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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Swim shirts don't breath at all. You need shirts which let some air though.
  2. Not longer or shorter than the ones who have less customers.
  3. Your IT person, isn't as smart as he wants you to believe. You can upload the different files in parts or even file by file. When you have an lousy connection only an idiot would try to do the whole bunch in 1 go.
  4. Being used in the Netherlands for 50 years without a problem.
  5. Why not, there are girls working behind the window in Amsterdam having 10 customers on a daily basis.
  6. Last review on Tripadvisor is more than 2 years old
  7. The other gun could be a revolver.
  8. Post office, UPS, Fedex, .....
  9. Good post but what happened with the money the 1000 visitors brought?
  10. Like many others already said, if you tell the reception your problem, they will send you to a specialist. If you know what sort of doctor you need to see, you book one online.
  11. "before some monger gets his greasy hands on her and ruins her." You changed your mind quickly.
  12. You seriously think she won't be banging loads of others between now and then?
  13. I didn't go to a bar at 11 am, I had Thai lessons 4 times a week from 10-12.
  14. No it doesn't, girls who want to work during their period use a sponge.
  15. It is a looong time ago i read that, good memories.
  16. She got several ox cars but sadly the buffaloes just died. Maybe you can help her out a bit.
  17. More than 5000 thb per day from a bedroom. Didn't she work in an office?
  18. Most offices they don't have to speak English.
  19. You can ask you HR or Finance department to help with your yearly tax declaration, done between February - April. On that tax form you can declare your Estonian income besides your Thai income. Then you will get a paper from the tax department what tax you still need to pay. This can be done in one go or you can pay equal parts in 3 months time.
  20. It would be nice if you actually read his comments: "She could apply for a non-o visa at a nearby embassy or consulate with supporting documents from the organization." So she can do both.
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