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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Caps and bibles, his daughter shoes.
  2. Then why is Elon's X banning people who don't agree with him?
  3. Half of the replies are from the OP himself.
  4. 18 replies, most of them negative doesn't make it popular, don't worry about the other 6 rules.
  5. No need to make friends here or any other media, I do that only in person.
  6. "The victim shared CCTV footage of the incident" Nice to blame the victim.
  7. I got one and my wife got one.
  8. Much easier to carry than a block of gold though.
  9. Not a 5 star hotel
  10. The bible is a book written (and rewritten many times) by people to fit their agenda. God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs
  11. No problems at all with AIS fiber.
  12. You can buy blood pressure medication at every small pharmacy in minutes for a much better price.
  13. Not surprising, all the silent racists and other creeps feel more supported to out their real feelings.
  14. I don't give a hoot about what you think.
  15. The most important things is what are they going to spend less money on? Fighting wars or education for instance.
  16. My brother is gay and married with a man for decades. He is great with my kids. Would want anyone like you near my kids even if they gave me millions. Disgusting post.
  17. Define quality tourist. Quite a few very rich Indian and Chinese visitors. Hope you don't mean Western sexpats.
  18. The ladies might be annoyed too when you were glancing at them.
  19. You are losing the plot a bit here.
  20. No, stupid homophobic people.
  21. Probably with people who are publicly against it but still in the closet.
  22. They want quality tourists, not homophobic narrow-minded people.
  23. If the MAGA people don't like it, let them stay at home.
  24. What a bull but ok, Hitler made history as did Pol Pot.
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