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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. You can see that at the comments when someone has a problem: Run, run, run,...
  2. No need for a lawyer, the Labour Office will help. One can get 30 working days of PAID sick leave per year. Make sure you have a letter from your doctor for HR which explains your medical situation.
  3. Would you call a serial killer / rapist strong because he has no compassion?
  4. Why would Western people go to a Thai club?
  5. If they don't listen and keep making a nuisance, yes. Nice saying: Do you know what is good for your teeth? Don't be a smartarse.
  6. You think but not sure and you want to hassle them with police? Take better care of your money next time.
  7. The customers who mostly behave like drunk a holes to start with.
  8. Ask some people in the military, who saw their best mates blown up in tiny pieces. Ignorant post.
  9. No, they stepped back. too many legal issues
  10. I run projects in 3 continents with boots on the ground and they run well.
  11. I use taxis a lot and most of them have good service.
  12. The big difference during bad traffic will be this one: "If taxis are stuck in traffic and can't move 6 kilometers/hour the fee will be 3 baht a minute." Is fair enough in my opinion.
  13. It is an online business; you can run it from anywhere.
  14. Not one with business sense as you don't sound convincing as a businessman and keep avoiding very basic questions.
  15. Yes it does, when prices go up you have less buyers. Revenue says nothing, you could be making a loss. Do you have tax statements for the company? Profit not important? You have no clue about how a company's worth is calculated then.
  16. Like English people don't get divorced and end up in all sort of trouble. Get a grip.
  17. You need to learn the difference between facts and statements.
  18. Foreigner behaving like a lunatic. Glad that moron won't be back for a while.
  19. Never used my middle name, no problems but best to call them if you don't feel sure as previously suggested
  20. You need to change your attitude and not only look what the school needs to do from your perspective but also what a school expect from their employees and the children from their teacher. How much effort would it have taken you to get written permission for your holiday which is very common practice. You can't blame the school for a pandemic, a national and global emergency. You didn't show up for work anymore. Name and shame? Don't worry about the forum rules, you will end up in jail for defamation. It will also bring attention to your own unprofessional attitude. The school did nothing wrong; you did and where unlucky with the pandemic, national and global emergency. Stop moaning and put negative energy in this topic and find a new job and learn from your mistakes.
  21. Nice for you that you are happy with that. I like good food, nice drinks, cigars and live music. Have 3 houses on different locations and 2 kids who need a good education.
  22. Goodbye then, good luck with the champagne and pink strings there.
  23. No, the owners shouldn't be allowed to have dogs ever again and pay lifelong damages.
  24. Show me some facts then. What % of Pitbull's are aggressive compared to other breeds? From my personal experience Yorkshire terriers are much more aggressive, the little shts can do too much damage though.
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