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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Government is a problem and other companies too but there are many who do without. "own a company that employs many more Thais than you would believe in various industries" This statement says nothing really. How do you know what i believe, better quantify.
  2. Anyone who believes anything Trump says should read this first: World reacts as insane Donald Trump golf claim goes viral (msn.com) If you believe that you need to see a shrink.
  3. Tokyo is nice for a couple of days or Koh Samet.
  4. You can school your kid so they can go to university?
  5. In every company is absolute nonsense. How many companies have you actually worked for or owned here? Loads of bar stool experts in this thread, who only know stories about bar businesses who have to pay because they stay open later then the permissible hours.
  6. No, that probably isn't a thing you can do with all the proper licenses.
  7. It does if you know what you are doing. Know quite a few of businesspeople who don't do payoffs and can run their business without a problem. Been here for a long time.
  8. I am interested to know what your credentials are while making these statements. Things like education, work experience and papers published.
  9. Make sure you have the right paper work and obey the rules about opening times. Then you don't have to pay anyone.
  10. They admitted drinking 10 long Island Ice teas. She will be drunk after a few of those.
  11. My daughter just finished there and is going to a top university. So, don't really care what you think.
  12. Chat GPT has no legal status and data isn't updated since 2021, so wouldn't trust that too much.
  13. Don't climb over metal railings. When will the Go fund Me message appear?
  14. I have one who stays in the house which i feed and get to a doctor when needed. Several other wild cats are around the shared garden who take care of themselves but the youngsters die quite often.
  15. Because they drank 10 Long Island Ice tea's which equals 22.5 shots before they went to dinner.
  16. Rats are looking for food, so keep your house clean and dispose of your garbage properly. Like said before by others, a cat will hunt rats.
  17. Not if you take proper care of them.
  18. You never answer when somebody asks you, so why should they answer?
  19. And the translation can be complete nonsense depending on the language used.
  20. Then it would help to mention what price range you are looking for. "not break the bank" doesn't mean much.
  21. It is for all customers, The Central Bank of Thailand has issued a new security law that has to be followed by all banks. They need a picture of your face to enable biometric test if you want to do bigger transactions (50K +).
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