybe your friend made a mistake in judging the business. If someone sells a business maybe it is not a good one.

A lot of people think that it is easy to earn money in Thailand, and buy bars or restaurants in a secluded part of Phuket or Samui thinking that customers will flood.

Just to make ends meet, a business mustbe in a popular spot such as central Patong, or central Chaweng, and I mean really central.

The girl could have been in good faith, thinking it was a good business as your friend did, considering also that surely she is poorly educated.

Considering also the tourism crisis, I do  believe your friend lost everything, but not necessarily is the girl's fault.

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It's a crazy place, I still want to go and live there, not for the women, but just for an easy, relaxing life.

You still don't have a clue if you think life here is easy.  Highly advise you to wait until you can afford to live off your savings if you want to live your v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n life here.

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  • 2 months later...

Here Here!, PRIVATE DANCER IS A GREAT BOOK and should be read by everyone going to Thailand for the first time.

BUT. Don't let it sour you up on Thai ladies......

Of course they are after MONEY. Most need it for their relatives who would starve, if they didn't prostitute themselves.

No DSS in Thailand. No Govt handouts. You are on your own there. NO. The only way that they can earn a crust is to  

allow themselves to be pawd and screwed by a lot of Fat, Pissed, Smelly Farangs. They deserve every Bht they get in my opinion......I advise you not to look down on them.

Treat them with respect. Incidentally, do YOU support your relatives?.

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. Most need it for their relatives who would starve, if they didn't prostitute themselves.

most need the money to pay gambling debts,buy alcohol,pay the bills on 3 or 4 mobile phones,to buy that 25th pair of shoes and to allow them to lead lazy and unproductive lives. very little money finds its way back to the villages as it did 15 or 20 years ago.

they are clever crafty characters,surviving on their guile and your naivety.good luck to them.

you keep paying them david charles,because many of them spend lots of money in my in-laws shop,and the profits from that shop are taking us all up to chiang mai over new year.i'll raise my glass to you  as we all tuck into a seafood feast on new years eve.

 blinkered souls like yourself are being totally fooled if you think you are helping them.

by supporting them you are trapping them in a life of dependance,laziness and avarice. buy sex if you want to,i dont see anything wrong with that, but dont claim to be helping them.

you are only helping yourself.

justifying it as help may ease your feelings about using prostitutes,but it certainly is not helping them.

if you want to help poor thai people, look around at all the social injustices that are on display around the country, and make a donation to an aids hospice,a burmese refugee centre,a disabled peoples foundation,an orphanage,a mental hospital,an upcountry school that needs a few more books and computers,or that limbless guy on the bridge who really does look like he could do with some help.

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its the "helping these poor creatures" thats gets me.

its like

"i really didnt want to go to bed with that gorgeous,pouty,lithe sexy little 18 year old,honest,i didnt want to take her back to my hotel,and remove her skimpy little blouse, i tried not to look at her  in the shower,but her father,he is so hungry,i did it for him.

the next night i felt sorry for her mum, so i did it again."

why cant they just be honest and say, i needed a <deleted> so i went out and got one.and tomorrow i'll go out and get another one.

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Have you ever been up country to a village before?

Nowadays you will see just as many mobile phones as chickens running round.

Indeed , a sign of a prosperous village is one with chickens who use mobile phones.

The Leather Book is very good , as are all of his books.

But , as he admits , it is writtien in a stereotypical style.

Chris Moore's books , I believe , have more reality embedded in the script.

Christ , I even sounded a bit clever then ! hic!

:o  :D  B)

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Can't comment on the majority as i have not met them all, but can comment on two ladies I met in Bangkok while I was there who made 12,000 baht in a week, she told me she sent 10,000 home to her parents, I to was not convinced untill I met their parents while working up in Nth Thailand.

And indeed what they said was true

Now again I can not talk about every bar girl, but please don't make stupid comments when you can not say this about every thai girl, I've met two and I'm sure there are more.

Hey girls con guys all aound the world, watch half the movies we make its always a winner in the movies, but I would like to believe there are still a lot of Thai girls who follow what I find is a great idea support your own.

Hey Imagine Bush getting up and saying lets get America straight first.

Every one has the rights to there opinion but please don't try and force your ideas onto me, and I like to think there is still some beauty in Thailand

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but I would like to believe there are still a lot of Thai girls who follow what I find is a great idea support your own.

so AWSEM if you fell on hard times later in your life, you would have no problem asking your sweet,pretty 19 year old daughter to go and screw,fellate and pander to foriegners for money,with all the associated risks to her health and sanity,so that you would be comfortable.

responsible parenting or pimping?

yes, there is something noble about the asian way of the eldest child being responsible for the parents,but when lazy and stupid parents take advantage of their brainwashed kids to send them off to be prostitutes,or when girls,who after seeing others from the village who have gone off and come back with gold and money,go off themselves,when it becomes normal accepted behaviour,then i see it as damaging to the culture.it is just not right. and when i hear falangs who support girls in that lifestyle, and claim to be helping them,well, i have to have my rant.these kids are treated as commodities by their parents and then as commodities by their customers.  great life indeed.

they are trapping them in dependance.

go and help the real needy.

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Tax why when someone mentions bargirls are you so ready to jump out of your pram?

You have serious issues when it comes to bargirls, why?

Little lady was/is one?

Your posts border on personal insults and mocking, now there must be a reason for you to be so scathing, unless of course you just want to ram your opinions down the throat of everybody else, but i am sure that as a reasonable human being, you would not want to do that, would you.

So tell me, why do throw scorn at people when bargirls are mentioned?

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no probs with bar girls,they do what they do,and they always will.spent many happy hours with them.never looked down on them.

no probs with guys going with them.marrying them,etc.

but in my experience its not a good basis for a relationship.

just cant see the logic behind the feeling sorry for them and the "help" given.

as i've said, i feel it traps them,not helps them.

but in anybodys book,prostitution is not an ideal way of life,very few are unscathed psychologically by the experience.

sure, its convenient for the guys,we come and we go.

but for most of the girls,they are always here.and after they are 30 or 35, they are finished.

how come you havent married your girl,instead of just visiting her every now and again. maybe you have a girl back home as well.

the girls are used terribly.cant you see it?


and yes i am opinionated.and i like to shout my opinions.and sometimes i probably sound sarcastic and insulting.but its provocative and gets replies and surely thats what these forums are all about.

the "nice",love and peace,topics where everybody agrees with each other, are dull.

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I see where you are coming from, and you are right about them getting used in some cases, it's a sad world we live in.

Tax i will say that you are an ok bloke, and you do wind people up, keep it up, as you say it would be dull otherwise.

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It's the Taxexile's, Chonabots, Tutsiwarriors and other assorted characters out in the forum who give it so much appeal.  (sorry if I left anyone out, this is just examples of the stronger characters on the board).

When folks post what they think (without being f*&ing idiots like some of the 1st-post Trollers), and are not afraid to enter into a decent debate of variously opposing ideals - it makes for good reading.

I personally am more amazed by the speed at which some of the posters react to some of the more controversial postings (ie a post which doesnt quite match their viewpoint).  Some people don't take irony or purposeful 'stirring' very well, say to comments posted by the members mentioned above.  The subsequent reactions are lightening fast, and far too full of emotion - ie they post before they think!  

Again - it makes for great reading.

So happy posting to all...

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To my learned friend

At no time did I say i approve of postitution, but only stated that you generalise about the total which is not a truth.

I have met some very nice ladies of the night who feel in their hearts that they are doing this for their family, be this right or wrong is not the question at hand.

Blame the parents guess so

Blame the government Guess so

Blame all us Farang who use and abuse them guess so

But it takes a lot of different birds to make a sweet song, and although I know a high percentage of girls tht are only after money for them selves, don't throw out all the apples because some are bad.

I have on advantage over you, I can employ local talent to do honest work, so I see the good side as well, and I see where the monies goes.

Life in Bangkok with out bar girls would be boring and dull and give you guys nothing to chat about, gee you'd all become a stack of hens at a sewing party.

But it makes me mad when you condem all because of some others, may be I walk around with a false smile on my face.

But I love Thailand and i love the people, one day i will be finished and have to go home which will be sad, but I hope i made a difference somewhere with someone.

I would rather this than go through life thinking I wasted all my time and every one is a no hoper but me and my friends.

Just my opinon, and I sleep well at night, with or with out a bar girl

I met an Arab shiek once and asked him why he had so many wives

He told me that his god had given him wealth so that women could eat.

Think about it .................

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  • 5 months later...

How could anyone have pity on them. 99% of them love what they do. No one is forcing them to do this. If there is pity to be had then it should be directed toward the poor lasses who are sold by parents and then locked up in little rooms only to be pronged day in and day out, night after night until they contract AIDS and then they are cast out onto the street.

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