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Posts posted by mic6ard

  1. Yep Somchai is really out of his depth. How can u say that losing 50% of your runway won't affect anything??? What an idiot.

    The problem would be to those with flight connections, the CIQ peoples. How the heck are they going to connect between low cost domestics, and the larger international flights without losing at least half a day in traffic.

    Would these connection includes hotel rooms to stay for the night???w00t.gif

    Or better yet, extend the airport link to Don Muang using the old Hopewell structures. blink.png

  2. what type of BBQ are you looking for? Western styles are a rarity here in CM, but if you are looking for Thai style then take your pick. A couple of places do Korean or Japanese style BBQ.

    For me? when I have the urge, I smoke my own stuff. Or grill my own ribs, YUMMMM.

  3. Harley Davidson's are very popular with Thais and expats, the picture was taken on a trip to Khao Yai National park where we (HOG Thailand) meet this group of Thais on shinny relatively new HD's.

    Thais loves HD's, everywhere I gone on mine people was waving and giving the thumps up and sometimes the police even salute you despite I was passing them at +120 km/h, he-he.

    On another trip with HOG (Harley Owner Group Thailand) we were 8 bikes but only 4 made the green light at an intersection but the police hold the traffic back so we could all pass in one gothumbsup.gif.

    When I lived in England I thought I'd give the Harley experience a go and bought an XR1200. This automatically gave me membership to HOG and although not one for group rides I thought I'd go on one of the local chapters Sunday runs. At the meeting point I was surrounded by accountants with attitude dressed in all the overpriced apparel including chaps and fingerless mitts. We stopped at a pub and they all bought bottles of Budweiser. When I stepped into the garden with a pint of London Pride in my hand I was met with universal disapproving stares. I kept the bike for a while and it wasn't at all bad within it's limitations, but I found the 'scene' excruciating. Each to their own but it wasn't for me.

    IMOH those guys are the types that really ruin H-D for the others. They just goes way OTT with the HOG "culture". Personally I'll rather get a pint of Newcastle Brown or anything but definitaly not a Bud.

  4. Went from PCX to CBR, now XL1200C. Probably the best HD for me, since I use it everyday I can. Which means plenty of city riding, so it's a purrrfect size for city streets in CM.

    Reason? It's the bike I saw and wanted in the US, and really like the classic looks, (I DIDN'T CHANGE THE EXHAUST either). I am not part of any club, but will usually hooked up with a couple of friends and just go for a ride.

  5. "If the former, then surely marks the beginning of the end for the gas station attendants"

    Not in a month of Sundays!

    Can you see hi-so Lil stepping out of her new Merc to get petrol all over her hands.....shoes.....heaven forbid.....the car?

    No she'll get her "boy" to do it for her!!!

    But yeah I can see that happening - getting petrol all over the place that is. cheesy.gif

  6. UEFA are not at fault here, they have issued the Thai rights to GMM, end of story.

    As Beano pointed out True transmissions could/would interfere with other countries arrangements.

    True viewers should stop bleating and accept the fact that TV rights are a competitive market.

    There's no way Thai TV companies are going to run rings around UEFA

    You've lost the plot big time buddy. It would have been no problem if GMM decide to show the matches only on their net work, but they decide to put it on FREE (unrestricted)TV!!!

    Once a program is on FREE tv, it should be open to every one.

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  7. Go and get that book, you'll need it. As you probably know, the DMV/MOT has stopped licensing bikes built from parts, etc. So you'll most likely not be able to get a new one, unless you have all the sale documents, and copy of the book and lots of talking.

    OH and before you buy, check if the numbers all matched up. Frame, engine, CC, year, etc. Last thing you want would be going to the DMV and find out that the book was faked.

  8. So GMM decided to put the Euro2012 on free TV, and now they are complaining that True can't show it??? Dude, it's called FREE TV for a reason.

    "Natee said the commission would not summon GMM Z, the GMM Grammy satellite-content and set-top-box distributor, to the meeting as it does not operate under the NBTC regime. The watchdog will oversee only the incumbent operators such as TrueVisions and free-TV channel operators."

    So basically saying that the commission only has control over broadcaster made before the commission came into being? and any that came after can't be regulated??????

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