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Cooling The Computer


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Hi - I couldnt help noticing that my PC was blowing warm air out of the two little grilles on the back.

This was annoying me, as I am eco-conscious and hate wasting energy. So I blocked the grilles up with sticky tape, but the warm air started coming out of the various gaps in the casing instead. Coincidentally, it also slowed down around about this time too.

At the moment I have resorted to putting the main body of my PC in our fridge, and this has made it faster again, but the cables mean that the door wont close properly, and its is dripping water too.

Is there any reason why I couldnt water cool my PC, as they do with cars? I was thinking of putting a plastic bag inside the body with an inlet and outlet hose to run cool water through.

I'm a microsoft engineer so I should be able to follow any technical advice.

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It took me about 10 minutes to stop laughing out loud

and rolling on the floor.

You must be a troll if you can claim to be even a SW

Engineer. Or a Bill Gates hater working at Sun.

But just for fun, the air coming out the back grills

is taking the heat away. Taping that up is like trying

to burn up your $1000.

Thanks for the laugh.

Now to turn off the CPU, you just .............

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Pandit might sound a bit silly :D but watercooling your PC is not a joke!!!!

Check out some neat hardware form Zalman (probably the number one in cooling accesories)


Certainly looks impressive next to your PC....

And available in Thailand as well!


Zalman reserator1 at a cool 9900 Baht :o

Apart from the joking, for overclockers this is absolute perfect equipment, I have an Athlon XP2500 running at a XP3200 speed with the help of a regular desktop fan on the side of my open case. Doesn't look nice but I have 7500 Baht performance for 3850 Baht!!!

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Pandit might sound a bit silly  :D  but watercooling your PC is not a joke!!!!

Check out some neat hardware form Zalman (probably the number one in cooling accesories)


Certainly looks impressive next to your PC....

And available in Thailand as well!


Zalman reserator1 at a cool 9900 Baht  :o

Apart from the joking, for overclockers this is absolute perfect equipment, I have an Athlon XP2500 running at a XP3200 speed with the help of a regular desktop fan on the side of my open case. Doesn't look nice but I have 7500 Baht performance for 3850 Baht!!!

If you REALLY want to overclock severely, there are two options.

Liquid Nitrogen (works well, but you have to keep topping it up, and not really useful for more than a few minutes.)

Using a compressor (like in an air conditioner) to literally move the temperature of the chip to BELOW freezing, like the prometeia, or the vapochill.

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go in pantip placa and check there for water cooling. it is not expensive for 3000-4000 THB you should get something nice. Anyway I would make a test run outside the computer first and check also if the pump realy puts the wather true the tupes.

The biggest problem, placing the computer in the fridge is that your beer gets warm!!!!


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if you are that keen I would suggest glycol, as it is not conductive and has a very low freezing point. put your whole box in a container of glycol and utilize an old air conditioner for the heat exchanger.

a bloke did it a few years ago, so a quick search on google should bring results.

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if you are that keen I would suggest glycol, as it is not conductive and has a very low freezing point. put your whole box in a container of glycol and utilize an old air conditioner for the heat exchanger.

a bloke did it a few years ago, so a quick search on google should bring results.

And if you buy a local wine here, you can take a bit glycol out of the container and add it :o

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Well, thanks for your replies, I think.

Now this is no word of a lie. I posted this same joke at Cnet today - the hardware forum - and was answered:

That a microsoft engineer would not know about heat generated by electrical components, plus attempting to put a tower in the fridge......

THAT is not a dig .... Just wondering where you are trying to go with this post...


Now come on, no one could take it seriously. But there is another:

Are you mad

and the best, also at Cnet:

the reason its running slow after you blocked its over heating heats bad for computers remove from refrige and remove tape

Well, I can only say that such replies are a complement to the sharp humour of the TV members.

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Or I could lie the fridge on its side.......

Now, this is making me really heave:

What is this a JOKE ?!?!

You hate wasting energy, eh? So what's that gotta do with blocking heat exhaust from your machine??

What exactly is your point in doing that? Trying to eliminate a heat source in your air-conditioned room in a hope to ease up your electricity bill?

And if you ever resort to building a water-cooled system (which is perfectly possible), you'll end up even wasting more energy

coz the CPU will eat up as much as it used to BUT the water cooler set will consume a lot more energy

than your heatsink and fan combination.

Your CPU consumes a lot of energy and transform most of it to heat.

So if you want to conserve energy, lower the CPU clock frequency and select a lower V Core.

You'll use less energy and create less heat. And for goodness sake!...remove the sticky tape!!!

Air circulation is neccessary for computer systems....and as a computer engineer....I'd expect you to be well aware of that !!


I was weeping at that, but then.....

electrical power consumed by a computer [or any other physical device] is converted to heat. In order to prevent the components in the system from getting too hot there are fans to get rid of the heat heat and bring cooler room ambient air in.

There are water cooling system available for use with computers. Many gamers and overclockers use them.

But, of course, this post must be a dig at Microsoft, so I'll say ROFLMAOOL.

Possibly you write some of their absurd dialog boxes.

This has to be a serious complement to TV.

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  • 6 months later...
Or I could lie the fridge on its side.......

Hey ! You really are are Microsoft Engineer :D

Yeah sure, then Microsoft will make it an 'industry standard' and all the beer makers will have to put a 90 degree top on their bottles. :D

...and I just learned how to slap open the twist tops on my PowerBook...:o

Titanium...gotta love it...

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Wandering through Fortune Plaza today I noticed there is a shop called 'Overclocking hardware and cooling supplies' or something like that. Its slightly out of the main area, up towards the hotel end near Yamaha music.

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I would have thought a Microsoft engineer would NOT have wasted that tape. You could have saved the tape and the energy to run the fan too. Open up your case and cut those two little wires that go to that energy wasting fan.

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The clue to your warm processor may be in the Windoze source code:

/* Source Code to Windows 2000 */
#include "win31.h"
#include "win95.h"
#include "win98.h"
#include "workst~1.h"
#include "evenmore.h"
#include "oldstuff.h"
#include "billrulz.h"
#include "monopoly.h"
char make_prog_look_big[1600000];
void main()

if (first_time_installation)









if (still_not_crashed)





if (detect_cache())
if (fast_cpu())

/* printf("Welcome to Windows
3.1"); */
/* printf("Welcome to Windows
3.11"); */
/* printf("Welcome to Windows
95"); */
/* printf("Welcome to Windows NT
3.0"); */
/* printf("Welcome to Windows
98"); */
/* printf("Welcome to Windows NT
4.0"); */
printf("Welcome to Windows
if (system_ok())
system_memory =
open("a:\swp0001.swp", O_CREATE);



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well, you know ... engineers.....

So 3 engineers aer driving one day when the car breaks down. The Mechanical engineer says "Uh oh, bug problem- th engines gone." The electrical engineer says "Not such a big problem. The spark plugs are probably just too dirty - lets clean em up nd get on our way." The Microsoft engineer says "No need to do that! Lets just tur off the car, get out, close the doors and get back in!"

Incidentally, I have my laptop additionally cooled by a 200 THB desktop fan, too. works well to keep the frame almost room temp.

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