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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Your attitude is pathetic, ATM's in Thailand have had better functionality than those in the western countries for a long time. Ever heard of mobile banking? Works with a smartphone here for a long time too. My 9 year old knows more about banking than you do (she is half Thai)
  2. Rubbish, he can get a visa exempt for 30 days on arrival. No such thing as a single non-o for 28 days. No need to report anything.
  3. "Do they keep your records at their office or computer (i dont think so)? " You think wrong, they have everything about you.
  4. Any sensible company with major clients already works from home for the last year
  5. Chinatown doesn't close, you can get in and out 24/7
  6. So you don't wear a mask while walking, which isn't allowed and there is no reason to do this but you do blame others not wearing a mask while drinking. How can you drink or eat with a mask on? Don't behave like an idiot and you won't have a problem.
  7. It isn't odd at all, i wouldn't want to sit next to someone who doesn't wants to be tested. Why do you think you will fail, did you have Covid not long ago, or do you think you have it?
  8. No, you started insulting all Thais including your on wife about their intelligence. You are not only a racist but bent the truth multiple times too..
  9. Another 200 million gone: Bitmart Hacked; Estimated Loss Of $200M (tronweekly.com) Who will cover that?
  10. I didn't trigger anything, you started this racist nonsense and keep it going.
  11. Depending on what she studied, she could make loads more money and not having to talk to drunks all the time but do some more challenging work.
  12. So you got a very limited view of the Thai population and therefore your statement about the intelligence of the Thai population isn't worth much.
  13. Then you insulted your own wife's intelligence in your earlier post Need to broaden your horizon, there are way more bars with live music & sport with Thai people then without.
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