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Posts posted by negreanu

  1. Actually on speedtest.net the "Hosted by" Thaivisa server always gives slower results to the other (2?) hosted Thailand servers.

    Tonight on 16mb True Premium 19:45pm speedtest.net results:

    SF server 15.31mb

    BKK Server (STS Group) 14.73mb Second Run 14.45mb

    BKK Server (Thaivisa) 11.22mb Second Run 12.2mb

    SIN Server 14.96mb

  2. HomePro has a 50" LG plasma for 26,394 THB right now. I hate shopping, so I just walked inside and asked, "What is the largest TV with the best deal you have right now?" That 50" was the reply. You can take immediate delivery but I have to wait a month+ anyway due to renovations, so I can't report on the quality just yet. The width of the monitor is 107cms! HDMI/USB etc (I've never used these functions, anyway - on any TV that I've had).

    Probably not the best market research :) but if your not that fussy about quality and specs it's a good price.

  3. In thailand there is no 3g

    Been using TRUE 3G for over 2 months without a problem.

    If you want a ipad in Thailand you will have to pay the increased price simple as that. No one sells it at normal US prices (Why would they).

  4. And then of course there is monthly promotions for example free desserts, free pizzas, free appetisers etc.

    Monthly prize draw (Which I have won twice since i signed up), Monthly foody newsletter which is actually well done and produced.

    Look, FoodbyPhone is not perfect but I think people only see the markup of prices and shoot them down in a ball of flame. They don't see the whole package they offer thats all.

    And anyway do I pay 385THB for my main course at chefxp or do I pay 410thb at foodbyphone. It really does not matter we are talking about US$0.50-$2.00 on most items if you compare with the odd exception. If that sort of saving is a major factor in your finances - I don't think you should be using either of these services! :) I gladly pay $2.00 for better service and extra benefits as would most i expect.

    If you put 2 identical restaurants next to each one of which has better service, hotter food, polite clean staff, better complaint management and easier to order BUT is $2.00 more expensive. Which would you eat at?

  5. Must be nice to have all that extra cash floating around.

    Yeh it is. Green eyed monster? 55 Try not to be too jealous if you work harder you too can afford Food by Phone.

    If you maximise your use of the VIP club savings and then compare the marked up prices to the chefxp non marked up prices....

    12xFree Delivery vouchers = 720thb

    12x100Baht vouchers = 1200THB

    First Order Discount 500THB = 500THB

    30% off Next 3 orders = 900THB (say 300THB average user for me its actually about 500-600thb)

    10% off all orders 5+ a month

    Vouchers for BKK Restaurant = 5000THB-8000THB (Saving if you use them average)

    So if you look at all that it kinda wipes out the markup on FoodbyPhone orders.....

    Still more than happy with FoodbyPhone its a far better product at a premium price of course. If you look at Beirut and say a pasta dish from Le' Opera there is a distinct difference in portion size between the two companies.

    And anyway Hungry you are obviously in some way connected to ChefXP judging by your post history either Work for them/Owner/Friend etc.

    If you are happy with ChefXP that's great. I am Happy with FoodByPhone and remember I was a customer of FoodbyPhone and ChefXP for a long time (Even room service before ChefXP) so I am not biased in anyway. I just prefer the premium service from FoodbyPhone and I am happy to pay the premium price. So run along now.

  6. Serviced Apartments probably not able to change. Non Serviced or condo's and if you are in a True area and internet capacity you can get a True line and internet installed.

    Really enjoying 16mb Premium from True had a problem initially with the condo internal wiring as the building is old and router was only syncing with dslam at 9-11mb got the condo to switch the True line onto another wire pair to the condo and syncs now at 19mb with a max possibility of 21mb. (Sync rates not actual rates). But downloads speed are awesome all day minimum 1.4MB/s and maximum 1.73MB/s which is good enough for Thailand (International download speeds btw).

    True claim they have the most amount of international bandwidth available than any of the other providers and I think they have I have used a lot of providers including SME business packages but 16mb True is substantially better than any of those. Just make sure you get the premium.

  7. Home Pro ratchada has Samsung LED Series 6 46" for 53000thb a saving of over 37000thb on the emporium price!! and 26000thb over sinsiam price!.

    Once its setup correctly colour wise etc. lots of topics on the net about picture settings for these.

    Don't be tempted by the cheaper and inferior LG 90 series really bad lighting on those LEDS.

  8. We switched back to Food by phone this week after using Chefxp for over a year 2 or 3 times a week. I must admit I forgot how professional Foodbyphone are compared to the chefxp.

    They always seem to deliver quicker and the food is much hotter when it arrives than ChefXP (Central BKK) and of course as covered in another thread the delivery guys are far more polite and shall we say washed than their competitors.

    The VIP club is well worth joining for Foodbyphone and you can easily get back 3 or 4 times what it cost to join (Stock up on the wine for your first few orders after joining). Of course you get what you pay for. Actually there was 1 mistake along the line this week at Mrs Balbirs they sent a prawn curry instead of the fish one we ordered. One call to FbyP and they sent the fish one within 30 mins and said we can enjoy the prawn one with their compliments and that was a 400thb+ dish.

    Also nice to have the extensive wine options with food by phone.

    Also interesting test this order Tabbeluh and say mixed sharwama from food by phone at beirut restaurant then compare the size of the portion to what u get at the cheaper chefxp option.........was pleasantly surprised.

    The DOWNSIDE you will pay slightly more. Sticking with Foodbyphone from now on sorry chefxp (Actually I am not after your spam nonsense) :)

  9. Envious!! At least I have a new iPad to tide me over.. :)

    How did you get a 1TB disk in the optibay? Do you have the newmodeus adapter? I am tempted to do this, but only with the opti bay mod, wouldn't want to give up on that... I imagine I'd revert my 17" MBP to stock before selling it.

    As for SSDs, the new king of the hill is the OWC mercury extreme - lowest power usage, best long time performance... beats even the X-25M, and shows no performance deterioration over time.

    Yeh the OWC is an awesome drive really want one but I could not justify the price increase over the intel after shipping etc. maybe in a couple of months :D Just using it for Mac OSX everything else is on the 1TB drive. The thought of 2 480GB OWC drives in Raid 0 in the macbook pro makes my mouth water :D

    The 1TB is in the Optical bay just now - you can use either MCE optibay upgrade or Maxupgrades.com kit either works fine in all the UNIBODY macbook pro's and indeed the white macbook.

    Dilema now is lose the safe sleep option by putting the SSD in the optical bay and the 1TB in the HD bay. The reason being weight distribution with the 1TB and the adaptor in the optical bay the Macbook Pro is ever so slightly top left heavy resulting in about 1mm of the bottom right side not contacting the desk surface. Does not really bother me that much but....

  10. Got the 15" 2.66ghz i7 330M GT 512mb HR this morning - lightning fast. just finished the 1TB upgrade for the optical bay and the intel SSD in the HD Bay.

    I went with the high-res glossy screen option. The extra screen real estate is a godsend. It's about time Apple increased their Res on the 15" models.

    Highly recommended for anyone undecided about it. Now time for Steam :)

  11. As stated above. Nothing can be done now. Your email address is already there and the spam will get worse by the day. Your only option is too change your email address or put up with the now ever increasing spam.

    And of course teach these idiots a lesson by not using their services anymore. Not even a apology from the owner / manager.

    My boss has passed their customer privacy policy to the legal department for review :)

  12. Looking at your previous posts hungryinbangkok. I reckon you either work for chefsxp or some sort of interest with them.

    And all you are doing here is damage control or trying too.

    It is a huge screwup by them and they only way I can show them is too take my business elsewhere which is exactly what I did last night and will continue to do so.

  13. Still getting spam and customer replies this morning. Pissed off. Some people depend on email communications for their work and u just seriously screwed my work and life up.

    You bunch of amateur idiots. Chefxp you just lost 8 customers from our company alone!

    Will I recommend chefxp to anyone?? No way.

    Foodbyphone maybe more expensive but at least they would not let this happen and my email has been with them for 5 years!

  14. May have slowed down but they managed to subscribe me to ICE newsletter & FEMA

    The idiots replying to ChefsXP are just as clueless. Hitting "reply" is not a good idea.

    My boss just called back he is seriously not happy with chefsxp clogging up one of the main companies emails with crap said he is going to pay their office a visit tomorrow morning on the way to the office to express his unhappiness.. Rather them than me.

    Spoke too soon just got another 4 spam and customer replies. <deleted>

  15. Chefxp today released all customer emails to the world if you are registered with chefxp standby for spam.

    Very unprofessional....Foodbyphone managed to send out the the same curfew information without compromising your acccount details.

    So far I have received 37 spam emails and also all the customers replies to chefxp including Stephen leathers 555

    Be warned.


    Just spoke to my boss and a couple of colleagues and friends they are all getting the same shit....cannot believe it. Everyone agreed may as well pay the extra for food by phone....

    Hate to say it chefxp but this will cost u a lot of customers at a time where you should be hanging onto every customer u have as the thai economy goes south.

    Well done.

  16. HI

    does anyone knows what the current prices at MBK or anywhere else? for an iPad 3G, are now

    Have they changed since the release price at the start of this topic?


    what's the best 3G package on offer just now

    true move have a 3gs package for 700 Baht 1GB with 300 mins of call

    Truemove 3G 599 for unlimited data on the 3GS

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