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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. It is a bad investment to rent when you are young. Invest 10 million thb and get an investment visa.
  2. A work permit is needed to work. A director of a company who makes decisions is working and needs a work permit. A shareholder who only holds shares and has nothing to do with the running of a company does NOT need a work permit. As a shareholder you don't have an accounting firm for the company, a director would have. It seems you don't understand the difference.
  3. Earn more money as 10K usd is fck all
  4. If you are an owner (is shareholder) you don't need a work permit, you talk nonsense.
  5. Might give you loads of trouble as the real ones will not like it: Chirayu Isarangkun Na Ayuthaya is a Thai economist and court official. He has been the Director-General of the Crown Property Bureau and Grand Chamberlain of the Bureau of the Royal Household since 1987 and become Lord Chamberlain of the Royal Household in the end of 2016. Here some different article quotes: Na Ayudhya[edit] In the Family Name Act, B. E. 2465, Rama VI ordered that royal descendants who do not hold any title should append "Na Ayudhya" (ณ อยุธยา) to their surname to signify they are descended from a royal bloodline. Sometime spelled "Na Ayutthaya". Lèse-majesté in Thailand is a crime according to Section 112 of the Thai Criminal Code. It is illegal to defame, insult, or threaten the monarch of Thailand (king, queen, heir-apparent, heir-presumptive, or regent). With penalties ranging from three to fifteen years imprisonment for each count, it has been described as the "world's harshest lèse majesté law"[1] and "possibly the strictest criminal-defamation law anywhere.
  6. See a doctor
  7. Nah full of sht
  8. Fake name, hope you enjoy it.
  9. If you have a legal business, you pay nothing. People on this forum can only think of 2 sort of businesses, a bar or a restaurant. Most of them know nothing about other businesses.
  10. Nonsense, know enough very successful business owners
  11. So you don't know where about 6 USD went and talked to Amazon, DHL and now you are stuck because you don't have any contact details of the third company?
  12. Your cost in the UK will start from day 1, how long would it take for you and your wife to get a job? How is the job market in the UK for you 2 at the moment. It would be best to start looking for employment way before you want to move.
  13. Mono = 1 AIS is still there so no monopoly, easier to make price arrangements though with less players on the market.
  14. I personally know more than 40
  15. She needs to work for a private company then: Oncologist Radiation Salary Bangkok, Thailand - SalaryExpert
  16. Not a joke, high management for big companies.
  17. Santa Claus and St Nicolas are not the same
  18. They are not legal tender, who would want to give you money for that?
  19. Can they read letters of the Thai tax office which are in Thai? do they know the Thai tax laws?
  20. Natural gas flares likely source of respiratory illness spike – WSU Insider Natural gas flares likely source of respiratory illness spike (medicalxpress.com) Natural gas flares likely source of respiratory illness spike: Respiratory illness increased as far as 60 miles away from flaring of natural gas from oil well -- ScienceDaily There you go
  21. 10-12K isn't average either.
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