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Freedom is the greatest gift anybody/thing can give to you.

But actually nobody can give it.

We can give the credit to many beings, but freedom can't be classified.

It comes from within.

What does freedom mean to you?

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QUOTE(BRACCOBALDO @ 2005-06-19 04:01:23)

..maybe I'm a cynic but in this world freedom don't come from within but from MONEY...

Thats why I study business, but I will never give out the hope. The world of my dreams. It will be a dream always. But it gives me hope.

Never lose hope, hope is a rope that swings one through life.

Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, as Janice J said, or was it someone on this forum?

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Freedom means being able to do what you want, when you want, with no restrictions....

No one is actually free if they live in a structured society, but living in Thailand feels a lot free'er than the western world.....

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..maybe I'm a cynic but in this world freedom don't come from within but from MONEY...

Actually, it's the preoccupation with wealth that ties most people down.

"Me and Bobby Mcgee", although made famous by Janis Joplin, is a Kris Kristofferson song.

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If you want to be serious in this thread - you've got to get your head around the differences between freedom, liberty, licence and anarchy.

Also solve conundrums like "In a free society how do you protect the rights of the week from the tyranny of the strong?"

And if you flippantly say, "You don't" then how can your society be free if this freedom is denied the week and underprivileged?

For the intellectuals: Have read of Two Concepts of Liberty by Isaiah Berlin.

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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If you want to be serious in this thread - you've got to get your head around the differences between freedom, liberty, licence and anarchy.

Also solve conundrums like "In a free society how do you protect the rights of the week from the tyranny of the strong?"

And if you flippantly say, "You don't" then how can your society be free if this freedom is denied the week and underprivileged?

For the intellectuals: Have read of  Two Concepts of Liberty by Isaiah Berlin.

Perhaps the term "free society" is an oxymoron. Governments are by nature coersive....and in my mind coersion is more or less antithetical to freedom.

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I think freedom is best defined by the individual. The caveat to this being the individual needs to have access to sufficient information to make a knowledgeable and reasonable decision on this matter. For me freedom is the ability to make decisions with the least amount of outside mandates. Have the ability to make my own informed decision and the ability to gather information for numerous sources that have not been unreasonably restricted.

There is a quote from the most recent King Arthur movie about freedom – I’ll have to pop in the DVD later and get that quote.

As Mr. Merton points out the way the OP lays things out there is certainly a wide range of topics that could be covered. As in the most basic of discussions it would be easy to say that absolute freedom is absolute anarchy.

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As in the most basic of discussions it would be easy to say that absolute freedom is absolute anarchy

Anarchy, Love and Peace as we used to say back in the punk days.

I never used to believe it, but now I do. :o

Whoever you vote for, the government wins!

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Oops, forgot envy, greed and jealousy. I guess getting close to the 7 deadly sins.

The U.S. government talks about spreading freedom, but as I grew older in the U.S. I found freedoms being always further restricted. When I was a boy in the late '50s, we never locked our doors, we didn't worry about the IRS, my sister and I walked safely to school, an honest man could make an honest buck -- it wasn't a crime to get your hands dirty as a working-class guy (my father was declared bankrupt in the early '60s, yet was able later to come back and do well). He had gotten in the wrong partnership, yet people gave him the chance to recover. Remember his parents (my grandparents) had survived the Great Depression. People made mistakes. People had difficulties. That was considered a fact of life. It was "normal." Now we have to be perfect with our 404 retirement plans.

When I was in high school, the cops might stop us for driving and find a couple of beers in the car. They would warn us, take the beer and let us go. Now, it would be jail time and family shame.

Freedom? Don't look to any government to supply that.

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Freedom for me is being lucky enough to be born white in a western country, being given a good education and the earning power early in life to now be able to stop working at an early age and enjoy a comfortable life in Thailand with my Thai family.

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A government that truly values freedom respects individuals' rights to do whatever they please, as long as they aren't harming anyone else physically or damaging/stealing their property.

Sadly, no government I know of values freedom today.

And freedom is obviously pretty ###### important to me. Look at my name!

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Freedom? Don't look to any government to supply that.

Amen to that, brother!

60 years ago, the things we used to rely on government to provide us with cost only about 5% of our income. Now every cent we earn from January through roughly April (in the US at least) goes to the governement to provide us with all the additional responsibilities and beauracracies they've now set up. Nobody wants to take personal responsibility for any anything today, and we've sadly sacrificed a lot of our freedoms in the process.

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freedom is where you can be, where you wanna be :D

freedom you have to seek, nobody can give it to you :D

freedom is everywhere, you just have to find and live it :o

freedom is respect of privacy and fair taxes..aha :D

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Freedom? Don't look to any government to supply that.

Amen to that, brother!

60 years ago, the things we used to rely on government to provide us with cost only about 5% of our income. Now every cent we earn from January through roughly April (in the US at least) goes to the governement to provide us with all the additional responsibilities and beauracracies they've now set up. Nobody wants to take personal responsibility for any anything today, and we've sadly sacrificed a lot of our freedoms in the process.

It kills me to watch America fall the way it is. More and more of our freedoms are being taken away and no one cares. The ideals my kin have fought for and suffered for are being slowly forgoten in the meat grinder of big business and big goverenment. Never trust those with power, always ask why. Each passing election is a death knell for the American dream.

Ask not whom the bell tolls, for it tolls for thee.

freedom is where you can be, where you wanna be :D

freedom you have to seek, nobody can give it to you :D

freedom is everywhere, you just have to find and live it :o

freedom is respect of privacy and fair taxes..aha :D

If you're free you'll never see the walls

If your head is clear you'll never free fall

If you're right you'll never fear the wrong

If your head is high you'll never fear at all-Audioslave

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Freedom for me is being lucky enough to be born white in a western country, being given a good education and the earning power early in life to now be able to stop working at an early age and enjoy a comfortable life in Thailand with my Thai family.

Yes, your circumstance of birthplace, race, education, work etc. gave you the freedom to choose and finance your lifestyle. :o

I am lucky enough to be in the same situation as you! :D !

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For me Freedom is more literal. Breaking it down by the sylable, Freedom becomes

"Free Dum" Dum represents that dark guy/girl who was born somewhere near Cambodia or Laos and in order for him/her to get accepted into the Thai circle of friends, he/she accepted his/her mockery nickname from child hood---working just a bit harder in life than the other Chinese blooded Thais around. All Dum's life, he/she grew up watching Television commercials about how beatuiful it was to be white and how creams and powders would make everything better.

No matter how much whitening cream Dum rubbed on his/her body, or how much powder he/she covered his/her face in, he/she never got any whiter, his/her complexion was still the same--at the end of the day, the cream and powder washed away, and he/she was still the same old 'Dum'. Dum was always hurting inside not being able to realize the value and beauty in being different.

So in this sense, once you can put yourself in Dum's shoes and Free Dum---in whatever way it is possible to free Dum from suffering, then you have achieved Freedom


Edited by greenwanderer108
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