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Posts posted by mic6ard

  1. Thaksin might not be blamed directly, but I'm pretty sure that the idiots in power got a little hot under the collar.

    With the DSI, anything & everything is suspicious and not transparent, if they don't have a "hand in the basket".

    They are increasingly becoming a political tool for the PT, I'm temping to call the a sort of "Gestapo".

    What a mess this country is heading towards.

    1st car scheme - filling up roads faster than ever before (as if we need more cars here)bah.gif

    1st home - kinda disappearedcoffee1.gif

    rice buying - cheesy.gif

    300baht/day wage hike - sick.gif

    to name a few

    • Like 1
  2. Oh dear, more pai bashing. If you don't like this kind of place then simply don't go back there. The OP liked the countryside, well that IS the main reason for going there. Just keep out of the town. And incidentally there's plenty of places that are less than 800 baht, one just needs to look a bit better. But why stay in the town when the countryside is so nice? Why not stay out there?

    Pai certainly attracts the moaning farang. Crikey, how some farang just bloody moan and moan and moan about being here. Places like chiang mai and pai, even as they are developing, are magnificent when compared to so much of the world, yet they just have to be moaned about.

    Pai is a truly magnificent place with so many guest houses, so many restaurants and eating places, so many drinking places, so many interesting other kinds of places, excellent walking and cycling, magnificent nature opportunities and so much else to commend it. Yet farang who go there, don't like it, just have to moan about their experience and project that into some kind of objective reality.

    Keep away from these places if you don't like them. And as for going at the height of the high season when half of bangkok have left their city is asking for problems for the moaners. There again, perhaps it's the best time to go there if one is a moaner because it provides some class moaning material.

    1. I went to around 12 places in Pai and the cheapest one was B 800 and was a dump (mattress on the floor; no aircon, although not needed now; no fan; no fridge; no view) and tiny.

    2. I would never call Pai a "magnificent place"; bad restaurants (also overpriced), too many visitors; without the beauty of Chiang Mai.

    3. For your information, I also visited many other places at almost the same time and found them to be far more charming and inviting than Pai was. I will not name them because I don't want them to turn into Pais.

    1. 800Baht, of course it's going to be a bit run down. What were you expecting?

    2. Yeah, I agree with most of the comment on this one, you really have to pick and choose your restaurant and hope for the best.

  3. The actual town is sleepy and boring.

    That has always been my take on Pai, but I didn't mind so much when it was cheap.

    That's actually what I like about it. A break from work, nice quiet place to literally do nothing during the day, then get ready for the night, hit a couple of bars.


    Exactly. Luckily the people who get put off by the place never seem to be in evidence when i go there, i only ever meet interesting and varied people there.

    Or, you can hit the countryside during the day and do nothing..!

    @Femi: That's exactly what I did. day1 was travelling to see the sites, visit some temples, hotsprings, the usual touristy things then hit the bar in the evening. But the second day was just plain chill, then hit the walking street again in the evening.

  4. The actual town is sleepy and boring.

    That has always been my take on Pai, but I didn't mind so much when it was cheap.

    That's actually what I like about it. A break from work, nice quiet place to literally do nothing during the day, then get ready for the night, hit a couple of bars.


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  5. so let me get this straight,

    1. people will lose their job so that employer can pay the remaining employee more

    2. people will be either a: enter into unemployment which results in the state paying them benefits.

    b: enter another sector - the best option really

    c: go back to farming - not even guaranteed to get 300/d wage as most would be returning to their family.

    3. decrease taxes on various areas (decrease taxes on the rich so they can pay the poor people more???)

    to summarize: the state is decreasing intake (taxes), and paying more (unemployment benefits)????

  6. Very good discussion going on in my opinion. One portion of the OP seems to have caught the most attention. That is the wage increase.

    Some good input posting by some showing involvement of real thought, and, of course true to form, some just blowing thoughtless anal smoke.

    Lets just take a look at the wage discussion. Yes an increase of this sudden magnitude will have a ripple effect through all of which is Thainess. Some posters see the benefit to a certain group with the creation of this program. The only befefit throughout the program is that it got the certain party elected. Yes, the little people of limited education may feel that they have received a windfall for their vote, but in reality that will soon come crashing down upon them when full reality hits the streets.

    Lets make it simple for the masses. Rather than showing as a salary increase to the worker, lets look at another way so its full implications may be seen. It will have an affect on all in Thailand eventually, so lets consider it as equality and look at it in this manner. Rather than a worker increase in wages, just everyone just add one additional " 0 " to all your income, {great} and add another " 0 " to every expense you have [ not so great]

    Think the ramifications of that one through

    Only good news in this thread, seems to be that at least some people are thinking.


    Yep That's the main problem with the wage hike. Sure it'll help to offset the living expenses, but everything combine is still higher than 9k/mth.

    Rent (for newer place): 4k+

    Food (1 bowl of noodle-special, O-liang):70/meal so add in dinner and beer money = approx 150/day? (might be closer to 250)


    You see what I'm getting at? It actually make sense to hike the wage. I remember working in the US, and my wage suddenly increase due to living cost IN THE AREA increased (according to the employer's calculation).

    However Gonzo raised a good point regarding service sector of the industry. We're already hurting due to higher expenses (gas, electricity, supplier fees and other raw materials).

    And you know what? the affect of the hike was only minimal when you calculate the % increase base on your TOTAL wage, i.e. including those already receiving high wages (managers, etc). So a 30% hike in wage won't mean 30% hike in food price, it still be a noticeable amount.

  7. Uncooked Meat to Blame for Many Cases of Seriously Ill People - Doctor says Woman Died from Bacteria but None Found in Food at Restaurant.

    Dec 11, 2012.



    CityNews - Dr. Surasingh Witsarutrat, the deputy head of Chiang Mai Public Health Office, recently issued a statement saying that the young woman who had died after eating at a moo kata restaurant had been infected by the bacteria Streptococcus Species Agalactiae, but after inspection a. team from the Chiang Mai Health Office could find no signs of the bacteria at the restaurant.


    The office said the bacteria could have come from infected meat as the family insisted that the girl had no congenital disease.

    The doctor added that the bacteria could be fatal to humans depending on where it spread. If it spread to the brain then often the person died. He said that there have been over 100 recorded cases of infections of this particular bacterium in the last few years. Currently three people are hospitalized with this infection and this year two people have died, including the girl, after being infected. In all cases it's thought that uncooked pork or other meat was to blame.

    Master of Public Health, the young doctor who died from eating pork pan. Infection Step Nitro Brian Cox Cup Group B.

    On date . 7 December 55. Tp.dr. Mr. Singh, renowned Chiang Mai Public Health Department Deputy.The statement issued to the press. The case of a student who had just completed a master's degree. After dropping one of Chiang Mai University. Name ". younger banana leaf . " age 23. annually. Died without knowing the exact cause. After eating pork in a pan in the city with a group of friends. In the past, about the middle of November. Days later with fever and headache, low grade fever and relatives have brought was treated by doctors at Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital. And after it . 2 days. Symptoms did not improve. Until they lose consciousness. And found to be infected in the blood stream to be treated in intensive care and died.The fact of the matter is that social media extensively. Because they do not know what it died of any cause.Part of the restaurant to eat pig pan because I fear that no one will infect them.

    Mr. Singh Tp.dr. renowned Department of Health, vice Dr. Chiang said of the detected bacteria.Steph's Peter Cox Keystone species in Galaxy Theatre or Group B.. Streptococcus specie agalactiae. , and as far as checking meat from pig pan so after the scene already . 4 days did not have this bacteria. While checking animals, which is what the other consequences that would have been contaminated with this bacteria does. Of the initial spatially because of disease progression and death is already up. Because this bacteria can infect the urinary tract. And acquired from eating the meat may be contaminated from the start of the fermentation or animal kill or be killed, and be patient with this infection. Which must be carefully examined again. The basic question of the dead relatives that the patient does not have any diseases.

    In case of death during the treatment of a doctor. This type of bacteria that is spread to parts of the body. If the patient progressed to brain death is easier. The patient information section of this pathogen in Thailand that. 3-4. past year found more than 100. cases. During this time, close to the patient . 3 business together. Which occurred on the day, time and place. Disease is now being investigated. And this year have died and this is number 2. them. This disease outbreak. But can not because of the food. For eating raw pork to pan. And may lead to infection. Therefore need to be cooked before consumption before to be safe.

    ". although the cause of this patient died from infection stepping protocols for Custer's Galaxy Theatre or Group B to be stating the obvious that come from eating pork pan would be. difficult Because raw fish, pork, beef, chicken etc. into the store each day with a lot. And sold every day. Make it difficult to detect contamination of the sample material. The good is that consumers should be more careful. Shipping raw meat must be cooked. To sterilize. Another thing that is a concern. Using chopsticks is that individual consumers will fork over the chopsticks raw meat on a roasting pan. And the chopsticks to eat the same meat fork. This is considered very vulnerable to contamination from raw meat to enter the body more easily. ". Tp.dr. Mr. Singh said. .

    City News

    Did any one make any sense of this????? Check your writing people, please.

    Anyway back on topic. It was wrong for the authority to even mention the Strep B. infection (Streptococcus agalactiae) before the whole report was done.

    A simple wikipedia search and some digging through medical mumbo jumbo, will tell you that this thing won't kill you if eaten.

    http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/229091-clinical - for further information for those who really cares.

  8. Am looking at mid year, doubt that they can make it on Q1, but never knows. Don't look like they've turned the space over to the renters to move in and decorate yet, and that's a worrying sign. Also plenty of landscaping to finish.

    Pity, they've lost the head start on the Central Festival, would have been great for them to open as plan, and build up the name before the 'sure shot' Central opens.

  9. Lok Kratong is just how it is, similar to Songkran, and other reason to party. It has gotten a lot quieter though, and the floating lantern didn't have the string of bangers attached like last year.

    To bring a big contrast, went to a bar by the river on friday, there were family and couples still letting go of their kratong with silent prayers and wishes on the bank, and yet not even 100, away there're pub blasting music and a crowd of drinkers enjoying a totally different side of thing.

  10. Don't ask me, but I'm glad that it didn't rain last night until pretty late. Would have ruin the fun for everybody.

    but yeah this year has been weird, rain arrives late, 'winter' isn't really here yet and it's still raining!!! <deleted>

    If GOD was playing dice, I believe that we got "snake eyed" this year. But WOULD there be 2013???

  11. Yep i was there--they had my fav beer!!!!!!!!!!! i even spoke-thanked the guy who was running it--

    www.JulioFandB.com --out on superhgwy-- Chris was the guy---co-owner-not sure if another this yr

    Apparently not this year, but I heard that they are planning on a better Beer Fest next year. Well better than last year anyway.

  12. I'm curious about more specific feedback about the parking situation. Was there not enough parking? Was it confusing about where to park? This seems like something we can work on for the future.

    parking was a bit confusing especially during set up period, some were parked where they really shouldn't parked. Barely enough room to drive through. Possibility of signage to parking at the main JJ parking lot?

  13. i think that some people are went to a different fair! I don't remember seeing food being sold at really high price? Actually I believe that most fair-food vendors tend to over charge, but I didn't see much/or any of that there.

    Yes, I went and there were some nice things and some not so nice things about it:

    1) the location sucks. It doesn't help that there is another JJ Market near the Night Bazaar and this location is out of the way. Lots of people who have lived here for years had to consult maps to figure out where this was.

    2) it was too commercial; too many businesses (especially hotels and restaurants) selling overpriced food and drink and there just "flying their flags". I saw a wine tasting for about B 240; really? Come on, who's going to pay that at a casual, outdoor event like this? How about a community/organization run BBQ (chicken, burgers, pork, sausages) that offers good food & drink at sane prices? That would go over big, in my opinion. Maybe the restaurants and hotels should consider giving out some free samples of their food rather than charging B 100 or more for small servings. There was a local monthly magazine there (maybe one of the sponsors) selling yearly subscriptions to their tourist magazine which is given away for free! I noted that they had no customers.

    3) the best part was the individual people (not businesses) who brought unusual things for sale and were ready to bargain on their prices (unlike the commercial ventures). Lots of nice books, records, cds, dvds, clothing etc. for sale at great prices. But again, food and drink were vastly overpriced. Because some of the money goes to charity, does that mean it's an occasion to nick the entire community? High prices also meant that locals were effectively screened out (or smart enough to stay away and visit the far vaster and cheaper Saturday morning market). This was mostly an expat affair, not many Thais except for the "usual suspects" as vendors.

    4) lots of the same vendors that sell the same things everywhere else and can be seen time and again at all the other walking streets. Why not try to screen these people, who seem to make their business off of such events, out? They're boring and repetitive.

    5) I heard no music. How about some live, free music to attract customers and also to keep them?

    6) the timing was bad. Kind of post Thanksgiving for Americans; competed with the Jazz festival; and in the middle of Loy Kratong activities for Thais plus at exactly the same time as the Saturday morning market.

    you seem to be not enjoying yourself much.

    I was there that day and I kinda enjoyed.

    1. Is there really another JJ market by the night bazaar? I know there's a J something there but is it really JJ? Sure the location could need more advertising but hey...

    2. Food for big money??? Come on have you gone to a fair that's not over charged??? Charity or not. 50baht for a burger or hotdog ain't expensive (to you maybe). Sure there will be some that charge more than others, but that's your choice of where to spend

    3. the prices weren't that high were they??? Have you been to any other fair recently, that's not a walking street or garage sale? I think that they are pretty similarly priced. And honestly was this event even aimed at the local??? I don't think so. As there is no connection between the RBL and the locals anyway.

    4. Then who do you think that you'll get to sell stuff??? If you want some thing new, what. Won't exclusive items just drive the prices up? You don't want the 'usual' stuff therefore it has to be exclusive!!!

    5. The music was there, just probably earlier than you

    6. Then when...

    Sorry I don't usually goes off like this, but some people put in a lot of work to make this event. I just can't stand people who'll just try to burn it.

    I personally think that the event was nice, casual and not really overly crazy.Need to do something with the parking though.

    good 1st time event

  14. When I was young in the US the minimum wage was $1 US. Gasoline was 25 cents. 4 gallons for one dollar. Gold was $35 an ounce. Silver dollars, 1/2 dollars, quarters and dimes were made of real silver. I can tell you what an ounce of silver was worth because I had it in my pocket in the form of dollars, halves, quarters and dimes. Yes it was an alloy to make the coin more durable, but it was still like 90% silver.

    Everything was not only fine, but much better. The US was still on the gold standard. Every dollar printed was backed by gold.

    Now we've had inflation. The dollar won't buy much gold at $1,700 an ounce. That's a statement of the value of a dollar which is no longer backed by gold but is just flying off the printing presses. People want $1,700 of them for their ounce of gold now.

    "A rising tide lifts all boats." Expats will suffer badly. Their income isn't rising but costs will. Someone has to pay this new minimum wage, including those who receive it. What good would it do "the poor" if you tripled the minimum wage but prices also tripled to cover it? The only hope of a ray of sunshine for expats is that maybe, just maybe, inflation in LOS would make the baht worth less against other currencies. Maybe expats could stay even with rising prices. Maybe.

    That's all inflation is. The value of the coin of the realm loses value and it takes more of them to buy something.

    clap2.gifclap2.gif the gov't don't seem to understand that.

    We'll raise the minimum wage but you can't raise your price!!! cheesy.gif

  15. As a business owner, I can understand where they are coming from by simply calculating how much on average my employee spend on gas and etc. There's no way to survive on the current minimum wage.

    However I don't think that the government actually examine the impact of these wage hikes.

    It's ridiculous. Up my price and risk losing customers, or take a big hit on expenditure. Lose/lose situation so far.

    People here wants: Best product at lowest cost, best paying job at lowest work load.

    I'm willing to pay for the best employee but being in the service sector I do need to have lower level employee as well whose job doesn't equate to high pays.

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