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I went to withdraw 18000 baht from a UOB ATM machine in Pantip last night. The transaction was being processed normally and I could hear the cash being distributed into the tray (bills shuffling). At the last second right be4 the tray opened, my card spit out and some cancel error message came on the screen. I tried the next machine but rejected (of course because my acct was charged and max daily amount withdrawn). I walked around for 5-10 minutes and then returned to the machine to find 3 ATM workers with the machine apart with screwdrivers and other implements of destruction in hand. I stood around and watched them. I saw one guy with a small wad of 1000 baht notes, perhaps 50 or so and some 100 notes. They were working on the machine for 15 minutes be4 I left. I went home to use internet to check acct and confirm that 18000 baht or $491 USD was in fact deducted from my acct. I called my ATM and they told me that transaction finalizes in a day or so and to call back then. I never had this happen be4 and dont know if it is a scam or if I'll get credit for this. anyone experience this b4?

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I went to withdraw 18000 baht from a UOB ATM machine in Pantip last night. The transaction was being processed normally and I could hear the cash being distributed into the tray (bills shuffling). At the last second right be4 the tray opened, my card spit out and some cancel error message came on the screen. I tried the next machine but rejected (of course because my acct was charged and max daily amount withdrawn). I walked around for 5-10 minutes and then returned to the machine to find 3 ATM workers with the machine apart with screwdrivers and other implements of destruction in hand. I stood around and watched them. I saw one guy with a small wad of 1000 baht notes, perhaps 50 or so and some 100 notes. They were working on the machine for 15 minutes be4 I left. I went home to use internet to check acct and confirm that 18000 baht or $491 USD was in fact deducted from my acct. I called my ATM and they told me that transaction finalizes in a day or so and to call back then. I never had this happen be4 and dont know if it is a scam or if I'll get credit for this. anyone experience this b4?

Errmm, so they let you watch them for fifteen minutes and you said nothing? :D

Hmmm, doubtless cutting edge professional scammers, fearless of farang mutes... :o


Chances are the transaction will be canceled and your account credited with the money. If not your bank may require you to send them a form attesting to the fact you did not receive your funds. It does not sound like a scam if 3 workers were openly working on the unit. Most likely a malfunction.

Were you speaking Thai? Because chances are, they didn't speak English.

thanks I had a translator and it wouldn't have mattered if you spoke Swahili; what would you expect them to do anyway, hand over 18K because you said you didn't receive it? this directed at you too Noel

Lop, thank you, I plan to do this and will report back here with the results


While the scene is still hot.

Go to the bank that operates the machine and get a confirmation that staff were working on the machine at the time just after you made the withdrawal.

WRITE to your bank (old fashioned letter) telling them what happened and outlining your claim for a refund.


Ya I just went through something similar. Except no cash issued in anyway, but the my account was debeted. Cotacted my bank in America immediately. I also did a computer print out of my account and turned that inot Bank of Bangkok ( who owned the machines), about five days later there was a merchants credit to me account.

I have a friend who works in banking in he states in the security end, turns out this not uncommon at all even in the astates. Good Luck


Were you speaking Thai? Because chances are, they didn't speak English.

thanks I had a translator and it wouldn't have mattered if you spoke Swahili; what would you expect them to do anyway, hand over 18K because you said you didn't receive it?

I'd expect them to identify themselves and inform you who they work for. They would be the ones who could confirm that the money you were short was in the machine when they opened it. This would help you if you identified them in your report. If they are legit ATM technicians then it should be no problem. It's not like being a cop or something, you don't get to be one without being extremely trustworthy.

They should have been able to show you some identification. Failing that, I'd notify the closest police officer.

Had you mentioned talking to them in the first place you could have avoided trouble as anyone reading the original post would have the impression you just stood there and did nothing.


There's a possiblity that the bank received an electronic message from the machine that it has failed and why the workers were there so quickly. If so, they will have a record already to help backup your statement.

thanks I had a translator and it wouldn't have mattered if you spoke Swahili; what would you expect them to do anyway, hand over 18K because you said you didn't receive it? this directed at you too Noel


I would, of course, expect them to fix that thingy and I would contact my bank, and hope they got money back into my account quick.

Three technicians fixing the unit. Of course, it's a new scam. :D

Sounds like general maintenance to me. I've seen those techs working atms alot.

Sounds suspicious to me. Machine crashes and maintenance crew arrives within 10 minutes? Very impressive I'd say if I wasn't a paranoid schizophrenic! After all who is going to question a bunch of mechanics openly working on an ATM?

It may have been pure coincidence, get onto the bank as soon as possible. If the crew were genuine they'd have records etc, the machine would have registered the error message and failure of payment. It is somewhat unlikely they were crooked as you can't just walk up to an ATM with a bag full of spanners and open it up, if you could I would already have done it and be keeping very quiet about it*.

btw probably would have been a good idea to go and report it to the police.

* you can actually do this. If you PM me I will advise bank account details for you to wire a mere 20,000 Baht and on receipt I will forward the details, honest guv. Don't tell anybody though.

There's a possiblity that the bank received an electronic message from the machine that it has failed and why the workers were there so quickly. If so, they will have a record already to help backup your statement.

They sure were there lightening quick. Hope you are right and is the case.

Three technicians fixing the unit. Of course, it's a new scam. :D

One to repair, one for security and one to supervise. Seems about right. :o


I do some work for an ATM manufacturer and all ATM machines have very sophisticated mechanisms to ensure that once a transaction is ok'd the money is dispensed. If it is not then a reversal is should be issued to the bank. This even occurs if power is lost to the machine before money is dispensed. If you got an error message on the machine then the transaction should be reversed although this may not happen straight away. Anyway these machines keep an electronic journal of each transaction and yours should be easy to find. Contact your bank and call the number that is on the ATM (or get a Thai friend to do it). Your money should be easily returned to you. Doesnt sound like a scam to me.


Three technicians fixing the unit. Of course, it's a new scam. :D

One to repair, one for security and one to supervise. Seems about right. :D

There was probably a fourth technician nearby.. looking for food.. :o

totster :D


This exact thing has happened to me three times with 2 different bank cards in 2 different countries with 3 different results.

The first was in Bangkok at a Siam city bank ATM. I tried to withdraw 20,000b with my Citibank (Australia) card. No cash but amount debited from my account.

It took me 6 months of emails, phone calls (to a Philippino call centre)and a letter to the Australian banking ombudsmen before my account was credited.

The second time in Turkey with a different Oz bank for a similar amount. After 2 months and a few emails I was credited.

The third time was in Bangkok with my Citibank card at an AEON bank ATM. It was only for $200. After more emails,phone calls etc I gave up. Never got the money.

I know only use Siam commercial Bank(purple ATMs) or the yellow ATMs. Never had a problem with those.

I do some work for an ATM manufacturer and all ATM machines have very sophisticated mechanisms to ensure that once a transaction is ok'd the money is dispensed. If it is not then a reversal is should be issued to the bank. This even occurs if power is lost to the machine before money is dispensed. If you got an error message on the machine then the transaction should be reversed although this may not happen straight away. Anyway these machines keep an electronic journal of each transaction and yours should be easy to find. Contact your bank and call the number that is on the ATM (or get a Thai friend to do it). Your money should be easily returned to you. Doesnt sound like a scam to me.

Yes I did call the Atm bank UOB and they told me to contact my bank


Here is what my ATM account history of the item says now. Transaction not finalized as yet. It says 2 things that I have not seen on any other withdraw be4: "outstand" and "auth"


No Description

Cash Amount: -$491.67

maybe it was a fake atm machine collecting card data.

:o An entire ATM machine??? In Panthip??? With 3 man hanging around for 15 minutes??? I don't think so.


I had the opposite "problem" once. In the states, I went to withdraw $20. The machine spat out $2,000....and according to the printed receipt, it was from someone else's account.

I then immediately did a new transaction and checked my balance in my own account, and it hadn't been touched.

I had the opposite "problem" once. In the states, I went to withdraw $20. The machine spat out $2,000....and according to the printed receipt, it was from someone else's account.

I then immediately did a new transaction and checked my balance in my own acocunt, and it hadn't been touched.

Adress and exact location of THAT atm. I'm booking my flight to the US as we speak :o

I had the opposite "problem" once. In the states, I went to withdraw $20. The machine spat out $2,000....and according to the printed receipt, it was from someone else's account.

I then immediately did a new transaction and checked my balance in my own acocunt, and it hadn't been touched.

i hope you contacted the bank young man to tell them of this error :o

Adress and exact location of THAT atm. I'm booking my flight to the US as we speak :D

Sorry, I would, if it hadn't become my only steady source of income. :o

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