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Somehow falang bar owners justify collecting the "bar fine".

In America this is known as pimping and is not only looked down upon but is illegal.

Anyone else have a problem with this?

Seems kind of rotten to take advantage of someones misfortune to make money.

The girls obviously do it because they were born poor with few opportunities.

Shouldn't falangs set a better example and not exploit them?

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If its a bar that attracts customers because of the girls that work there AND they pay the girls a monthly salary then the barfine is there to compensate the bar if a customer wants to take the girl away from the bar, otherwise what is the bar paying her salary for?

Paying a barfine does'nt guarantee anything from the girl either! only the fact that she is free to leave work.


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That makes you a pimp Dave.

You dress up your scandulous activity like you are some sort of Samaritan.

The girls were dealt a crummy hand of cards in life and are making the best of

the situation.

You are taking advantage of that.

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If its a bar that attracts customers because of the girls that work there AND they pay the girls a monthly salary then the barfine is there to compensate the bar if a customer wants to take the girl away from the bar, otherwise what is the bar paying her salary for?

Paying a barfine does'nt guarantee anything from the girl either! only the fact that she is free to leave work.


Like she is getting someone to pay for her night off,

and possibly the next night

and the night after that in some cases

So if the bar owner is pating the girl 400 Baht a night and she leaves..he's 400 baht out of pocket..so he deducts those "missing nights" from her wages

Am I correct Dave?

Anyway I cant see this thread lasting long

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You guys are morally bankrupt.

Everyone knows what the deal is when he deducts "missing nights".

Call it want you want, it is pimping in the civilized world.

Like she is getting someone to pay for her night off,

and possibly the next night

and the night after that in some cases

So if the bar owner is pating the girl 400 Baht a night and she leaves..he's 400 baht out of pocket..so he deducts those "missing nights" from her wages

Am I correct Dave?

Anyway I cant see this thread lasting long

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That makes you a pimp Dave.

You dress up your scandulous activity like you are some sort of Samaritan.

That about sums it up :o It's called "living off immoral earnings" in the UK, and he would be doing a short stretch for pulling the same stunt there, that he does here. Getting all sanctimonious does not justify the fact that you are selling pu$$ey :D

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That makes you a pimp Dave.

You dress up your scandulous activity like you are some sort of Samaritan.

That about sums it up :o It's called "living off immoral earnings" in the UK, and he would be doing a short stretch for pulling the same stunt there, that he does here. Getting all sanctimonious does not justify the fact that you are selling pu$$ey :D

I'm pretty sure that Dave does not own a bar like this, so why are you giving him a hard time?

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That makes you a pimp Dave.

You dress up your scandulous activity like you are some sort of Samaritan.

The girls were dealt a crummy hand of cards in life and are making the best of

the situation.

You are taking advantage of that.

Unfounded acusations like this make you a self confessed playey of the pink oboe old son. :o

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I'm pretty sure that Dave does not own a bar like this, so why are you giving him a hard time?

Just calling it as I see it. However, if he doesnt accept barfines, he ascends the ladder of morality :o

Well mate, I thought that you had been on this board long enough to know that Daves bar is a bar...and not anything else.

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He has a bar in Pattaya and obviosly defends the parctice, so I assume he did as well.

If he doesn't accept barfines, my apologies, he is not a pimp, just a pimp apologist.

Which is not a whole lot better.


Well mate, I thought that you had been on this board long enough to know that Daves bar is a bar...and not anything else

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Well mate, I thought that you had been on this board long enough to know that Daves bar is a bar...and not anything else.

I know the bar well, and have been there many times. Dave was the one trying to justify bar fines, and I was having a shot at his justification of it..................Time for lunch :o

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Well mate, I thought that you had been on this board long enough to know that Daves bar is a bar...and not anything else.

I know the bar well, and have been there many times. Dave was the one trying to justify bar fines, and I was having a shot at his justification of it..................Time for lunch :o

It's dinner time here.... :D

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I know the bar well, and have been there many times. Dave was the one trying to justify bar fines, and I was having a shot at his justification of it.................

Some Countries now have laws to prosecute their citizens for going abroad to commit sex crimes.

OZ, USA, Britain, etc...

It probably won't be long before they turn to falang pimps.

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Well mate, I thought that you had been on this board long enough to know that Daves bar is a bar...and not anything else.

I know the bar well, and have been there many times. Dave was the one trying to justify bar fines, and I was having a shot at his justification of it..................Time for lunch :D

It's dinner time here.... :D

Lunch time is called dinner time in most civilised countries.

I suspect that JRingo will be starting a thread about Yaba next.. :o

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Well mate, I thought that you had been on this board long enough to know that Daves bar is a bar...and not anything else.

I know the bar well, and have been there many times. Dave was the one trying to justify bar fines, and I was having a shot at his justification of it..................Time for lunch :D

It's dinner time here.... :D

Lunch time is called dinner time in most civilised countries.

I suspect that JRingo will be starting a thread about Yaba next.. :o

You should substitute "civilised" with "British".It reads better that way. :D

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Lumphun you are confused; you are quoting the wrong person.

Lumphun wrote:

Lunch time is called dinner time in most civilised countries.

I suspect that JRingo will be starting a thread about Yaba next.. :o

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Well mate, I thought that you had been on this board long enough to know that Daves bar is a bar...and not anything else.

I know the bar well, and have been there many times. Dave was the one trying to justify bar fines, and I was having a shot at his justification of it..................Time for lunch :D

It's dinner time here.... :D

Lunch time is called dinner time in most civilised countries.

I suspect that JRingo will be starting a thread about Yaba next.. :o

You should substitute "civilised" with "British".It reads better that way. :D

Perhaps, but it wouldn't make sense. It's the soap dodgers who've been calling Dinner Lunch.

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Well mate, I thought that you had been on this board long enough to know that Daves bar is a bar...and not anything else.

I know the bar well, and have been there many times. Dave was the one trying to justify bar fines, and I was having a shot at his justification of it..................Time for lunch :D

It's dinner time here.... :D

Lunch time is called dinner time in most civilised countries.

I suspect that JRingo will be starting a thread about Yaba next.. :o

You should substitute "civilised" with "British".It reads better that way. :D

Perhaps, but it wouldn't make sense. It's the soap dodgers who've been calling Dinner Lunch.

What about the jocks,taffs and micks?

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Well mate, I thought that you had been on this board long enough to know that Daves bar is a bar...and not anything else.

I know the bar well, and have been there many times. Dave was the one trying to justify bar fines, and I was having a shot at his justification of it..................Time for lunch :D

It's dinner time here.... :D

Lunch time is called dinner time in most civilised countries.

I suspect that JRingo will be starting a thread about Yaba next.. :o

You should substitute "civilised" with "British".It reads better that way. :D

Perhaps, but it wouldn't make sense. It's the soap dodgers who've been calling Dinner Lunch.

What about the jocks,taffs and micks?




Supper - if you're a greedy bstd and want four meals a day.

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Well mate, I thought that you had been on this board long enough to know that Daves bar is a bar...and not anything else.

I know the bar well, and have been there many times. Dave was the one trying to justify bar fines, and I was having a shot at his justification of it..................Time for lunch :D

It's dinner time here.... :D

Lunch time is called dinner time in most civilised countries.

I suspect that JRingo will be starting a thread about Yaba next.. :o

You should substitute "civilised" with "British".It reads better that way. :D

Perhaps, but it wouldn't make sense. It's the soap dodgers who've been calling Dinner Lunch.

WE THE BRITISH PEOPLE erm, oh I forgot what I was going to say...probably something about high tea :D

PS...Is this Johhny Ringo we are dealing with here, if so we had better get out the body armour just in case.."he' aheading our way pardner" :D

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I personally take offense to Jringo's comments... I think he's more pi$$ed about paying the barfine for his girlfriend than he is about the morality of it. If he were a business owner, he would understand it. If the girl were merely a waitress, and she left work early, it would be deducted from her salary. In this case, the "immoral" customer wants her to leave, it is a simple way of taking the financial burden from her and placing it on the customer. Why should she lose money because some schmuck wants to take her home? Why should the bar lose money.... it's simple business. He's more worried about his thrifty pickle than he is about his moral nickle. If he were so offended by the morality of the barfine, how is he not more so offended by the prostitution that "usually" immediately follows the paying of the bar fine? Someone like him needs to keep his money in his pocket and his pecker in his hand. Sorry... It kind of ticks me off when someone is crying morality when in truth he's just justifying being cheap!!!! :o

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They go after them here too. By your reasoning, if they go after the "farang pimps" they should also go after the "farang johns". If that ain't the pot calling the kettle black! By the way... I don't have a bar, I don't have a bar girl girlfriend... I'm not condoning prostitution or any of that. I'm just not going to preach against it... To each their own, and I've sampled the buffet a time or two... It's nuts seeing him complain about the morality of the bar fine, when he's obviously enjoying the services he recieves after paying it.

I know the bar well, and have been there many times. Dave was the one trying to justify bar fines, and I was having a shot at his justification of it.................

Some Countries now have laws to prosecute their citizens for going abroad to commit sex crimes.

OZ, USA, Britain, etc...

It probably won't be long before they turn to falang pimps.

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