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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Calling people who don't agree with you haters is pretty stupid
  2. My grandkids will have 20 rai of land with 200 durian trees as of the moment, will probably be more in a couple of years. That revenue won't be diving by 99%.
  3. You though that 50 USD investment was worth a post?
  4. Stock market is based on the value of actual companies who produce something. Crypto is based on FA.
  5. The OCR code in your passport is being checked against multiple databases (terrorist, police, fraud,...)
  6. What about Canadian QuadrigaCX, people got shafted for over 100 million.
  7. You would be doing illegal actions and it is not allowed to talk about that here.
  8. Great idea: Coinbase warns users could lose their crypto holdings if the company goes bankrupt (msn.com) 'Crypto Winter' Sparks Coinbase Stock Crash As Bitcoin, Ether And Other Major Cryptocurrencies Crater (msn.com)
  9. Don't project your situation on others and then think you know best. I have always had loads of money. Living a great life. My small business has taken care that my kids and the 2 following generations never have to worry about money. What you think to know doesn't matter as like i said before you don't have a clue.
  10. You are wrong, haven't got a clue about my circumstances or Thailand in general. I was in my 21 when i first came here. I work in IT for a multi national and have a business. Make more than enough money, so keep your dumb advise to yourself and hide behind your wife..
  11. Do NOT live in Thai districts. I do and don't have a problem. Do NOT engage with Thais (other than essential polite transactions). I do and don't have a problem. Have yourThai lady do most or all interaction with other Thais. Why, i speak for myself in Thai. Have Nothing to do with ANY toxic people or tourists or street taxis. I take loads of taxi's beside the odd one idiot, no problems. Avoid Police & Nightlife., Have police family and friends and enjoy Nightlife. Be Calm Polite Apologetic. No, i speak my mind to anyone. Avoid / Walk Away from Trouble. I don't walk away from trouble. Never Intervene in Disputes. No, i speak my mind to anyone.
  12. It only tells that you are surrounding yourself with lowlifes.
  13. You are the ignorant one here. I always get my money back.
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