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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. I know the taste of the spirits I drink and that is why I will find out within one zip if it is real or fake. When one is used to drink low-end stuff where the taste is not great to start with, I can imaging it is more difficult to tell.
  2. Fluent since birth, is a joke. Kids need time to learn a language, to speak on a business level takes much longer. Techy kid doesn't say much about his skill set. What would he like to do for work? What education does he have? Any work experience?
  3. "what was expected to be harmless alcohol" Alcohol is never harmless. I like a drink but would never accept any free spirits from a very low-end establishment.
  4. So you lose money to have a farm.
  5. So you lose money to have a farm.
  6. Do you also shout things to the people whose armies bombed and invaded Iraq on false pretences?
  7. Learn to read, I asked what HIS problem is with adoption. I don't have any issues with it. Go mop some floors but don't sniff too much of the cleaning material.
  8. You should try to get a relationship outside of the prostitution area, people are different there.
  9. You should read the bible sometime, it is filled with hate.
  10. Maybe he was afraid that he couldn't resist temptation.
  11. What is the problem with that?
  12. Great idea, don't have to look at competence or if the government needs them. much quicker this way. What a muppet.
  13. If marry a girl when you are 59 and she is 23, you and are a moron to think she loves you instead of your money.
  14. Because the wages are too high / productivity to low compared to third world countries.
  15. I have 1 mg xanax which gives me around 10 hours sleep. Xanax dosage: Form, strengths, how to take, and more doctor says otherwise.
  16. think you mean 1mg
  17. I have a though selection process for hiring people (I actually do hire people in real life, what did you do again?). You would drop out after reading 2 sentences of your applications.
  18. Did the Thai have a drivers license? Was she wearing a helmet? How fast were they driving?
  19. Drivel, doesn't make sense at all. Try again.
  20. Consumer still has to pay the higher price. I don't slur capitalism, I am teaching you how economics work. I have done a lot of international trade, owned several businesses. My wife owns several businesses. What have you done besides being a parrot for Trump?
  21. Caps and bibles, his daughter shoes.
  22. You have no clue, it doesn't benefit the consumer, it benefits USA companies who make the same products. I am not left either.
  23. Everybody who had a look at the CCTV knows. It was his own fault.
  24. CCTV footage from the area was reviewed and showed there was no evidence of foul play and the victim was on his own when climbing over the railings and falling in
  25. "CCTV footage from the area was reviewed and showed there was no evidence of foul play and the victim was on his own when climbing over the railings and falling in"
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