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Bangkok 'losing Winter' Due To Global Warming


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Bangkok 'losing winter' due to global warming

BANGKOK: -- Scientists warn that winter could be a thing of the past in Thailand as the effect of global warming is increasingly felt.

Dr Chariya Boonyawat from Chulalongkorn University's Southeast Asia START Regional Centre, which monitors the effects of climate change in the region, told the conference on Thailand's and the global climate on Wednesday that the air in overcrowded Bangkok is currently about two degrees celcius hotter than in its suburban areas. This is a result of a so-called urban heat island effect which happens when population centres grow in size.

Moreover, temperatures in winter and summer looks increasingly likely to stay the same or show no significant difference -- meaning that Bangkokians may no longer have a cool season in the future.

The scientist also blamed poor urban planning and land mismanagement over the past 40 years for the rising temperature.

"Plants and trees that used to provide greenfields in Bangkok have gone; so have numerous canals. In their places are concrete towers and roads. No wonder the weather pattern has altered," Dr Chariya said.

The mountainous region of the North, a popular winter retreat, will also see a rising average temperature in winter. The lowest temperature is unlikely to fall below 10 degrees Celsius while the coldest month in the central plain would hover around 25 degrees Celcius.

Dr Anong Snidvongse, another scientist and the centre director, also forecast an El Nino event in the region which could last until the end of the year, meaning that the weather will become drier and the region become more prone to drought.

--TNA 2006-11-30

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The world's heating up and we're all gonna die of famine, pestilence, and war-mongering. Does anybody really care? People are phenomenally bright when it comes to hindsight.

"The scientist also blamed poor urban planning and land mismanagement over the past 40 years for the rising temperature.

'Plants and trees that used to provide greenfields in Bangkok have gone; so have numerous canals. In their places are concrete towers and roads. No wonder the weather pattern has altered,' Dr. Chariya said."

Yeah, Doc, no wonder.

Dr. Charinya wins a Master of the Obvious Award and gift certificates to McDonald's.

A really good picture governments ought to be using the media to put into peoples's heads is a drying desert lake bed with the fish slowly, agonizingly suffocating in the hot, oxygen-depleted water trying to slither to some ne'er-to'-be-found better location.

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There are "Facts" about the coming global warming and ice age... so what to believe?

Apparently, the news-media is very confused themselves. I wouldn't take it from them.

If you see how difficult it is to loose the floodwaters in thailand, I would say that it is definitely a sign of rising sea-levels.

If that famous "atlantic conveyer" of warm water shuts down, a mini ice-age seems probable.

Warming or cooling, don't worry about it. It's gonna change, and fast. But don't rely on media reports what to do

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