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Everything posted by how241

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 60 seconds  
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 59 seconds  
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 60 seconds  
  4. Thanks !! I will keep this in mind if I am out that way. It pretty far for me, being past Marko.
  5. Yes, right across from Cheap Charles. ...In the 'CHILL' mall.
  6. Thanks !!! I am writing to them now. I sent over this video and also told them it can be any recipe.
  7. I believe you are confusing me (how241) with another. I have already posted almost all the details of my acct. application. I dealt directly with Cigna online.
  8. I already posted the 8-9 questions that I answered when I applied to the policy. My answers were accepted by Cigna and my policy has been in force(fully active) for several weeks. I have not receive any other medical questionnaires.
  9. Good idea. If I find such a place I would ask the owner to bake me up a whole tray. I have frozen it before so buying a larger amount would not be a problem for me. Thanks.
  10. Thanks for this info. I don't think I have ever tried the 'Bread and butter pudding' . It does sound Very good and I would definitely be interested if I can find somewhere to buy it. I have bought bread pudding at TOPS occasionally but TOPS is far away from me and it is not an item they have all the time. I believe outside vendors sell it through TOPS. I did try to call TOPS one time to ask about availability but the staff had limited English and couldn't help me. Oh Well, such is life in Pattaya. There could be worst problems to have. hahaha
  11. Yes, you are correct. I did write to them and they told me that they don't recommend shipping this to Pattaya. A frozen shipping box would cost 250 baht. Thanks for your help.
  12. I didn't see it. I will write to them and ask about Pattaya delivery. Thanks
  13. No, not me. I prefer to buy it.
  14. Yes, direct payment is best but Cigna lets you add whatever bank you want to receive payments. They claim to pay quickly, within 5 days but I have no experience to substantiate that.
  15. I have seen bread pudding at Friendship Market and occasionally at TOPS. I am on the darkside so both are not so close to me. Has anyone seen bread pudding for sale around Pattaya ? I don't want to make it myself. Thanks for any help.
  16. At the time I was starting to get some pain in the lower back/side area. All is Great now and I feel 100%. I guess I got lucky. Hard to say if my body healed itself or the antobiotics helped. I am now eating 1-02 probiotic yougarts daily to try and restore any gut flora killed off my the antibiotics. Not sure if this is helpful but I like yogurts so it can't hurt either way. Please DON'T do as I did and seek proper medical advice when necessary. Most would say I am stupid for what I did.
  17. WOW !!! I have never had any strong reaction like that to a vaccine. Usually just a sore arm.
  18. It sounds like 'Shingrix' is the best way to go so I will definitely follow your advice and get it...I will need to make some calls to confirm availability. I see the ThaiTravelclinic in Bangkok is showing the price of Recombinant zoster vaccine (Shingrix® 5,199. I believe you said 2 doses, 2 months apart. Even if I have to pay 7,000 that is still not bad as I can save over 6,000 round trip on taxis(2 trips) and many hours of driving time....Plus they charge a few extra fees: - ' Doctor fee (200 Baht), Hospital fee (100 Baht), Vaccine administration fee (20 Baht), Registration fee (20baht, only in the first visit) are not included in price list' .... Some people can save more if they can take the bus but the last time I was on a bus was in middle school....hahaha You are truly a godsend with your wealth of information. Thank you !!!
  19. Jomtien Pattaya Bangkok Hospital report: I just got the Pneumococcal vaccine 13 and the high dose High-dose Influenza vaccine for a total price of 5,170....This includes all fees. According to their posted prices it should have been 5,770....Not sure why it was 600 lower but there is a promotion running (Thanks Sheryl)...Good service, in + out in 45 minutes. Open until 7pm. I asked the doctor and he said they have the Zoster vaccine and the Tetanus too. I didn't ask prices. His English was limited so I will try to call them. He wasn't sure about the covid-19 with Omicron. Question: I had my last tetanus shot 14 years ago. There seem to be a few different ones. I'm assuming I had polio shots when I was a kid. Which one should I try to get ?? How long should I wait before I get additional vaccines(Zoster)(Tetanus)... 2 weeks ?? 1 month ?? Thank you Adult Tetanus+diphtheria+pertussis+polio vaccine (Tdap+IPV) Adult Tetanus+diphtheria+pertussis (Tdap) Adult Tetanus+ diphtheria (Td)
  20. Yes I did answer truthfully and I have only ever been in the hospital for a colonoscopy in 2014....Eyelid surgery(plastic) in 2010...So my medical history records should be clean. I don't take any meds. regularly. I have been very lucky, health wise. Thanks again for all of your help.
  21. I am not planning on traveling but I will still check at the now 5 private Pattaya hospitals and see if they have this new covid-19 with Omicron...I am leaving my house right now to go to the newer Jomtien Pattaya Bangkok Hospital. It is 5 minutes from my house. They confirmed that they have the pneumococcal 13 that I need BUT to further confuse things I see they are offering a #15....I don't see much about that one on Google. They also are running a Elderly Influenza vaccine package, starting today....Thank you SO much for that promotion link...
  22. Thank you VERY much for your time in reviewing this. I was starting to get concerned but I am now comfortable that all is good...Thanks again.
  23. If I can't find the high dose Influenza vaccine in Pattaya, could I just get 2 shots of the regular dose....Maybe spread them apart ?? Would that be similar or just plain wrong ? I see that there are now 4 private hospitals in Pattaya. Hopefully, I can find all the vaccines I need without a trip to Bangkok. Thanks for any info.
  24. Denial letter....As expected... Greetings from Bangkok Hospital Pattaya! Please be informed we have received email denial from Cigna insurance stating that vaccinations are not covered under this policy. I also attached copy of the email message for your reference.
  25. Medical History questions: from my policy Q1 Has any applicant had symptoms of, been diagnosed with or had treatment for Cancer or Tumour; Heart Condition; Stroke, Brain or Neurological Disorders; Diabetes; Hepatitis or any Musculo-skeletal condition? No Q2 Has any applicant had symptoms of, been diagnosed with or had treatment for any Liver, Kidney or Lung problem, Gastrointestinal problem, Urinary, Gynaecological or Prostate condition, Mental Health condition or any Drug or Alcohol misuse or dependence? No Q3 Apart from what you have already told us, is any applicant taking any medication or receiving any treatment for a medical condition? No Q4 Are any applicants awaiting any test results, treatment or investigations or expect to have a review or follow up for any current or past medical problem not already mentioned? No Q5 Does anyone have any illness, condition or symptom not already mentioned? Please include details of any known or suspected issues whether or not medical advice has been sought or a diagnosis reached. No
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