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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Not really, just a rent boy who wants to clean out foreigner who he doesn't like.
  2. Too many uncertainties, as you hope to have many guests and most likely for short stays, the chance that somebody wrecks the place will get higher. How will you recoup these costs as they could be far away already.
  3. A radiologist takes the picture, then a specialized doctor will have a look at that picture.
  4. From our HR department yesterday, max of 750 thb per month will get higher: "Phase 1, from 1 Jan. 2024 - 31 Dec. 2026, adjusted to be calculated from a wage ceiling of 17,500 THB, contributions not exceeding 875 THB. Phase 2, from 1 Jan. 2027 - 31 Dec. 2029, adjusted to be calculated from a wage ceiling of 20,000 THB, contributions not exceeding 1,000 THB. Phase 3, from 1 Jan. 2030 onwards, adjusted to be calculated from the wage ceiling of 23,000 THB, contribution not exceeding 1,150 THB."
  5. Let's think a bit bigger, Car manufacturer wants to build factory in Thailand but first needs to pay tax on an investment of billions THB. The whole idea is insane.
  6. People who work here are already paying tax every month. As I also get money from my home country, I now have to fill in a form, get the tax department here to fill in their part that I am a tax resident, so I won't get tax deducted from the money coming from the home country anymore.
  7. If you have to ask, you are not the person to do so. Police prefer mediation but depending on the damage from several hundred THB fine and pay medical cost to jailtime when really serious damage.
  8. Never been struck by a motorbike and live here a long time.
  9. It might be very relevant, ignoring it isn't very smart.
  10. Unless you are from the USA, you can only own 49% of the company. Unless you make it a BOI company but then you have to invest way more money.
  11. Making false statements and being caught out, then blaming others is pathetic, get a life.
  12. You said they had no banks, i proofed you wrong. I was your nurse / nanny, don't try to reverse the narrative.
  13. You weren't aware they had banks in 1st world countries, so that doesn't say much. Some prove for the restricted licenses please.
  14. I don't live like that but someone who needs to buy the girls a drink to talk to him, calling people who are employed in the bar and can talk and drink for free losers, should look in the mirror more often.
  15. They are getting paid if they are the manager. and drink for free. Who is the loser now?
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