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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. It was swimming in a National Park where you are not allowed to fish.
  2. He lost the plot long before you.
  3. What background / education do you have that makes you a good teacher?
  4. They sell plastic ones
  5. Get a grip he is convicted for ripping off charities: Judge Fines Trump $2 Million for Misusing Charity Foundation | Snopes.com
  6. He feels like this: https://www.facebook.com/memories/?source=promotion_feed_story&story_id=703207316362156&qp_h=AZIu63j1s6zFNSZyWI8 He is delusional like most of his followers.
  7. Head of FBI is a Republican put there by Trump himself, anymore intelligent comments?
  8. Think you missed the part where they removed that sign.
  9. Context: I am not a teacher at a school but a manager in a multinational with common sense. Collect all mobiles before the lessons, return afterwards. You warn the ones (with a loud voice) who cause trouble and tell them the consequences if the won't stop, this could be: Inform parents Remove them from the class room and them to the principal Let them write a speech about what they did wrong and how they think they will improve on this. They can do the speech in front of the class next time, one by one. If they don't stop discuss with principal to let them find another school. If the principal doesn't play ball find another school where they will. For you: find a job that is more suitable.
  10. No assumptions, FACTS which you either refuse to read or to acknowledge. I am done with you either trolling or telling lies. Goodbye.
  11. If you have to ask, you either didn't get a proper teaching training (years worth not 100 hours or the likes) or you are lacking the mental toughness needed to control these kids.
  12. Yes but if you want to use it immediately, just buy a package for a short period and then look for the best deal.
  13. Shouldn't be greedy to start with and sell them for more than face value which is and was forbidden.
  14. He committed a crime by taking them. What is there to negotiate? when he was notified and had any credibility he would have returned them long time ago. Never read so much nonsense from 1 person in 1 thread.
  15. Might be because they are TOP SECRET
  16. He didn't fully cooperate as he still had top secret documents in his possession, another lie.
  17. They found top secret documents, which is a crime, stop spreading BS
  18. you mean you either didn't bother to read attachment B in the link, don't understand it or are just telling porkies.
  19. More from the same article "In February, Archivist David Ferriero testified before Congress that his agency began talking with Trump's people right after they left office and that the Trump camp had already returned 15 boxes of documents to the Archives." So they already had proof that he had taken 15 boxes which is a crime. Now they took 10 more boxes.
  20. He has committed many crimes as a citizen and has been sentenced for that.
  21. Start by defining what you think is a good wife.
  22. A teachers job is to teach, if he / she can't do that without hitting children he / she isn't fit to do the job. Yes, i can be very violent when my family or friends get hurt.
  23. If you can send a kid out of the class to the headmaster and inform the parents. You hit my kids, you end up in hospital.
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