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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Your statements are getting more silly by the moment.
  2. Your first statement forgotten already? " So I had a bottle of drain cleaner which I forgot to put the lid on my washing machine - on my balcony - I live on a top floor condo Well the wind blew it over - overnight - and two cars below, are now covered in stains which cannot be removed......." The owner doesn't have to accept whoever you are comfortable with to repair the car. You where negligent, you pay the damage and stop looking for silly excuses and blaming others. If i was the owner the car would be in the repair shop until you paid and you would be paying for a replacement car too.
  3. How many more times, you can't go to a court case without a lawyer as you don't speak Thai to start with.
  4. What will you be doing in court as the procedure is in Thai only.
  5. Have you ever been in a mall in Thailand?
  6. Kids do online learning at the moment. My oldest one started at 8 yesterday.
  7. Better to take care that you have a good wife and she is taking care of when you die.
  8. If you don't speak for months, you don't have a romantic relationship.
  9. How many times are you going to post this story? Live and work here and very happy.
  10. They will start this year with tax: The taxman comes calling for crypto investors | Thai PBS World : The latest Thai news in English, News Headlines, World News and News Broadcasts in both Thai and English. We bring Thailand to the world
  11. Depends what sort of job you are looking but there are loads here: JobsDB – Thailand's no. 1 jobs, employment, career and recruitment site
  12. You are entitled to get severance pay. Contact the local labor office, they will help you get it. 2 weeks notice is too short.
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