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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. "Millionaires are more careful on how they spend their money. Else, they cant continue to be millionaires." Only if they don't make any money anymore or never made it by themselves. "most that i have heard of dont throw money away." Most of the ones i know, spend a lot.
  2. "until a bunch of stuff happened and i was unable to go." unless you where sick there is no excuse not to go. Go to immigration now and sort out your stay here.
  3. They don't want 40 million tourists again, they want people who have more spending power and don't care about 10K thb.
  4. It's size, and whether you address customers in Thailand has nothing to do with the fact you need a work permit.
  5. If you setup a Thai business you can get a work permit through that business and pay Thai taxes.
  6. Government IT systems are hacked all the time all over the world.
  7. Maybe, presumably, ........ Have you ever used the BTS?
  8. For her it does, you paid 20K for 2 years before and she charges the same for 2 years. Saves her work, saves you a trip to immigration.
  9. He was informed, don't talk nonsense.
  10. You think the cost of a 1 year permit is the same as a 2 year permit? It isn't only about the paperwork.
  11. This reminds me how stupid foreigners can be, who buys a ticket moves to the train and then thinks, i want other transport.
  12. Doing business 1.0 If she is an employee of the company and overcharges you it is a scam and you can sack her. If you hire an accountant for a certain task and you agree to the price it is a business transaction. If you don't like the price find another one.
  13. 1) try to hire a movie star to serve you drinks, will cost you a lot more than 3500 thb 2) 5 drunks who are friends 3) as said before this is very common. Most police forces would bother, your total lack of understanding / respecting women is misguiding you.
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