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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. He is the manager of the property, he can do what he wants unless the owner says he can't. If you go into a private property, you have to do what the manager tells you, end of.
  2. I actually work with a lot of Thai professionals who are very intelligent on a daily basis. I got Thai lawyers, doctors, a pilot in my family and friends. where do you get your observations from? A bar stool?
  3. You have the right to remain unvaccinated but you will have to accept that it will prevent you from doing certain things.
  4. You attack Thais in general but it seems you haven't got any qualifications to speak of yourself. Typically most people who speak bad of others are dumber than the people they accuse.
  5. What great university did you go to? You aren't well informed about music, other sports or artists. What contribution to this world have you done so far?
  6. If you look at everybody's phone screen and their facial expression, there is something wrong with you.
  7. You haven't got a clue what they are reading on their phone.
  8. Have you ever learned to read properly? i am talking about the numbers of people in hospitals, not about people who have the virus but are asymptomatic.
  9. The policy based on infections is plain wrong, this should be based on stress on the hospitals and their staff.
  10. That number has gone down on a daily basis for months already
  11. Infection number are not important at all. the amount of people getting real sick and need to got to a hospital are. There are less than 600 people in Thailand with a serious problem.
  12. Than you shouldn't moan that nobody is interested in you, don't think many people in your country are have much respect for people who are only attracted in the low pricing and refuse to talk the local language.
  13. If it is their cable, i doubt you are allowed to fix it yourself. Better let them fix it and make something around the cable so your pet can't touch it anymore.
  14. He didn't buy them though did he. Traveling 1 day in that shirt and then immediately go buy shirts or wear that stinky shirt again the next day?
  15. Letting people walk off with your cash and don't inform the Thai bank, you call that streetwise?
  16. Women's independence, what a joke. Most of them don't do it because they like it. How do i know, i grew up the the Amsterdam Red Light district. I don't have a problem with sex workers in general but know the ugly side of it. That part you willingly ignore. Do you really think a 20 year old is having a good time having sex with an old ugly man? You should talk to them to find out. Probably more interested to keep the availability than solving the problem
  17. So you wouldn't mind if they did sex for money or do you have different standards then.
  18. "Aside from being a world leader in technology, education, marriage equality and cannabis legalization" You can forget the world leader part at the last 2, trailing by more than a decade.
  19. In a conventional relationship, the sexual aspect of that relationship is NOT based on sex in exchange for financial security, then you are talking about prostitutes again. A conventional relationship is based on 2 people loving each other NOT 1 party loves, the other 1 needs money.
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