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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. More acceptable than where? Prostitution is officially forbidden while in the Netherlands it is legal. Uni students doesn't need to mean anything, there is a big university where anyone can study without any entrance test.
  2. Nonsense, you are mixing hookers culture with Thai culture. Should try to meet some Thai people other than ones in the sex industry.
  3. People lost millions, you are talking BS: Bitcoin Legal Issues | Important Cases You Should Watch (coincentral.com) 5 Bitcoin Fraud Cases You Should Know About (elliptic.co) There are many more, the post is a pathetic attempt to find more investors.
  4. Prostitution and the customers needing it are in every country of the world.
  5. The people your friend is meeting might have another job but they are still prostitutes.
  6. It is way to volatile. Billions have been stolen / disappeared without any compensation
  7. How many of these cases involve people actually feeling sick, how many need a hospital visit, how many need to go to intensive care?
  8. " No, that's wrong. Chances are things are about to get infinitely worse" Chances are, ..... so what is the percentage that is will happen Mr. epidemiologist?
  9. Which you do by wearing a mask and wash your hands regularly, which doesn't happen enough in Western countries
  10. Nonsense, they marry other rich people.
  11. Presumes being the key word here, 6 hours after of playing the race card still no answer on the qualifications from the OP. So i don't see any reason yet to agree as people who get fired or let go, have a certain view of why they had to leave which might not be the same reason why they have been let go.
  12. Read the second part of my post first before you get your knickers in a twist.
  13. There are many dark skinned Thais. As the OP hasn't given any information about his skills, talents and teaching experience yet, it is premature to blame it on the skin color.
  14. What is you educational background, what sort of teaching degree do you have and how many years of teaching experience at what level?
  15. No he and you aren't, i live here and there is a lot to see and do.
  16. You heard wrong, it definitely is if you want to do sightseeing.
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