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Everything posted by how241

  1. Poppy seed tea is also very effective for pain. It contains morphine and codeine and other chemicals. Easy to make, just Google it for instructions. Don't eat the seeds but just wash off the chemicals found on the outside of the seeds and drink the liquid. As it does contain morphine/codeine be careful and start out Very slowly. It can be addicting and will get you high. No surprise there. Seed prices have recently gone up a lot. In Pattaya, the only place I have seen poppy seeds sold is at Friendship markets for 1,075 baht a kilo. You should only drink a small amount and wait one hour to see how you feel. You can always drink more But you don't want to do too much. One thing to keep in mind with poppy seeds or Kratom is that being a natural product chemicals found inside will vary greatly between batches, due to growing conditions and various strains. WARNING: do NOT take poppy seeds when you travel outside Thailand as in some countries they are illegal and you can be jailed. All other parts of the poppy plant are illegal most everywhere. Be careful and be safe. You can get all the usually side effects that normally come from morphine.
  2. Anyone have any current info on where I can buy cheese cake locally in Pattaya, Not online. I found some at 'The Chill' on the darkside but it's not as I remember the NY cheesecakes . I have looked but don't see 'Sara Lee' cheese cakes locally, only online. Anyone try 'KIKI Cheesecake Pattaya' ?? I don't see any delivery option on their website. "Thanks for any suggestions. I know that I should just go ahead and make it myself but I am lazy.
  3. If your 'in profit' then you might want to sell off a small amount and lock in the profits. Good Luck !
  4. Thanks again for all of your help. I really appreciate the time and effort you spend to assist people. Take care.
  5. Yes, he said he did ask the doctor about a "wait and see" approach? I'm sure the doctor gave him reasons why he was against this but I'm not so sure if my son completely understood them. There seems to be no one clear certain way to handle this. Two doctors have said he should be on the meds. so it will have to be his final choice. Thanks very much for your help and time.
  6. Hello Sheryl, My son went to the Bumrungard Hospital today and saw Dr. Sikawat Thanaviratananich. He looked at the MRI that my son had done at Pattaya Bangkok hospital, which didn't show anything special. He said that he could/should do a 'spinal tap' to further rule out things. He advised that he continue on the KEPPRA 500 mg, for at least 2 years and then decide whether or not to continue this medication. He also suggested that he start the 'Keto' diet next month . My son has felt fine for the past week, no further seizures. I am surprised and disappointed that he doesn't seem to want and take the wait-and-see approach. I do not like what I have read about this KEPPRA 500 mg side effects, considering that many people never get another seizure and are taking this medication for nothing. I am certainly in no position to question or challenge this doctors recommendations but from what little I have read I would think that a wait-and-see approach would be best. . I wasn't there with him during the doctors visit so I don't know exactly what was said. I definitely replayed your points about asking for a second opinion and Not wanting to start medication unless he thought it was absolutely necessary. Your thoughts please. Thank you very much.
  7. I would be interested in getting some better interest than the crazy low rates Thai banks are paying. I have a USA passport. Can I still open bank accounts in Cambodia? I know many/most countries do not want to bother with USA customers due to the reporting requirements of the USA govt. I opened several Thai banks about 12 years ago and back then the Thai banks didn't care so much about USA reporting laws. How could I move the money to Cambodia ? I have money in Thai banks and some on the internet in crypto. Crypto coin transfers would be good if any of the banks would accept them. Would hand carrying $25K in cash be a problem ? Would the Cambodia banks question the 'cash'? Thanks for any advice or info.
  8. Interesting : The Secret “Spice”: An Undetectable Toxic Cause of Seizure https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3726077/
  9. Thank you Very much for your detailed answer and excellent advise. I will pass this along to him. I hope the doctor agrees that a 'wait and see' approach is the way to go for now. Thanks again, take care.
  10. I was wondering if there is some place that could test this cannabis to determine if it has been sprayed with pesticides. This cannabis was a cheap brand, low quality and not grown indoors. 'IF' this cannabis tests as contaminated then that might be the direct cause of his seizure and there would be no need for further testing. Maybe I am just grasping for a quick easy fix ?? My son has an appt. on Monday to see the recommended Bangkok doctor. Should he bring with a sample of this cannabis or should he get it tested somewhere Before he goes to the Bangkok doctor ??
  11. Sheryl, thanks for again for your excellent advise. My son feels fine and hasn't had any more seizures. My son will hold off on taking the meds. and will not do the MRI until he has seen Asst.Prof.Dr. Sikawat Thanaviratananich, in Bangkok. This doctor has incredible qualifications and I feel confident that he will devise the correct treatment plan. FYI: those KEPPRA 500 mg pills where extremely expensive. Something like 600 baht a pill. I was not with him at the time as I would have told him to get them at a local pharmacy. I know hospitals mark-up pill prices a lot. Thank you
  12. My son went to Pattaya Bangkok hospital today. He had an EEG done. They want to do an MRI in a few days. They prescribed KEPPRA 500 mg, 2x daily. The EEG conclusion says: 36 minute EEG is suggestive of a mild diffuse encephalopathy. Also evidence of a cortical dysfunction in the right fronto-centro-temporal. No epileptiform discharges or EEG seizures. The post-ictal EEG is considered. Report doctor: Yod Pinroj I have no idea what this all means. He might consider a second opinion at the Bangkok hospital you recommended previously. He first went to Pattaya Memorial hospital and they could not do the EEG and recommended he go Pattaya Bangkok hospital. Thanks again for all of your info and help.
  13. Dear Sheryl, thank you VERY much for your detailed answers. You are a true blessing and have helped out thousands of people. I have been following you for 12 years and I am always impressed by your knowledge and complete answers to all questions. I will make an appt. with the Bangkok hospital so he can get a complete work-up and rule out any underlying causes. Thanks again for all the Great assistance you offer to members of this forum.
  14. I am asking for help for my 39 year old son who lives in Pattaya. Two days ago he had several seizures, first time ever. From Google they seem to be of the tonic-clonic type. He never had anything like this before. He plays a lot of sports and seemed to be very healthy. There is no family history of epilepsy. His Thai wife took him to the Pattaya City hospital where they did a CT brain scan and other tests. All tests results were normal. He doesn't drink alcohol but does smoke a Lot of pot- Cannabis-marijuana. The hospital will discharge him tomorrow. I don't know yet what medications they will give him. He has no medical insurance but I am able to help him pay for treatments. Is there any better doctors he should see ??? Can anyone who has experience with this offer any suggestions ?? As he is a USA citizen, would he be better off going back to the USA for treatment. Thanks for any help or info.
  15. I appreciate all the posts. Thanks for everyone's help and info.
  16. I had my last colonoscopy done there in 2014 and it cost 17K. Nothing was found. That does seem like a Very good price. Thanks for all the info.
  17. I am 69 and have no known health issues. It has been many years since I have had a blood/urine check. Should I go to one of the Pattaya hospitals or are there better alternatives? It have been 9 years since my last colonoscopy, anyone seen any promotions being offered at the local Pattaya hospitals ? Thanks for any info.
  18. At these low Thailand rates, I would think big money would be leaving Thailand and going to places paying 4% or higher. I really don't understand the FX markets.
  19. Two of the 'Big Boys' getting into crypto. Maybe it means nothing. I could be wrong. hahahaha
  20. Try the edible weed , if might work. Also kratom is legally available now, in tea or cold drinks. Facebook sells it in pre-mixed drinks. Worth a try.
  21. Sell half and lock in your profits. Ride the rest higher if you feel lucky.
  22. This does not seem to be a p2p issue or really a Binance issue. This is totally about how can a women go to a bank with some paper/letter and get money out of your account. Something seems very wrong here. Being you are the banks customer, why wouldn't the bank contact you first to ask questions Before giving her money from your account. I have never heard anything like this happening. There must be more to this story.
  23. If you are not in an immediate need for the money, it might be a good idea to transfer/move the money in smaller amounts over a period of time. That should avoid raising any potential red flags or questions from anyone. Crazy world today with everyone thinking all people moving money are somehow bad or doing something wrong. It has been shown that most illegal transfers are done in cash and thru some of the largest banks. Just my opinion.
  24. Why ?? Will you be buying or selling ??
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